Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hi y'all. The president is engaging in a murder cover up to protect cash flows from the House of Saud.

Trump says he doesn't want to abandon Riyadh in crisis over journalist
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he does not want to walk away from Saudi Arabia despite concerns about a missing Saudi journalist, as pressure mounted on the kingdom to answer Turkish allegations he was killed in Istanbul.

Whomever planned the execution of Jamal Khashoggi did a lousy job by leaving so many obvious clues. Everything from the 15 man hit team arriving at the airport to the murder site and dismembering and disappearing his body. Putin is much more efficient, he uses a sniper or poison or a shove from a balcony. 

Thank you, Donald J. Trump, for comparing the Saudi murderers to Brett Kavanaugh. I couldn't think of a more apt analogy. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Saudi Arabia dangled dollars & G W Bush helped cover up their involvement in 9/11 deaths. 
Saudi Arabia is dangling dollars again & Trump is helping cover up their involvement in Jamal Khashoggi’s death.
Want to get away with murder? Prices available @WhiteHouse upon request. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Mueller Doesn't Want To Pull A Comey, Apparently.
Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly expected to present findings related to key aspects of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election after this November's midterm elections.

I think it’s interesting that the Turkish government is so (rightly) concerned about the alleged death of a journalist, all while packing their own jails with journalists.- Julia Ioffe

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump making fun of ANYONE’S appearance is the most fragile of glass houses. - Ike Barinholtz

Uh Oh. Is Jarvanka In Trouble For Fraud?
The Manhattan district attorney’s office is being investigated for closing cases against the wealthy and powerful after getting big campaign donations...According to the report, the FBI is looking at whether Cy Vance Jr. and his staff dropped high-profile cases after “lawyers for the well-connected subjects made donations.”
Vance, a Democrat, once refused to bring criminal charges against Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. in an alleged real estate scam. The Trump children were facing charges of fraud for allegedly lying about the number of condos that had been sold in one of their properties.

On this day in 1933, Albert Einstein arrived in America as a refugee from Nazi Germany. Imagine if Trump was president back then.... -irishygirl


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I am asking you to believe.  Not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. - Barack Obama

Rock The Voter News

Imagine that President Email Lady helped cover up a gruesome murder committed by a foreign dictatorship because she had personal financial ties to its ruling family. Hannity would burst into flames on live TV. Republicans with pitchforks and torches would circle the White House. - Jeff Tiedrich

Uh Oh. People Who Read and Write Are Suing Trump
In the three years that Donald Trump rocketed from candidate to president, the PEN American Center has criticized him as a bully, an autocrat, a user of hate speech and an enemy of free expression. It has published studies, organized petitions and established a Press Freedom Incentive Fund.
Now the literary and human rights organization, which includes thousands of authors and journalists, is taking a more direct step: PEN is suing the president.

*Hillary deletes an email* 
GOP: She must be covering up a murder! 
*Trump literally helps cover up a murder*
GOP: Love our big strong president! - Jess Dweck


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Business/Tech News

Weird. Canada now has single payer health care, no abortion restrictions, same-sex marriage and legal weed. And their Christians aren't fleeing to America. Must not be all that bad. - LOLGOP

Can The Tax Cut Be Uncut?
The numbers are in, and Trump’s tax cut didn’t reduce the deficit – despite his many promises.
On the campaign trail, Trump first proposed a $10 trillion tax cut, far larger than any Republican rival’s, but insisted it wouldn’t boost the federal budget deficit because the economy would “take off like a rocket ship.”

Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" was published 61 years ago today, and since then has served as an excellent way to weed out potential romantic partners. - Literary Hub tweet


Behold, a tip jar!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wouldn't mind hanging out there.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pompeo arrives and departs Saudi Arabia's Royal Court

Trump and Saudi Arabia: Deep business ties spark new scrutiny
He has booked hotel rooms and meeting spaces to them, sold an entire floor in one of his buildings to them and, in desperate moments in his career, gotten a billionaire from the country to buy his yacht and New York's Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park.
President Donald Trump's ties to Saudi Arabia run long and deep, and he's often boasted about his business ties with the kingdom.
"I love the Saudis," Mr. Trump said when announcing his presidential run at Trump Tower in 2015. "Many are in this building."

I am so surprised a country that beheads people in public would dismember a Washington Post journalist.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s meeting with Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia lasted no more than 15 minutes, CNN estimates based on the time the top U.S. diplomat’s motorcade arrived at the royal court and departed. - Jim Sciutto, CNN

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Jeff Flake says politics have become too partisan. I agree — time to reach across the aisle and have tough conversations like: “Kids in cages: good or bad?” - Stephen Colbert

Simona said: Honey do I look Russian or Italian?
Friends, I Believe We Are Living In A Real Live Pixelated Spy Novel
Last week, in an effort to beat back accusations that she has lied about her identity, Simona Mangiante provided ABC News with a photograph of her Italian passport.
But rather than quiet widespread speculation that the wife of the former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos was perhaps not who she presented herself to be, that passport photo has now raised more questions than it has answered.

Republican Shenanigans

New Breeding Program Aimed At Keeping Moderate Republicans From Going Extinct  - The Onion

Honest to God, I Don't Think We Could've Elected A More Despicable Human President
President Donald Trump lashed out at porn star Stormy Daniels in a tweet Tuesday, calling her “Horseface” and lambasting her “3rd rate lawyer” Michael Avenatti after a federal judge dismissed their defamation case against him a day earlier

If you need any proof that evil ages you, Sarah Sanders and Stephen Miller are younger than Meghan Markle. - OhNoSheTwint

Wonder what Donald privately calls her. - Roland Scahill

We all know why @realDonaldTrump makes creepy physical threats about me, right? He’s scared. He’s trying to do what he always does to women who scare him: call us names, attack us personally, shrink us down to feel better about himself. It may soothe his ego – but it won’t work. - Elizabeth Warren

Ted Cruz & Trump. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Trump said he would hold a rally for Ted Cruz in Texas’ ‘Biggest Stadium’. The venue he booked is not even close. With Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) facing an ongoing threat from El Paso Rep. Beto O’Rourke, President Donald Trump said in August that he would come to the Lone Star State to hold a rally for the embattled far-right senator.

