Monday, September 17, 2018

I would like to formally renominate Merrick Garland, Kavanaugh's boss

Brett Kavanaugh: Calls mount for Supreme Court vote delay
 A sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh should be heard first, lawmakers argue.

A sexual predator, who was elected president of the United States, endorsed a sexual predator for Senate and chose a sexual predator for the Supreme Court, and people are still confused as to why victims are afraid to come forward. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

One eye popping thing the Woodward book mentions is the cost of the Afghanistan War; over one trillion dollars. U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan have cost US taxpayers $5.6 trillion since 2001. And you wonder why your roads and bridges and schools are so sh*tty.- Bette Midler

Why Isn't Ken Starr Introduced As The Former Baylor President Who Was Demoted For Neglecting A Football Sex Scandal? Asking For A Friend.
Former independent counsel Ken Starr said on Monday that he trust Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after sexual assault allegations from the 1980s surfaced.
"I don’t know how to say anything about Brett Kavanaugh other than I love this person," Starr told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on "Rising." 

My favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus says that the deaths of thousands of disaster victims is all a plot to make him look bad and then jets off for a long weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Congrats Clarence Thomas, you're a confirmation vote away from no longer being the creepiest guy on SCOTUS. - Eric Brans

I Am Dying To Know What Putin Has On Lindsey Graham
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), an Air Force JAG officer, on Sunday defended President Donald Trump by saying that lying to the FBI is not a “big event.”

If Susan Collins supports Kavanaugh I assume she will lead the campaign to return Al Franken to the Senate. - Andy Borowitz

GOP platform for 2020:No healthcare, but everyone gets one free rape.- Randi Mayem Singer


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"But what about Bill Clinton?"

Well, Pepe, I'm glad you asked me that. Bill Clinton was 20 years ago. If Bill Clinton were in office today, his own party would be forcing him to resign in disgrace. Times have changed, Pepe, and maybe it's time for you to change along with them. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Not only should weed be legalized, it should also be forcibly administered to Congress. - John Fugelsang

This Is Wrong. Right?
Chief Justice John Roberts stepped in Saturday to halt a federal judge’s order that a conservative politico group said threatened to discourage so-called independent expenditures by broadening the circumstances in which anonymous donors could be exposed...It is not clear whether Roberts’ order is a short-term measure intended to allow further consideration of the issue by the justices, or whether it will remain in place through this fall's midterm elections.

Kavanaugh On Sexual Assault Allegations: ‘I Miss High School’ - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

I don’t want Trump to text me that there’s an emergency. I want Mueller to text me that the emergency is over. - Andy Borowitz

Coke Is Turning To Marijuana
Coca-Cola Is Eyeing the Cannabis Market. ... Coca-Cola is looking closely at the cannabis drinks sector. ... The Atlanta-based soft drinks maker is in talks with Canadian marijuana producer Aurora Cannabis to develop the beverages

White House Raises Official Hurricane Florence Death Toll To -17.  - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Space Shuttle over Florida getting ready to dock with the ISS.


Friday, September 14, 2018

From Mueller, With Love

Manafort to cooperate with Mueller as part of plea deal
The plea deal calls for a cap on prison time and dismisses deadlocked charges from an earlier trial pending cooperation with the Mueller probe.

I'm surprised that Manafort is more afraid of Mueller than Putin, unless Mueller is offering him a nice place in the witness protection program.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The lack of empathy from Republicans is not shocking, it is who they are.

Trump Increases Cruelty To Children On A Record Breaking Scale
The number of migrant children being detained by the government has reached its highest level ever, according to a report by The New York Times. Data obtained by the Times showed that 12,800 children were detained in federal custody this month, compared to 2,400 children detained in May 2017. Federal shelters housing migrant children have remained filled at around 90 percent capacity since May of this year.

12,800 children at $775 per day means taxpayers are paying $9,920,000 a day for this madness. My tax money should be going to putting kids in classrooms not cages. - irishygirl

What's Trey Gowdy Up To?
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said this week that the GOP-controlled panel should release every interview transcript from its concluded Russia investigation.

Republican Shenanigans

As part of Paul Manafort's plea deal, he'll forfeit various bank accounts and properties worth about $46 million dollars.
Someone should let Trump know that the Mueller investigation just paid for itself. - Nick Jack Pappas

Bernie Sanders Determined To Give Trump A Second Term
Allies to Bernie Sanders say the Vermont Independent senator is increasingly likely to make a second bid for the White House in 2020 — once again as a Democrat.

Please respect Ivanka’s privacy during this difficult time where she waits 3-6 months to respond to her father’s comments about Puerto Rico and say she didn’t agree with him.- Chelsea Handler


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If Trump wanted Hillary locked up he should have just hired her to his campaign. - Darth Putin tweet

Rock The Voter News

Imagine if a black man broke into a white woman cop's house and killed her. Do you think the police would advertise the fact they found her few grams of weed?
This is why people don't trust cops. 
This is why players kneel. - Tuxedo Mask tweet

I'm sick of racist white people. And I am a white people. - Koko

Feckless In The City
Progressive activist Cynthia Nixon on Thursday night lamented high voter turnout as a result of spending from her opponent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), who easily defeated her in the state's Democratic gubernatorial primary.

Twenty-four years ago, I signed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban into law. It, along with other policies, led to a 33-year low in the murder rate. We’ve done it before—we should do it again. - Bill Clinton


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Business/Tech News

I hope they cast a black Superman. It would nice for a brotha to finally be faster than a speeding bullet. - Travon Free tweet

Bye Bye Beetle!
Volkswagen squashes the Beetle: End of the line for the iconic 'Bug'
"There are no immediate plans to replace it,” said VW’s CEO, before adding, “I would also say, 'Never say never.'”

Do I believe in climate change? Well, I just saw a mosquito steal a bike. - Conan O'Brien


I hope you had a good time today!

Thank you for the good wishes. I'm 75% normal,
which is good because I'm never 100% normal!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Momma Cheetah looks ready to pounce at the photographer.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Post birthday blues

I am taking a medical leave for a few days to deal with ANOTHER toothache, a mind numbing toothache that sapped me of my strength.

I hate when that happens.


Please take your animals with you if you're evacuating from Hurricane Florence. Please. They need you.

This Trump-free edition was brought to you by AHNC.
