Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nobody knows who committed this. Everybody knows who incited it.

Packages to De Niro, Biden seized, similar to pipe bombs
Suspicious packages addressed to actor Robert De Niro and former Vice-President Joe Biden were intercepted Thursday, and investigators said they were similar to crude pipe bombs sent to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and CNN.

Jeffrey Toobin on CNN: "this is not a 'both sides need to tone down the rhetoric' kind of thing. This is Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the only one using this kind of inflammatory language. This is on the president."

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In case you slept through the "black helicopter, 'B1' Bob Dornan, militia nuts, Limbaugh, Gingrich" 1990s (as did, apparently every pundit in America) the Right has always been pretty horrifying.
Then Tim McVeigh took them at their "Government is The Enemy!" word...- wraithglass tweet

Trump's A Walkin' Talkin' Security Leak
Former and current officials connected to President Donald Trump revealed that Russian and Chinese spies are tapping into calls he takes on his personal cellphone, which his aides have repeatedly warned him is vulnerable to such infiltration, according to a New York Times report published Wednesday.

Oh, Donald Trump, raise crows, and they'll gouge out your eyes! Your tweets have ignited violence and have divided the nation. You're calling for peace, but you won't get it, because you've normalized violence, you hatemonger. - Vicente Fox Quesada

Republican Shenanigans

I dislike this rhetorical device, but..... If Obama had used iPhones intercepted by the Russians and Chinese--and lost one in a golf cart--Republicans in Congress would have immediately launched 17 investigations. And Fox commentators would have been talking impeachment. - David Corn

Mueller Zeroes In On Roger Stone And Wikileaks
Special counsel Robert Mueller has obtained new evidence indicating that right-wing dirty trickster and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone had direct knowledge of WikiLeaks’ hack of former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails before they were publicly released.

I'd settle for making America functional again. - John Fugelsang

Hillary Clinton was the only First, First Lady to ever wear a bulletproof vest. Her life has been threaten for demanding people get healthcare in the 90s. People wanted to burn, shoot and blow Hillary Clinton up for decades. Today we saw a woman who's resilient and unafraid. - Mr. Weeks


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Rock The Voter News

In 2016, Trump said Hillary Clinton’s secret service should stop protecting her so we could “see what happens to her.” 
He also suggested - maybe, just maybe - the “Second Amendment people” should do something about her if she were to get elected President.  - Pat Cunnane

Steve Bannon Has Low Turnout 
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is getting the cold shoulder from GOP candidates who are refusing to appear with him at rallies that he is holding to boost their midterm election chances.

Hillary, Soros, Obama, CNN, Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro... Jokes aside, if Trump had ever personally attacked me in a tweet, I’d be fearing for my life now. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

What do we want?


When do we want it?


Trump To Allow Oil Drilling In The Arctic Ocean. My God.
The Trump administration approved a company’s plan Wednesday to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska, the first time oil would be produced from federal waters in the Arctic.

"Example, whether it be good or bad, has a powerful influence." - George Washington



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Extreme hot-tubbing in Iceland. Oh, yes, I could do that.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

There's an anonymous assassin on the loose

'Act of terror': Bombs sent to CNN, Clintons, Obamas, Holder, Waters ...
 Authorities have intercepted bombs intended for former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and several other top political ...

I wonder if Trump’s supporters at his rallies are going to replace their usual “Lock her up!” chant with “Blow her up!” - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It is on Donald Trump's hands that 'fake news' got real bombs. - Roland Scahill

I'm Surprised There Isn't A Shortage On Tin Foil
With news that bombs have been sent over the past two days have been sent to the Clintons, the Obamas, CNN and George Soros, some Trump supporters are claiming the entire story is a conspiracy set up by Soros himself.

When I was reporting from Trump rallies his supporters were talking about murder and violent revolution. They talked about killing the exact people who were targeted today. Listen to them. Stop making excuses for them. Stop pretending it’s just empty rhetoric. - Jared Yates Sexton

Republican Shenanigans

What tone will @realDonaldTrump take tonight at his rally in Wisconsin, given the serial bombs that were delivered to several of his favorite verbal targets? - David Axelrod tweet

Trump Released The Kraken. This Is Just The Beginning.
A number of gay bars in Nashville reported receiving fliers with images of President Trump and assault rifles last week in what bar owners believe was a targeted threat.

