Monday, August 27, 2018

McCain versus Trump

John McCain and President Donald Trump are not done with one another yet.
Days of mourning for the Arizona senator, including a lying-in-state in the Capitol Rotunda and the pomp of a service in Washington's National Cathedral, are certain to become about more than simply honoring a singular political leader and national hero.

John McCain was the last silken thread of decency attached to the Republican Party.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.” - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Next time Trump complains about an NFL player not respecting this country, remind him how he used the American flag to disrespect a deceased veteran. - Roland Scahill

It would be a fitting tribute if the US Navy's Blue Angels did a missing man formation while buzzing the White House. Ya know, one last goodbye.

My My My. McCain Rejected Manafort A Decade Ago For Russian Connections
The late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) rejected a bid from Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, to manage the 2008 Republican National Convention because of concerns over Manafort's association with Russian oligarchs

To the entire GOP: John McCain, in his death, is still trying to speak to you. He is having President Obama speak at his funeral. Donald Trump is to stay away. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for completely destroying what he fought for. - Carol Murray tweet

The news that Trump has fathered an illegitimate child is catastrophic for those of us who thought his gene pool had been contained.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

When Trump is indicted, I’m having a party at my house and you’re all invited. - Alec Baldwin tweet

What Does Mitt Romney & Rick Scott Have In Common? 
The portfolio of Gov. Rick Scott and First Lady Ann Scott includes earnings last year of at least $2.9 million in two dozen hedge funds registered in the Cayman Islands, a well-known tax haven for U.S. and foreign investors.

Dear Trump:  The media's not out to get you. 
The media's out to get ratings.
America's out to get you.
The media's just covering it.
- John Fugelsang


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Hillary Clinton on John McCain
"He really understood in the marrow of his bones what it meant to be an American."

Rock The Voter News

Trump Demands Media Investigate Children Hillary Fathered With Her Housekeeper - Andy Borowitz

There's Gonna Be A Big Evangelical Shindig At The White House
Monday evening President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump,and Vice President Mike Pence will host a huge event honoring the contributions made by Evangelical Christians. One reporter from a far right wing Christian news organization is comparing it to a state dinner. It is being billed as a dinner “celebrating evangelical leadership.”

Christians supporting Donald Trump are the most morally confused people I've ever met. - John Pavlovitz


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Business/Tech News

Trump is renaming NAFTA 
North American Free Trade Agreement: NAFTA. It sort of rolls off your tongue. 
United States-Mexico Trade Agreement: USMTA

Wall Street Believes Trump Cut A Good Deal With Mexico? There Are No Details Except A Name Change Which Drops The Word Free.
Stocks rose on Monday Aug. 27, after the U.S. and Mexico reached a tentative trade deal.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average  gained 272 points, or 1.06%, to 26,062, and the S&P 500 was up 0.77%, establishing a new intraday record high. The Nasdaq  gained 0.88%, traded above the 8,000 milestone and also hit an intraday high.

Keep Them Stupid Or Keep Them In Debt. Double Win!
In a scathing letter addressed to Mick Mulvaney, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Seth Frotman, the official charged with regulating the student loan industry, said the agency “has turned its back on young people and their financial futures.”

Trump’s eventual funeral will be as sparsely attended as his inauguration. - Roland Scahill



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Some see this photo as beautiful and others see it as a nightmare.


Friday, August 24, 2018

Multiple Immunities granted by Mueller

Trump Organization financial chief Weisselberg 'given immunity'
The Trump Organization's finance boss, Allen Weisselberg, has reportedly been granted legal immunity in the probe into Michael Cohen. He was summoned to ..

Please can it be a porn star and a guy named Pecker who bring the pussy grabber down? - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I nominate Martin Scorsese to direct the Donald Trump biopic. His body of work - Goodfellas, Gangs of New York, etc - suggests he has done a great job bringing similar characters to life on film. - Dan Rather

This Administration Needs To Join Liars Anonymous
Pakistan has called for the United States to amend what its foreign ministry described as a “factually incorrect” account of a phone call between U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and new Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Betsy DeVos is considering a plan that would allow states to use federal funds to buy teachers guns. They’ll still have to ask parents to donate tissues & glue sticks, though. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Mueller is doing to Trump what he did to Enron. He is going brick by brick until the whole organization falls and crumbles. It’s a fun game of jenga. - irishygirl

Republican Congressman Blames Wife
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), who along with his wife has been charged with and pleaded not guilty to allegations of illegally using campaign funds and attempting to conceal the misuse in federal records, put the blame squarely on his wife’s shoulders Thursday.

