Friday, December 7, 2018

This is why Mueller is taking so long to complete his investigation...

Trump lashes out at Robert Mueller on Twitter ahead of expected Manafort, Cohen filings
President Trump lashed out at Special Counsel Robert Mueller in a series of tweets on Friday ahead of court filings expected later in the day. Mr. Trump also promised that his lawyers would release a report to counter Muller's final findings.

How fearful are Administration officials of Mueller? “If the president had a dog the dog would lawyer up,” I was told. - Brian J. Karem

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In an instant Europe has gone from being the most stable region in the world to anything but. Paris is burning, the Merkel era is ending, Italy is playing a dangerous game of chicken with the EU, Russia is carving up Ukraine, and the UK is consumed by Brexit. History is resuming. - Richard N. Haass

I Wonder If Mueller Has Interviewed Rex Tillerson
Rex Tillerson in Texas: “So often, the president would say here's what I want to do and here's how I want to do it and I would have to say to him, Mr. President I understand what you want to do but you can't do it that way. It violates the law.”

Trump is freaking out because he knows the First Family is about to experience Robert Mueller’s family separation policy. - Tom Arnold

Republican Shenanigans

On the day Trump leaves office I will get so drunk Brett Kavanaugh will tell me I’ve had enough. - Andy Borowitz

Bring it on, again.

More Hillary Investigations To Come
Bill Barr, the man Trump will nominate as the nation’s next attorney general, has previously supported Trump’s call to investigate Hillary Clinton and questioned the need for Mueller’s probe

Trump is hanging his legal hopes on a Mueller counter report that will be written by Rudy Giuliani.
The Clem Kadiddlehopper of Counselors.
The Clouseau of Cybersecurity.
I can’t wait. - bjcreigh tweet


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A man can be an insufferable asshole 364 days a year & the media will suggest on the 1 day he’s not that he’s turned a positive corner. 
A woman can sit still & ignore the man who’s spent two years screaming for her imprisonment & be called a rude bitch. - Michelle

Rock The Voter News

Margaret Atwood is writing a sequel to The Handmaid's Tale, and  Donald Trump is almost finished with the prequel. - Stephen Colbert

Someone Cares About Hurricane Maria Victims
Four prominent Democratic senators on Thursday asked the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security to broaden an ongoing investigation into contracting and hurricane relief problems in Puerto Rico.


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Don Jr.'s at home printing out emails to shred. - Simon Maloy

Business/Tech News

What kind of masochist would go work for Trump now?  It's career suicide by President. - Schooley tweet

The Chinese Hacked Marriott
Hackers behind a massive breach at hotel group Marriott International Inc. left clues suggesting they were working for a Chinese government intelligence gathering operation, according to sources familiar with the matter.

All I'm saying is you don't hear Jews complaining about "the war on Hanukkah" and there actually was one. - OhNoSheTwint



Odd News

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Wishing you all a lovely weekend.


Thursday, December 6, 2018

** Jaws Theme playing **

CNN's Toobin: Mueller filings suggest probe 'increasingly focused' on Trump
Jeffrey Toobin said Thursday that Cohen's guilty plea was as "close to President Trump as Mueller has ever come" in terms of public disclosures.

Americans want Mueller to text them the second this nightmare is over. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump’s funeral someday will consist of Sean Hannity pushing his body around in a shopping cart while Jeanine Pirro screech-cries and blames Hillary. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Trump Escalates Trade War. Wall Street Falls Back In Horror.
Huawei Technologies Co (HUAWEI) is now trapped in the crosshairs of a trade war.
Meng Wanzhou, the CFO for Huawei Technologies and daughter of the founder of the Chinese telecommunications giant, was arrested in Vancouver, Canada on December 1 and could face extradition to the U.S. over potential violations of U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Remember when the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions?Good times. - Rick Wilson

Republican Shenanigans

I Bet They'll Be Caught Red-Handed. Get It? 
A Democratic U.S. congressman on Wednesday called for an emergency hearing into claims of fraud in a North Carolina election, where the state is probing alleged improper handling of ballots by political operatives.

