Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant

Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant
Washington (CNN) Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the top law enforcement officer in the country, participated in a chant of "Lock her up" ...

The attorney general of the United States just joined a chant of "lock her up" at an event in DC, but it’s unclear if the “her” they were referring to was Hillary or a migrant girl who crossed the border with her parents.- OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Caps Lock is not a substitute for a coherent foreign policy. - Mike Levin

Nikki Haley Trashes Russia
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said Monday that Russia is “never going to be our friend,” but downplayed concerns over President Trump’s meeting and press conference last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“We don’t trust Russia. We don’t trust Putin. We never will. They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact,” Haley told Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody.

I just worry the arrest of the Russian Lady spy is gonna make it that much harder for little Russian girls to grow up and be spies. - Michelle Wolf

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and Maggie Haberman would point out that it happened only that one time. - Jeff Tiedrich

I'm old enough to remember when sex tapes were still on tapes. - John Fugelsang

Why Worry About Election Hacking? Worry About Power Grid Hacking Instead!
Russian hackers were able to penetrate the control rooms of hundreds of U.S. utilities last year as part of a campaign against power company vendors that could be ongoing, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Put Newt, Trump, Rudy and Rush in a room and what’ve you got (besides more than half a ton of flesh)?  13 wives, 14 deferments and 0 military service. - Col. Morris Davis

Ivanka Shutting Down Her Business
Ivanka Trump’s clothing and shoe company is shutting down more than a year after she stepped away from the firm to serve as one of her father's White House advisers.
“After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when or if I will ever return to the business, but I do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington,”

Good to know that Ivanka Trump has the same abilities of her father in terms of running companies into the ground. - Roland Scahill


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Breaking: Trump announces US withdrawal from Obama administration practice of basic human decency - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

How do we get Sacha Baron Cohen into a WH press briefing?- Wendy Wasserman Schultz

White House Protesters Entering 9th Day
It’s been more than a week since President Donald Trump returned to the White House from his controversial trip to Helsinki, only to be met by hundreds of angry protestors wielding pots, pans and bullhorns. On Monday, as the protest entered its eighth consecutive day, a boisterous crowd was still assembled in front of the White House — with no plans to leave anytime soon.

Trump's signature looks like a Klan rally


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Sometimes I think Trump continues to incessantly tweet to lay the groundwork for an eventual insanity defense - Roland Scahill

Business/Tech News

So we have $12B for emergency aid for farmers? If Trump didn’t issue these tariffs this wouldn’t be an issue. Weird how we have $12B sitting around to undo Trumps wrongs but we can’t find money for Flint, Puerto Rico and CHIP. - irishygirl

This is just a stock photo of yummy salmonella ridden food.
Yelp To Provide Restaurant Hygiene Score
Back in 2013, Yelp introduced an attribute that someone who values hygiene above all else would love: restaurants' health inspection scores. The website has only been displaying ratings on select restaurants' pages in New York and San Francisco, though, since the feature is part of the company's Local Inspector Value-entry Specification (LIVES) program developed with those megacities' local health departments. Now, the crowdsourced reviews portal is expanding its availability nationwide, giving you easy access to establishments' hygiene score cards across the US. You don't have to painstakingly dig for them in government websites anymore.

90%+ of world’s real estate is owned by men. The Republican push to take away women’s right to choose is another way of keeping it like that. - Martina Navratilova


Thank you!


Odd News

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Imagine having an iceberg in your front yard. This is a small village in Greenland hoping the iceberg doesn't break apart and cause a tsunami. Whew, I just have earthquakes to worry about.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump Tweets Iran Threat To Try To Distract Us from Russia

Fox and Friends: We Could Wipe Out Iran with the Push of a Button
On Fox and Friends on Monday, the President Trump‘s favorite morning show had a different reaction to his overnight an all-caps warning to Iran than some of the other networks. Very different, in fact.

