Suspicious packages addressed to actor Robert De Niro and former Vice-President Joe Biden were intercepted Thursday, and investigators said they were similar to crude pipe bombs sent to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and CNN.
Jeffrey Toobin on CNN: "this is not a 'both sides need to tone down the rhetoric' kind of thing. This is Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the only one using this kind of inflammatory language. This is on the president."
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Saudi Arabia admits that Jamal Khashoggi's killing was "premeditated."
- China denies report it spies on Trump’s iPhone, suggests he get a Huawei instead
- Kremlin 'amused' by report that Russia listening to Trump's phone calls
- Trump decries 'political violence' after years of stoking it
- Bolton achieving 'life's work' by axing international deals
In case you slept through the "black helicopter, 'B1' Bob Dornan, militia nuts, Limbaugh, Gingrich" 1990s (as did, apparently every pundit in America) the Right has always been pretty horrifying.
Then Tim McVeigh took them at their "Government is The Enemy!" word...- wraithglass tweet
Trump's A Walkin' Talkin' Security Leak
Former and current officials connected to President Donald Trump revealed that Russian and Chinese spies are tapping into calls he takes on his personal cellphone, which his aides have repeatedly warned him is vulnerable to such infiltration, according to a New York Times report published Wednesday.
Oh, Donald Trump, raise crows, and they'll gouge out your eyes! Your tweets have ignited violence and have divided the nation. You're calling for peace, but you won't get it, because you've normalized violence, you hatemonger. - Vicente Fox Quesada
Republican Shenanigans
- Brennan to Trump: 'Clean up your act' and 'try to act presidential'
- Donald Trump attacks 'media hostility' after mail bombs
- Trump to propose sweeping changes to Medicare drug prices
- White House women stump for Republicans
- Megyn Kelly is off her 9 am show, and may not be back
- Republicans Holding Judicial Hearing With Senate In Recess
- Mueller link seen in mystery grand jury appeal
I dislike this rhetorical device, but..... If Obama had used iPhones intercepted by the Russians and Chinese--and lost one in a golf cart--Republicans in Congress would have immediately launched 17 investigations. And Fox commentators would have been talking impeachment. - David Corn
Mueller Zeroes In On Roger Stone And Wikileaks
Special counsel Robert Mueller has obtained new evidence indicating that right-wing dirty trickster and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone had direct knowledge of WikiLeaks’ hack of former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails before they were publicly released.
I'd settle for making America functional again. - John Fugelsang
Hillary Clinton was the only First, First Lady to ever wear a bulletproof vest. Her life has been threaten for demanding people get healthcare in the 90s. People wanted to burn, shoot and blow Hillary Clinton up for decades. Today we saw a woman who's resilient and unafraid. - Mr. Weeks
Rock The Voter News
- 10 Suspicious Packages Sent to Prominent Democrats
- Poll: Feinstein holds wide lead in California Senate race
- Obama photographer: Photos brought me to tears
In 2016, Trump said Hillary Clinton’s secret service should stop protecting her so we could “see what happens to her.”
He also suggested - maybe, just maybe - the “Second Amendment people” should do something about her if she were to get elected President. - Pat Cunnane
Steve Bannon Has Low Turnout
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is getting the cold shoulder from GOP candidates who are refusing to appear with him at rallies that he is holding to boost their midterm election chances.
Hillary, Soros, Obama, CNN, Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro... Jokes aside, if Trump had ever personally attacked me in a tweet, I’d be fearing for my life now. - OhNoSheTwint
Business/Tech News
- CNN chief rips Trump after suspicious device sent to network
- American Airlines Hurt by Jet-Fuel Costs
- Say goodbye to Pax Americana. Trump is accelerating its demise
- Twitter is more profitable despite losing 9 million 'users'
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Trump To Allow Oil Drilling In The Arctic Ocean. My God.
The Trump administration approved a company’s plan Wednesday to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska, the first time oil would be produced from federal waters in the Arctic.
"Example, whether it be good or bad, has a powerful influence." - George Washington
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