Wednesday, September 26, 2018

This would be my statement to Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh accuser lines up evidence ahead of hearing
Trump calls Kavanaugh 'a gem’ while the Supreme Court nominee’s accuser gives senators letters her attorneys claim bolster her case.

Kavanaugh Sobering Up After 35-Year Bender Shocked To Find Out He’s Supreme Court Nominee - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hillary Clinton warned us about every f*cking thing. - Mr. Weeks tweet

Raj Shah says he's leaving the White House after Kavanaugh is confirmed. I guess he ain't leaving.
One of the White House’s most visible staffers has his eye on the exit door. Raj Shah, a deputy press secretary who has stepped behind the podium for numerous daily briefings, has told multiple people he plans to leave the West Wing following the confirmation process for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Chuck Grassley spends weekend practicing pretending-to-listen face. - Andy Borowitz

“It does not matter if you were a virgin. You are being accused of sexual assault, not sexual intercourse. Those things have nothing to do with each other. It’s the same as saying, ‘I couldn’t have robbed that bank; I’m a virgin.’” - Seth Meyers

Republican Shenanigans

Replying to @realDonaldTrump“False accusations?” Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to? You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your “best and brightest” are Cohen and Giuliani. Let’s go. - Michael Avenatti

Replacing the Republican Senators with a Republican "female assistant" to do their questioning won't make blaming the victim any more palatable.

I think I have a solution: 
Leftists will stop yelling at politicians in restaurants when folks on the right stop yelling at women in front of abortion clinics. - Jon Cryer

Wow. Kavanaugh doesn't have a sterling reputation, after all.
The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee is accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of misleading the Senate about his handling of grand jury secrets while working for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr two decades ago.

Brilliant! Kavanaugh releasing his calendars actually provides corroboration for new allegation timeline surrounding "Beach Week" - Eric Boehlert

Subject: Self-Disqualifying People


  Brett Kavanaugh has effectively disqualified himself as a nominee to the US Supreme Court, or any court, by not demanding what any innocent person would ask for: a full independent FBI investigation of the sexual allegations against him.  That shows he cannot rule fairly as a judge, because he doesn't want the truth to be presented.
Marquis de Sade approves of Kavanaugh.

  As the old saying goes: If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.  Kavanaugh has chosen to lie down (and along) with Trump, and adopted the same game plan: Deny all accusations, attack their accusers, and refuse to provide past documentation (Trump's tax returns, Kavanaugh's years of documents about his time in past administrations).

  Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has disqualified himself, by 1. not demanding a full independent FBI investigation of the sexual allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, 2. invoking an unprecedented and absurd one-round of 5-minute questions by each Senator on the Judiciary committee to question Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, 3. refusing to hear from Deborah Ramirez and her corroborating witnesses, 4. having an Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell ask questions on behalf of all 11 Republican (male) senators on the Judiciary committee in tomorrow's hearing (abdicating their own responsibility), and 5. rushing through a US Supreme Court advice-and-consent process, instead making it a rubber stamp farce.  Perhaps someone should grab the 11 Republicans on that committee by what's left of their cajones, and squeeze hard, until they yell Uncle and do the right thing.
We only shame sluts!!!

  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell disqualified himself when he violated his oath of office by refusing to give a hearing for over a year to any US Supreme Court nominee (Merrick Garland) made by President Barack Obama.

  This country has no functional Congress, Executive branch, or much of a Judiciary.  The only thing that's working are some excellent journalists (print, TV, Radio, and online), some very courageous women, and those like Attorney Michael Avenatti that find people who may convince a few Republican Senators to vote no on Kavanaugh's nomination.

  Kavanaugh is not qualified to serve as a judge on any court, as he appears to have committed perjury in his statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in present and past hearings.

  Maybe Kavanaugh will feel what sexually abused women feel, when they are questioned on their behavior, and think about his daughters and the girls he has coached, who all will be asking themselves if he did what he has been accused of.

  Of course, the schedule for tomorrow's hearing, and the Judiciary committee's vote on Friday are tenuous at this point, based on Grassley's and McConnell's statements yesterday, and may all change due to what Michael Avenatti's client reveals today.

  Hope you are doing well,

  - Sol

Thank you for writing Sol. I am okey dokey now that Avenatti's client has come forward. And it is really disgusting. Maybe he'll lose his federal judgeship?

You are so right about Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley. They are a disgrace to the Senate and to the United States of America, which contains more women than men.

What I don't get is how the GOP is still defending this sex/alcohol crazed nominee. More than ever I believe there is some sort of sex cult going on in the GOP. There are way too many pedophiles, rapists, rapist apologists and a recently convicted sex trafficker, who, by the way, had his picture taken with Don Jr.