Iran should be safe as long as they stop the verbal threats and just launch a cyberattack to interfere in our election. - Jess Dweck

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Doesn't threatening thermonuclear war and the obliteration of entire country  violate Twitter's terms of service ? - Celtic Girl

Well, Of Course Hillary Is Helping Immigrants
Hillary Clinton is offering a helping hand to immigrants looking to reunite with their families: She says she'll help organize transportation they might not be able to afford.

In case you missed it, World War 3 will be caused by an idiotic President who doesn't know how to turn off caps lock. - Erik Bransteen

Republican Shenanigans


SCOTUS Nominee Was A Leaker For Ken Starr
President Donald Trump has waged war on leakers — but in nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, the president has picked someone well-versed in the swampy art of off-the-record briefings and anonymous quotes.
Kavanaugh spent nearly four years working for Kenneth Starr’s independent counsel probe of President Bill Clinton two decades ago. A sampling of the Starr office’s internal files available at the National Archives indicate Kavanaugh helped craft aspects of Starr’s communications strategy and interacted directly with the news media himself.

Subject: What did McConnell know and when did he know it?

Hi Lisa,

Crooks and Liars ran a story titled, “McConnell Admits He Knew About 2016 Russian Hack, Did Nothing.”

I think McConnell knew about Russia’s planned involvement in the election much earlier than September 2016.  I think he knew as early as February 2016, when Scalia died.  That’s why he refused to advance Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court until after the election.

J. P. Morgan used to say that a man often had two reasons for doing whatever he did: “the one that sounds good and the real one.”

With the Garland nomination, the reason that sounded good was that the voters deserved a say in who was elevated to the Court.  But at the time, Hillary Clinton looked like a shoo-in for President no matter who the Republican nominee was.  So sitting on the Garland nomination looked like it was only delaying the inevitable.

Another reason that sounded good was that McConnell hated Obama and wanted to thwart him at every turn.

The real reason McConnell sat on the Garland nomination could well be that he knew the Russians were planning some kind of cyber-involvement in the election that would give the GOP a fighting chance at winning.  He may not have known what they were planning – at that point he didn’t even know who the nominee would be – but he knew the Russians would have a thumb on the scale in favor of the GOP.

That’s all he needed to know to hold up the Garland nomination.

And how would McConnell have known about potential Russian involvement as early as February 2016?  I don’t know, but I bet Wayne LaPierre knows.  I bet Maria Butina knows.  I bet Aleksandr Torshin knows.

And I bet Robert Mueller is going to find out.


I swear, Trey Gowdy and Carter Page look like two kissing cousins who been cookin meth in a shotgun shack in Pensacola behind some dive bar called Later Gator with two broken down El Camino’s on the front lawn and an above ground pool filled with rotting jello. - Cyrus McQueen


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"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."- Hillary Clinton, July 2016

Rock The Voter News

Hey everybody James Comey is inserting himself into an election but it’s ok because we know how deeply  he thinks these things through. - John Fugelsang

What Is Going On With NYT's Maggie Haberman? She Is Too Cozy With Trump For Comfort. Maybe Because Her Mom's Company Does PR For Jared Kushner? 
New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman on Sunday said President Trump "often tells the truth," and cautioned against reading too far into the president's motives.
Speaking to Brian Stelter on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Haberman said it is often a waste of time for people to "constantly [be] surprised" or look "for some deeper motive behind everything" Trump says or does.

This Tweet pretty much sums up Maggie and the NYT's coverage of Hillary's campaign

Woman: Hi I need to get an abortion 
America: Now hang on little lady we got rules here..
Insane Man: I need a gun
America: Yea sure dude whatever - Paul Palmeri


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If I was Michael Cohen I would've taped Trump's calls too, just to be able to decipher WTF he just said to me.

Business/Tech News

Imagine how much good Obama could have gotten done if Congress was even half as permissive of his efforts to lead the country with care, empathy and vision as they are about Trump's efforts to destroy the entire world in a giant manbaby fit.- Ijeoma Oluo

Trump's Propaganda Machine Caught
The U.S. government-funded broadcaster Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty took out several Facebook ads this month targeting American readers in apparent violation of a domestic anti-propaganda law, according to a Syracuse University professor.