The 41 abortion clinics bombed by right-wing extremists since 1977 could not be reached for comment. - Bobby Lewis


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Dow plunges more than 600 points today - wiping out all of 2018 gains. Waiting for the spin from POTUS . . . coming in 3,2,1... - Brian. J. Karem

Rock The Voter News

Is it weird that my ballot was in Russian? - Conan O'Brien

Hillary Thanks The Secret Service
Hillary Clinton addressed the suspicious package sent to her home in upstate New York, thanking Secret Service agents for working to keep her and her family safe.

It’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed and Trump defends the murderers. Oh wait. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you're not going to be able to govern them. You won't be able to unite them later. - Barack Obama

What Is $50 Million Divided By 200 million? Answer: $0.25. I'll Get A Quarter From Yahoo. Yahoo!
Yahoo must pay $50 million in damages to victims of one of the largest data breaches on record.
Yahoo has agreed to pay $50 million in compensation to victims of the security breach, estimated to be roughly 200 million individuals. In addition,

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Wave Paria Canyon- Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona. I love Mother Nature's sculptures.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Prince & The Puppet

Turkish president vows to reveal the 'naked truth' behind the 'savage murder' of Jamal Khashoggi
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that the “savage murder” of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Turkey...

I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories, but the fact that the Saudis' cover-up plan was so moronic does kind of point to Jared. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I have been beaten, my skull fractured, and arrested more than forty times so that each and every person has the right to register and vote. Friends of my gave their lives. Do your part. Get out there and vote like you’ve never voted before. - Rep. John Lewis

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Let's Get Physical, Physical 𝆕
More than a year into his role as chief of staff in the Trump White House, John Kelly’s patience with other men in Trump’s orbit is reportedly wearing thin.
According to a Monday report in the New York Times, in February, Kelly got into a physical altercation with former campaign manager-turned Trump hype man Corey Lewandowski just after the two were dismissed from the Oval Office. The incident involved Kelly grabbing Lewandowski by the collar.

Republican Shenanigans

So Trump makes up some bullsh-t story about how George Soros is paying brown people to invade America and in response, one of his unhinged dimwit worshipers put a bomb in Soros' mailbox. we Jews have seen this movie before and we didn't much care for it the first time. - Jeff Tiedrich

BREAKING: Caravan of hardened criminals spotted making their way into the United States.

Hate Vaccinations? Here's Your Guy!
Bob Stefanowski, the GOP nominee for governor in Connecticut, questioned the effectiveness of vaccinations for children, saying in a newly surfaced video that he doesn't believe parents should be “dumping a lot of drugs into kids for no reason."

McConnell, if you think you're going to get away with taking from seniors after you have given to the rich, you have another thing coming. We will not allow you to touch #SocialSecurity, #Medicare, or #Medicaid to make up for your wild tax cuts for corporations & the rich. - Rep. Maxine Waters tweet


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Christine Blasey Ford right now is probably wondering why her testimony wasn’t as credible to Trump as the Saudis’ watertight fistfight scenario. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Georgia Needs A Woman Governor To Clean Up The GOP Mess
Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State and the Republican nominee for Georgia governor, expressed at a ticketed campaign event that his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams’ voter turnout operation “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote,” according to audio obtained by Rolling Stone.

Guys, we don't know for sure it was a maga who tried to blow up George Soros. It could've been a leftie who was tired of marching without getting paid. - Randi Mayem Singer


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To stem the tide of immigration, move Trump to the Mexican border and have him talk nonstop, just to give would-be immigrants a nightmarish glimpse of what life in the US is like. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

There Goes The Census...
The Supreme Court has temporarily shielded Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from having to sit for questioning under oath in the lawsuits over a controversial citizenship question the Trump administration added to the 2020 census.

Thousands of Swedes are getting microchips implanted under their skinthat they can use to ride trains and open doors. The only chips I want in me have ruffles. - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Here's a photo of how insignificant we are in the universe. Those little dots are the earth and moon as seen through Saturn's rings.