Third Woman Accuses Kavanaugh
A third woman stepped forward Wednesday through her attorney to lodge allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, accusing him and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted.
She specifically accuses Kavanaugh of spiking drinks with drugs to “target particular girls so they could be taken advantage of.”

Republicans & Foxbots are calling Michael Avenatti the "creepy porn lawyer," dismissing his client accusing Kavanaugh of gang rape. That "creepy porn lawyer" and his porn star client brought down the president's lawyer who then implicated the president in a crime. So I'd listen. - Jim David


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Kavanaugh's Lawyer Shames Third Victim
Beth Wilkinson, an attorney for Brett Kavanaugh, on Thursday suggested that a victim of gang rape was wrong for not coming forward before her Kavanaugh was named as a nominee to the Supreme Court....“Really, you witnessed gang rapes and you never came forward?” Wilkinson complained. “You witnessed something like that, as a parent and a daughter of two sons, I cannot imagine not coming forward when this man was named, if that’s what you witnessed. I don’t understand that.”

I’m suing President Donald Trump & Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today to stop the unconstitutional Kavanaugh confirmation process, which has violated the separation of powers. They may want to ram through this nomination come hell or high water, but that’s just not how our Constitution works. - Sen. Jeff Merkley

No one could have predicted that the party of Nazis, child molesters and wife beaters would also be the party of lying blackout-drunk gang-rape frat-boy judges - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Duck. Duck. Goose!

Senate Releases Kavanaugh's Remarkable Remarks
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday released Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s prepared remarks about Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against him.

Brett Kavanaugh could molest a girl on the Senate floor and the GOP would blame the girl and confirm him.- Tony Posnanski


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I  would have thought that after the Catholic Church molestation scandal that the idea that widespread sexual abuse could go unreported or unpunished would no longer be inconceivable.- Adam Serwer

Business/Tech News

Trump is claiming China is interfering in the midterms because they do not want him to win them. I guess that’s going to be his excuse for losing the presidency this year. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Hold The Pickle. No, It's Not In Reference To Kavanaugh.
Those seeking an au naturel burger at McDonald’s should remember these three words: Hold the pickle.
The Chicago-based fast-food chain announced Wednesday that it has removed artificial colors, flavors and preservatives from its top-selling burgers, the latest announcement in the company’s ongoing effort to improve the quality of its food. The pickles, which have artificial preservatives, are the exception.

BREAKING: Netflix Inks Deal With Donald Trump To Stream His "Live At The UN" Comedy Special - Jeff Tiedrich

NASA saw dark, polluted Carolina rivers spilling into the ocean from space.

It took the Catholics 350 years to apologize to Galileo, so victims, expect a heartfelt apology from the Church in 2368. - TheTweetOfGod


Behold, a tip jar!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My orchid is almost in full bloom.I am so proud that I haven't killed it.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

GOP hires female attorney to question Kavanaugh accuser

GOP hires female attorney to question Kavanaugh accuser
Senate Republicans have hired an attorney to use as a questioner of Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's high-stakes hearing on sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh but are declining to name her.

Sen. Bob Corker says GOP senators were told at lunch to expect to be in DC this weekend to process Kavanaugh nomination quickly.- Alex Bolton tweet, The Hill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Bill Cosby sentenced to jail because America doesn't allow rape. He'll now do 3-10 years in our prison system, where America allows rape. - John Fugelsang

Revenge shall be mine, murmured Trump after the laughing ceased.
The U.N. Laughs At Trump's Braggadocio, Literally.
An audience of world leaders at the United Nations laughed on Tuesday when President Trump boasted of his achievements during his time in office.
"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said, opening his address to the U.N. General Assembly.
Audience members then began chuckling and the laughs grew louder when Trump said "so true."

Trump Brags That He Got Much Bigger Laughs At U.N. Than Obama - Andy Borowitz

Trump is so powerful he just promised the UN General Assembly that he would export clean coal to the world even though it doesn't exist yet. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Republican Party declares moral bankruptcy. - Andy Borowitz

𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥 Like A Virgin, Touched For The Very First Time 🎵
A CNN panel on Tuesday physically recoiled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s claim to have been a virgin throughout high school and college.
After playing a clip from Kavanaugh’s Monday interview on Fox News, several panelists put their heads in their hands while legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin shouted out, “Oh please, God, tell me less!”

Perhaps Brett Kavanaugh was a virgin for many years after high school. But he claimed otherwise in a conversation with me during our freshman year in Lawrance Hall at Yale, in the living room of my suite. - Steve Kantrowitz tweet


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Court restores federal protections for Yellowstone-area grizzly bears
Don Jr. and Eric bummed out. Will go hunt snow leopards instead. - Carl Hiaasen

Rock The Voter News

Payback Is A Bitch 
Disregarding multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former chief of staff for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) complained that Democrats are trying to get payback.