There's a Past Trump Tweet for Everything

Melania has been running around crusading for her #BeBest campaign and her husband just called Stormy Daniels ‘Horseface.’ Congrats girl, your initiatives are really taking off. - Chelsea Handler


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Imagine how much more advanced society would be today if women, who comprise half the world’s brain power, were socially & intellectually enfranchised from the beginning of civilization. - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Rock The Voter News

I once had the honor of being interviewed by Brian Lamb. What an amazing thing he created with the cspans. It’s like one of the few uncorrupted and simply unalloyed good things in our civic life. - Josh Marshall

A New York Times reporter tweeted this deplorable comment.
If I were a Ghost of Christmas Past I’d take Ms. Clinton’s hand & lead her through every scene between her husband & the 21-year-old intern. Every wink of his, every promise, every reassurance, caress, request—let her watch the leader of the free world & the newly minted graduate. - Emily Flitter

I think it’s time to replace the GOP elephant with those three monkeys. -Stephen Colbert


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The Trump administration diverted $10 million from FEMA to ICE. So if you need hurricane assistance, just go to Mexico, cross the U.S. border, then ICE will provide you transportation and lodging. - Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

I’m going to miss Sears. Especially on those days when you just want to buy a suit, a carpet, an air conditioner, a lawn mower, a foundation garment, an air hockey table and a tractor. - Stephen Colbert

Working For Melania Is Hard, Hard Work, Buttercup.
While President Donald Trump was busy calling an adult film star with whom he allegedly had an affair a “horseface” on Twitter Tuesday morning, the spokesperson for Melania Trump was having a meltdown.

Elizabeth Warren Challenges Trump to Prove He Has One Million Dollars - Andy Borowitz


Behold, a tip jar!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Psst, you want some catnip?


Monday, October 15, 2018

Elizabeth Warren's DNA reveals Native American blood

Trump Says He Never Pledged $1 Million To Charity If Warren Took DNA Test. He Did.
When a reporter confronted President Trump on Monday over his pledge to donate $1 million to charity if Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) took a DNA test to prove she had Native American ancestry, Trump denied he ever made the commitment.
“I didn’t say that. You better read it again,” Trump said.

DNA tests are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Weird how every Deplorable on twitter is suddenly an expert on Native American genealogy, who knew there were so many esteemed scholars living in their parents' mold-infested basements. -Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Saudis have been buying American military equipment for decades. They can't just switch over to flying Russian airplanes overnight.  They also can't sell their oil to Russia. They are much more dependent on us than we are on them. - Michael McFaul, former US Ambassador to Russia

Something Bad Is Gonna Happen. Real Bad.
Arthur House currently serves as the chief cybersecurity risk officer in the state of Connecticut and he is warning Americans that we might not survive an attack that cripples our utilities. He wants the federal government to get a plain in place -- NOW.

I know General Mattis. I've worked with him on some of our most challenging national security issues. He is brilliant. 
When asked about Mattis' statements on NATO, Trump said, "I know more about it than he does."
I'm numb with concern. Words escape me... - George Capen

Republican Shenanigans

The irony of Twitter in 2018 is that the more American flags a profile has, the more likely it's Russian. - John Fugelsang

When All Else Fails, Call DNA Junk Science
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, on Monday suggested that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) had used “junk science” to prove that she had Native American ancestors.

Kanye is in my office and he won’t leave. - Conan O'Brien


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Don't worry America, everything will change after November 6, because that's when the asteroid hits. -TheTweetOfGod

Rock The Voter News

“Trump voters will surely be swayed by a DNA test from a world-class geneticist,” thought Elizabeth Warren about a group of people who were convinced Hillary had Stage 5 Dementia because she coughed once. - Jason O. Gilbert

Trump Thinks It's A Deterrent To Cage Children. I Think It's Terrorism. 
When it came to questions about immigration and President Donald Trump’s policy to take children away from their parents, the president swore, inaccurately, that President Barack Obama did the same thing.

Trump DNA Test Reveals Moron Ancestry - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

As Saudi Arabia threatens massive economic reprisals against the US if held to account for the disappearance of a WashPo columnist, a friendly reminder that the Trump administration formally labeled America's top source of imported oil, Canada, a threat to national security. - David Frum

The Military Industrial Complex Is Growing
Harris Corp. and L3 Technologies Inc. aren’t exactly household names. A new deal could change that.
The defense contractors agreed to a merger that will form one of the industry’s largest players, a $33.5 billion behemoth to challenge weapons makers such as Raytheon Co. and Northrop Grumman Corp. With product lines spanning communications and electronics, the newly formed L3 Harris Technologies Inc. is poised to capitalize on military spending increases under U.S. President Donald Trump.

This painting is hanging in the White House. Luckily Trump Was Able To Commission The Dude Who Paints Dogs Playing Cards
Click pic for a larger view

67 million Americans don’t speak English at home. This includes my family because we don’t say a word to each other. - Conan O'Brien


The last tropical depression we had down here turned into Hurricane Michael. We have a new one. It's not going anywhere except Central America. Here's a satellite screenshot.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Six years ago yesterday Felix Baumgartner became the first person to break the speed of sound in free fall. Is he taking a selfie?