Have you ever noticed that Trump never mentions Rachel Maddow? Of all the journalists he slams, he never utters her name. Why? Because he's very, very afraid of her. He basically does not bash the ones he’s afraid of. Another example: Avenatti. - Brasilmagic tweet

The question is, when does Murdoch give Fox News the go ahead to 'flip' on Donald Trump ? - Roland Scahill

This Is One Of Those Times I Put Politics Aside. 
Thank You, John McCain, For Your Service To Our Country.
Sen. John McCain will no longer be seeking medical treatment for stage-four brain cancer, his family announced on Friday.

Nothing but respect for John McCain. A dedicated life of service to his country. Donald Trump would do well to take even a sentence from a page of John McCain’s book. - Rob Reiner


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Rock The Voter News

This is an actual cover of the National Enquirer in 2015

It’s amazing Hillary is even alive considering she had two strokes, lung cancer, is in jail, gained 103 lbs, falls down constantly, almost died of the flu on 9/11, and only had 6 months to live. - AngryBlackLady tweet

Way To Go, Georgia!
A Georgia county’s board of elections on Friday voted down a proposal to shutter seven of its nine polling sites over concerns that doing so would disenfranchise the area’s majority-black population.


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The media keeps wondering whether DT’s diehard fans would finally bail if they heard a tape of him saying the N-word.   In reality, for that to happen there would have to be a tape of him saying “black lives matter.” - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Why Does This Remind Me Of a YUGO?
The Russian manufacturer of the infamous AK-47 assault rifle has unveiled a prototype vehicle that it claims can compete with Elon Musk's Tesla range.

Mexico has volunteered to pay for the walls that are closing in on Trump. - Andy Kindler



Another actor ruined by drugs and alcohol

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The New York World's Fair in 1964. For the first time,  I met and fell in love with Belgian Waffles there.

Have a peaceful weekend everyone.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

As The World Burns...

South Africa blasts Trump for telling State Dept to look into "large scale killing" of white farmers 
President Trump on Tuesday said he's asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to look into "land farm seizures" and the "large scale killing of farmers" in South Africa after Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired a segment on the topic.

Study: Nation Could Save Millions by Impeaching Pence at Same Time - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I liked the "sex isn't sex" administration so much better than the "truth isn't truth" one. -  Randi Mayem Singer

War On Hillary Soon To Enter Third Decade
The president’s personal attorney called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prosecute Hillary Clinton over the 2016 election.

First Lady Melania Trump addresses conference on cyberbullying and then returns to her day job: sitting in her room and waiting for Donald to die. - Jeff Tiedrich

Pence Asked Jesus To Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Indicts Him - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

"Lock her up" chants about Hillary Clinton at a Trump rally on the day Trump's campaign manager and personal lawyer get jail time is really GOP politics right now in a nutshell. - Ezra Klein

One Holdout Juror Saved Manafort
Manafort juror reveals a single holdout prevented Mueller’s team from convicting on all counts
Paul Manafort narrowly escaped an estimated 300-plus years in prison, according to one juror interviewed by Fox News Wednesday.

Mitch McConnell Shatters Usain Bolt’s Speed Record While Running From Reporter - Andy Borowitz


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A full month has passed since the deadline for the administration to reunite families it separated at the border, but 565 children are still waiting to see their parents again. - Hillary Clinton tweet

Rock The Voter News

Trump Boys Frantically Burning Stacks Of Printed-Out Emails To Eliminate Paper Trail - The Onion

I miss your smokey eye Sarah.
Sarah Sanders Shrugs Off #BeBest
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday dismissed the fact that President Donald Trump had hired multiple convicted felons who have worked either for his administration or as part of his presidential campaign.
When one reporter asked Sanders about whether Trump broke his promise that he would only hire “the best” people to work for him, Sanders shrugged it off by claiming that only a small percentage of the president’s employees had been convicted of felonies.

The fact that Sarah Huckabee Sanders still defends Donald Trump is amazing. He could be in prison and Sarah Huckabee would say he’s staying at an Airbnb. - Chelsea Handler


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Business/Tech News

I hate when people make Trump out to be this strategic character and aware...
He is a buffoon who was given a lot of money, bankrupted a lot of companies, paid off a lot of women, and hires horrible people.
He isn’t playing chess. He is playing solitaire with baseball cards. - Tony Posnanski

CNN Reporter Hires Bodyguard
Few reporters have lived the Trump administration's war against the press more vividly than April Ryan, a 21-year veteran of the White House press corps who has seen her national profile grow along with concerns about her physical safety.
"They've put a target on my head.... I've had death threats. I've had craziness," said Ryan, who revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that she recently hired a bodyguard to protect her. "All I'm going to say for my safety is: I have a team." (She said the White House should pay for her protection.)

A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths. - Steven Wright



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Are you looking at me?