Mitch McConnell, who blocked the 1st black POTUS from a SCOTUS vote & knew abt 2nd accuser but tried to ram a vote thru anyway, just called the women liars & said Dems want to 'obstruct & delay.'
God whispers "Merrick Garland?" to Satan.Satan whispers back "Oh I got this, boss" - John Fugelsang


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For the safety of your children, there needs to be an app that shows if there are any registered Republicans livin’ in your neighborhood. - Tea Pain

Business/Tech News

Kavanaugh not getting confirmed would be as embarrassing for Trump as everything else should be. - Stephen Colbert

GOP: NO Entitlements Except For The Specially Entitled 
Social Security and Medicare benefits could be in jeopardy if House Republicans get their wishes and pass new tax cuts favoring the wealthiest Americans. The House GOP is readying a series of new tax cuts for votes later this week. The  centerpiece of these is a bill to make the temporary individual tax cuts in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) permanent. These cuts disproportionately favor the richest households and blow an ever increasing hole in the budget.

Great report by @theNASEM on securing U.S. elections against foreign interference. Further proof that paper ballots are vital. Many states are pushing back on using paper ballots despite their reliability, but elections are essential to our democracy, and we have to protect them. - Sen. Dianne Feinstein



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wonder which one is the He-Coon?


Monday, September 24, 2018

Another Monday Full Of Moans

Trump hoped leaking Rosenstein ouster would knock Kavanaugh scandals out of the news: report
The bizarre sequence of leaks surrounding the fate of deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday morning raised a series of questions about whether President Donald Trump actually planned to fire him.

Warning: My client re Kavanaugh has previously done work within the State Dept, U.S. Mint, & DOJ. She has been granted multiple security clearances in the past including Public Trust & Secret. The GOP and others better be very careful in trying to suggest that she is not credible. - Michael Avenatti announcing he is representing another victim of Kavanaugh and maybe more

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Blackout Brett's calendar entry for today: "oh sh*t"- Jeff Tiedrich

My, My, My. More Investigations Into Kavanaugh?
Montgomery County investigators confirmed Monday they’re aware of a potential second sexual assault complaint in the county against former Georgetown Prep student and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
While investigators weren’t specific and spoke on background, they said they are looking at allegations against Kavanaugh during his senior year in high school after an anonymous witness came forward this weekend.

If Trump has 19 sexual assault allegations and is traveling south at 60 mph, and Kavanaugh has 3 sexual assault allegations and is traveling west at 35 mph, how many more allegations do they need before people start believing women? - OhNoSheTwint

Since Trump was elected he’s sent us more alleged rapists than Mexico. - Ken Olin

Kavanaugh Says He's In It For The Long Run
Brett Kavanaugh lashes out at a report detailing a second allegation of sexual assault against him, calling the accusation "grotesque and obvious character assassination" and vowing not to withdraw his nomination.

Mitch McConnell just stood on the Senate floor and called the women accusing Brett Kavanaugh liars. Somewhere in America a young woman was just sexually attacked. She hears him loud and clear. Vote. - Randi Mayem Singer

Republican Shenanigans

If Bill Clinton had ever tried to fire Ken Starr, the NYT newsroom would have emptied and marched on the White House. - Eric Boehlert

The Trump Tower Meeting Should Be Made Into A Musical Starring Robert Mueller As The Dancing Doorman
A British music publicist who set up the infamous Trump Tower meeting between top campaign staffers and a Russian attorney says he has little doubt Donald Trump was aware of the gathering.

Nothing like a Constitutional crisis to distract from a Supreme Court Confirmation crisis. - Dan Pfeiffer 


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Rod Rosenstein heads to the White House to find out how determined Gen. John Kelly is to throw away his entire military career to obstruct justice for a reality TV personality. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Has anyone in the “it’s a fabricated smear by Dems/the media” camp attempted to explain why Neil Gorsuch didn’t get hit by an allegation? Was George Soros just, like, on vacation that month? - Alex Seitz-Wald


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Business/Tech News

"Rosenstein and Kavanaugh Are Dead" has always been my favorite Tom Stoppard play. - Will Bunch

So How Are Those Big Old Tariffs Doing?
U.S. stocks fell broadly on Monday as the U.S.-China trade war entered a new round when tariffs on billions of dollars of products took effect. Investors were also looking ahead to the Federal Reserve’s two-day monetary policy meeting which wraps Wednesday and is likely to result in another interest-rate hike.

BREAKING: Wait—Sorry, False Alarm - The Onion



Odd News

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Saving the Palm Tree.