Thinking of changing the lyrics to one of my songs. Would youdownload, “The Putin Pleasin’ Treason Boy of Company Pee”? - Bette Midler

Cool Illusion


I hope you had a good time today.
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Odd News

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Chilling is a good thing, for lizards and people.


Friday, July 20, 2018

I for one welcome our new Turnip Overlords

Study: NY Times, Wash. Post quote more than twice as many Republicans as Democrats in political coverage
Throughout May and June, two of the nation’s leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, quoted Republicans at more than twice the rate of Democrats in their political news coverage.
In an analysis of the papers’ news and political coverage during May and June, Media Matters found that the Times quoted 1,466 Republicans and 611 Democrats, a ratio of approximately 2.4 Republicans for every Democrat. The Post quoted 1,403 Republicans and 615 Democrats, for a ratio of approximately 2.3 Republicans for every Democrat.

It was the same with the coverage of Bill Clinton during his presidency. Tim Russert led the way during those days.

Bill Clinton almost lost his job as POTUS for lying about an affair. 
Trump has lied about several affairs, and Michael Cohen had a tape that proves it. 
Dear GOP: Practice what you impeach. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I think the Russians have infected our government to a far greater degree than anyone suspected.  Come to think of it, they're kinda like syphilis: by the time the first symptoms appear, the disease is already well established. - Rick Wise

White House Staffers Are Depressed
White House staffers who initially planned to leave their jobs after the midterm elections are considering getting out sooner because of President Donald Trump’s performance during a press conference with Vladimir Putin Monday, and his fumbled attempts to clean up his remarks ever since.

What if we're looking at it wrong? What if it isn't a case of Republicans refusing to stand up to Putin? What if we've already been invaded and conquered and Putin has installed Trump and GOP as the ruling power, meaning from here on out, democracy is an illusion.- Sally Albright

Republican Shenanigans

If goofy Michael Cohen has incriminatory recordings of Donald Trump, just imagine what cagey Russians have. -Mrs. Betty Bowers

I don't get it.  Are Republicans in Congress so scared to lose an election that they will go along with a traitor? - Bette Midler

Don Jr.'s New Gal Quits Fox To Stump A Trump
It appears that Kimberly Guilfoyle is on her way out at Fox News…
Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman first reported the news, based on three sources, that the longtime host is departing the network after more than a decade. She joined in 2006, and served as a host on a series of shows, from Outnumbered to, most recently, The Five.
According to ABC News, Guilfoyle is expected to join America First, a pro-Trump Super PAC.

Senator Strongarm
The Senate GOP leader is vowing to squeeze Democrats with a vote on Brett Kavanaugh right before the midterms if they don’t back down on their demand for documents.

When I got started as a reporter covering the police beat in Houston, a grizzled homicide detective once told me - "I don't believe in coincidences". Seems like apt words of caution for what we're witnessing today. - Dan Rather


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Rock The Voter News

What does it say that watching "The Handmaid's Tale" is escapism for me these days? - David Corn

NFL Temporarily Grows A Spine 
The National Football League has announced that they’re putting a hold on their previously announced new policy that would penalize players for taking a knee during the national anthem. The league released a joint statement Thursday with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA), saying “no new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

I guess Trump didn’t realize when you keep attacking the FBI they will attack back. - irishygirl


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America is the Titanic and has already hit the iceberg. Everyone on its lower decks are rightly panicking while the first class passengers are still aloof, drinking champagne.- Ally Maynard

Business/Tech News

I'd like to remind all of America's remaining allies that the GOP officially refuses to increase voting security, thereby giving a green light for any of you to attack our election systems should you desire an America not run by lying treasonous illiterates. - John Fugelsang

A City To Avoid In 2020
Charlotte won its second national convention in a decade Friday, kicking off two years of planning, fundraising and anticipation.
The city joined a small group of cities that will have held both major party gatherings after the Republican National Committee on Friday formally awarded the 2020 event.

Of course Putin is coming to America. You never invest in real estate without visiting it. - TweetOfGod



Odd News

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Mrs. Owl and I wish you a happy weekend, heaven knows we all deserve it.