“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I'm impeached, they’re going to watch it,” Trump bragged.- Andy Borowitz

Gurl, did you hear that Mike Flynn might have been wearing a wire? -  Barbara Malmet


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George W. Bush has about two or three more times to hand Michelle Obama a piece of candy before y’all completely forget about the Iraq invasion and the 2008 financial crisis altogether. - Donte Stallworth

Rock The Voter News

Those who really deserve praise today are the Obamas for having to tolerate sitting next to the racist birthers whose rhetoric endangered their lives both whilst in office and out of office. - Ricky Davila

Don Jr. Thinks He's Going To Be Indicted
Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano said Wednesday that Donald Trump Jr. has spoken privately to friends, telling them he expects an indictment forthcoming from Robert Mueller's special counsel office.

All Living Former Presidents Make Plans To Reunite At Trump’s Impeachment. - Andy Borowitz


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“Look, falling out of the sky! It's the Dow, it's the Nasdaq, it's... TARIFF MAN!” - Middle Age Riot tweet

Business/Tech News

Question: How Many Laws Can A Kushner Break?
Answer: I've Lost Count.
The family of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is taking advantage of a tax break in the 2017 Trump tax cut that was designed to spur investment in low-income communities.

Instead of “Individual 1” I wish Mueller would refer to Trump as #ThatFcuker. - Andy Borowitz


Thank you! Only 9 more days till AHNC's 18th Birthday!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

These are Mandarin Dragonfish., the non-fire breathing type.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

BREAKING: Trump Tackled on White House Lawn Fleeing Arresting Officers

Mueller: Flynn gave ‘substantial assistance’ to probe, deserves little to no prison
“The defendant deserves credit for accepting responsibility in a timely fashion and substantially assisting the government.”

Elton John: Rocket man
Billy Joel: Piano man
Beatles: Nowhere manDonald Trump: Tariff manRobert Mueller: You’re f*cked, man. - Palmer Report tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s amazing how many people can still imagine Mike Pence was picked by Manafort, worked closely with Flynn and dealt constantly with Trump...yet somehow did not know what was going on and is not complicit.- Michael Beschloss

Want To Be Scared? Really Scared?
Amid all the recent fears about North Korea building an electromagnetic-pulse weapon that could disrupt America’s electronic backbone, another potential threat has been ignored: Russia’s new Alabuga EMP weapons program.
Russian media describes a program that appears to be aimed at developing tactical EMP weapons that would affect a small area, rather than strategic arms that would disable, say, a nation’s entire electrical grid.

Furloughed Willie Horton Pays Respects At George H.W. Bush Funeral - The Onion

I love that Trump has zero idea that he has the right to remain silent.- Andy Lassner

Republican Shenanigans

Pence Asks Jesus to Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Can Indict Him - Andy Borowitz

I Wonder How Much Higher Jared Kushner's Voice Will Get When He's Handcuffed
Michael Flynn’s sentencing memo could spell deep trouble for Jared Kushner, the son-in-law to President Donald Trump and a senior White House adviser.

You know, if Mueller takes out Trump and Pence, we won’t have to worry about the GOP anymore. All their heads will simultaneously implode the first time they have to say “President Pelosi.” - goldengateblond tweet


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Our future is: Female 
Powered by our belief in one another.And we’re just getting started. - Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Rock The Voter News

You Go Girl!
Virginia Democrat Abigail Spanberger had a potent defense against attacks by President Donald Trump and other Republicans casting her party as weak on national security: her career as a covert CIA counter-terrorism officer.

If Republicans really want to end voter fraud, they could just stop. - Kona Lowell

You know who never pleaded the fifth and testified for 11 hours because she was innocent?
Hillary Clinton.- Ricky Davila


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Business/Tech News

I shot the tariff, but I did not shoot the subsidy. - Michael McGough

So, How's Your Internet Service?
Cuba's state telephone company will allow mobile phone customers to use the Internet via a new 3G network, starting on Thursday. But as with previous tech advances in the island nation, only those who can afford it will be able to take advantage of the access — which remains under the control of the autocratic government.

 "There is no man smaller than the coward at a hero’s wake.” - Old Irish Saying

Dogs never bite me, just humans. - Marilyn Monroe

Prohibition ended 85 years ago today


Thank you so much!


Odd News

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Baby Pangolin napping on its mother's tail. Didn't we all.
