Wednesday, July 4, 2018

I'm still amazed how fast conservatives turned into comrades

Republicans meet with Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow
A group of Republican lawmakers met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on Tuesday in hopes of mending the strained relations between the two countries...No Democrats attended the event. “We have nothing to do with it,”...

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Today will be a brief edition so I can go shoot off fireworks!!

Black football players can't kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality but Republican Congressmen can meet with our enemies in Moscow on Independence Day. - Seth Abramson 

The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions.- George Washington


 Click here to meet C.W.


Dear Maw and Paw,
Been captured by the blue wave. They actually fed me, clothed me, got me medical attention, and are teaching me to read. Total monsters...
Your son, 
Billy Bob

Rock The Voter News

So ... anybody hear from Alex Jones? How's the Liberal Civil War going? Are we winning? - Stonekettle


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Tonight I am making ribs, chicken, and tacos...
Like a real American. - Tony Posnanski



Time To Deflate Photo
Happy 20th birthday Malia!


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Grab Ye AK 47s For The Civil War Tomorrow!

Letters from the 'front' on Twitter mock prediction of second Civil War on July 4
Welcome to the Second Civil War.
Alex Jones, the host of the conspiracy theory-loving InfoWars website, on Sunday warned readers of an insidious Democratic plot to ignite a second Civil War on Independence Day.

Dearest Wife: As I write this, the red caps are advancing, vulgarities at hand, ready to regale us with the superiority of the white race. All we have is wit to defend us from the onslaught. Fear not, their leaders seem in disarray. We shall prevail. #secondcivilwarletters

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“My darling Eleanor, 
It is with a sense of relief that I write to you today. A few hours ago we were stopped by MAGA troops while smuggling books into Alabama. Luckily none of the MAGA soldiers could *prove* they were books, and so they let us go free.”#SecondCivilWarLetters

Trump Blames Canada For Tit-for-Tat Tariffs
The White House said on Monday that Canada's decision to enact tariffs on C$16.6 billion ($12.63 billion) worth of American goods in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on imports of Canadian steel and aluminum would not help its economy.

Trump is such an aggressively inept bozo of a criminal that if he hadn't been born into obscene wealth, right now he'd be on an episode of Cops, drunk and with his shirt half off. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Dearest Agatha,
May this letter find you well.
The Red Hats entered the field of battle astride their mobility scooters.
We tipped them over forthwith.
"I have fallen and cannot make America great again," cried out a liver spotted Red Hat.

Hey AK 47 Owners, You Are Outgunned
You could get burned if you upset the Chinese government.
Researchers in the country have reportedly developed a prototype laser assault rifle with similar dimensions to an AK-47, according to South China Morning Post. 
The ZKZM-500 can reportedly set a person on fire using lasers. From 800 metres (about half a mile) away or less

Guys all this incivility towards Scott Pruitt, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Alan Dershowitz is making it harder for me to enjoy rising gas prices, rising health care premiums, children stolen from their moms and the "For Sale" sign on the White House lawn. - John Fugelsang


 Click here to meet C.W.


If men had to get spayed for causing an unwanted pregnancy, there’d be a whole lot less opposition to abortion. The Hoarse Whisperer

Rock The Voter News

Dear Mother, We are hunkered down near Mar-a-Lago Plantation and supplies are running short. My brethren are tired but in good spirits, as we have heard a joint Canadian-Mexican Freedom Force is on its way with bullets, poutine and tequila. Pray for us. #SecondCivilWarLetters

A Republican That Should Resign But Probably Won't
Rep. Jim Jordan, the powerful Republican congressman from Ohio, is being accused by former wrestlers he coached more than two decades ago at Ohio State University of failing to stop the team doctor from molesting them and other students.

No one could have predicted that the party of Nazis, child molesters, wife beaters and baby kidnappers would also be the party of Jim Jordan turning a blind eye to boys being sexually assaulted on his watch. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Can’t believe it’s Civil War Eve already. - Roland Scahill

 Oh No, Where Will The Boycotters Shop?
Supporters of President Trump on Monday launched a boycott against Walmart after it was discovered the superstore was selling apparel promoting Trump's impeachment.

Please take a Second on the Third to pick up a Fifth for the Fourth.This has been my yearly Public Service Announcement. - Anthony


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Moray is an archaeological site in Peru on a high plateau at about 3,500 metres. The site contains unusual Inca ruins, mostly consisting of several terraced circular depressions.
The purpose of these depressions is uncertain, but their depth, design, and orientation with respect to wind and sun creates a temperature difference of as much as 15 °C (27 °F) between the top and the bottom.
I can only imagine hearing the echoes off of all those mountain tops from one of those depressions..


Monday, July 2, 2018

Families charged steep fees to transport children from migrant shelters

Families charged steep fees to transport children from migrant shelters: report
Families are being charged high fees and forced to deal with various bureaucratic hurdles to transport children from migrant shelters, according to a report from The New York Times.

If undocumented corporations came across the border at least America would treat them like people - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Yup. Trump and Putin are meeting in Finland next month. Which is more appropriate than you’d think, since if these two keep up their romance, we are all finnish. - Bette Midler

Jared Kushner Screens Call For Trump AND...
A comedian says he spoke with President Trump by phone after posing as a senator and that the call was patched through while the president was aboard Air Force One.
The White House declined to discuss the incident

So Justice Kennedy’s son worked at Deutsche Bank and got #TheDonald $1 billion in loans when no other bank would lend him a dime. This time someone else disrobed and #Trump got paid. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Sure, Trump wants to kick people out of America without due process. But look on the bright side: without due process, it's not really America anymore! - Stephen Colbert

The First Lady of the United States of America Sold Her Images To Getty For Positive Coverage
First lady Melania Trump reportedly earned between $100,000 and $1 million in royalties from Getty Images in 2017 for the use of photos that under a licensing agreement could only be used in "positive coverage," according to a report

If Trump had spent more time in the poker rooms of his failed casinos, he’d know that if you look around the table and can't tell who the sucker is ... it's you.- goldengateblond


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Now I imagine Maxine Waters being shot at by some MAGA guy then catching the bullet with her teeth. - Tony Posnanski

What A Tease Michael Cohen Is
After once boasting he would "take a bullet" for Donald Trump, the president's longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen fired a possible warning shot toward the White House, saying he now puts "family and country first."

How many of the 154 mass shootings in America this year were perpetrated by illegal immigrants? I’ll wait. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

But if Harley Davidson goes away, how will retired dentists in my neighborhood wake me up on Saturdays? - Stephen Colbert

Trump Is Getting His Message Out To Refugees
A 7-year-old girl was reunited with her mom after nearly two months in immigration detention. The mom's message to other mothers: If you're thinking of claiming asylum, find another country: "The laws here are harsh. And people don't have hearts," she said

Does it help the environment if I drink vodka out of a reusable water bottle? - Conan O'Brien


It's hard hard work but someone's gotta do it!

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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sanibel and Captiva islands in Florida have the most beautiful shells and they're free!
