Monday, July 2, 2018

Families charged steep fees to transport children from migrant shelters

Families charged steep fees to transport children from migrant shelters: report
Families are being charged high fees and forced to deal with various bureaucratic hurdles to transport children from migrant shelters, according to a report from The New York Times.

If undocumented corporations came across the border at least America would treat them like people - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Yup. Trump and Putin are meeting in Finland next month. Which is more appropriate than you’d think, since if these two keep up their romance, we are all finnish. - Bette Midler

Jared Kushner Screens Call For Trump AND...
A comedian says he spoke with President Trump by phone after posing as a senator and that the call was patched through while the president was aboard Air Force One.
The White House declined to discuss the incident

So Justice Kennedy’s son worked at Deutsche Bank and got #TheDonald $1 billion in loans when no other bank would lend him a dime. This time someone else disrobed and #Trump got paid. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Sure, Trump wants to kick people out of America without due process. But look on the bright side: without due process, it's not really America anymore! - Stephen Colbert

The First Lady of the United States of America Sold Her Images To Getty For Positive Coverage
First lady Melania Trump reportedly earned between $100,000 and $1 million in royalties from Getty Images in 2017 for the use of photos that under a licensing agreement could only be used in "positive coverage," according to a report

If Trump had spent more time in the poker rooms of his failed casinos, he’d know that if you look around the table and can't tell who the sucker is ... it's you.- goldengateblond


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Rock The Voter News

Now I imagine Maxine Waters being shot at by some MAGA guy then catching the bullet with her teeth. - Tony Posnanski

What A Tease Michael Cohen Is
After once boasting he would "take a bullet" for Donald Trump, the president's longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen fired a possible warning shot toward the White House, saying he now puts "family and country first."

How many of the 154 mass shootings in America this year were perpetrated by illegal immigrants? I’ll wait. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

But if Harley Davidson goes away, how will retired dentists in my neighborhood wake me up on Saturdays? - Stephen Colbert

Trump Is Getting His Message Out To Refugees
A 7-year-old girl was reunited with her mom after nearly two months in immigration detention. The mom's message to other mothers: If you're thinking of claiming asylum, find another country: "The laws here are harsh. And people don't have hearts," she said

Does it help the environment if I drink vodka out of a reusable water bottle? - Conan O'Brien


It's hard hard work but someone's gotta do it!

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Odd News

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Sanibel and Captiva islands in Florida have the most beautiful shells and they're free!


Friday, June 29, 2018

They are shooting the messengers

Suspect in Maryland newspaper rampage denied bail
A man with a long grudge against Maryland's capital-city newspaper was ordered held in jail Friday on five counts of first-degree murder after police said he blasted his way into the newsroom with a pump-action shotgun, killing five people in one of the deadliest attacks on journalists in U.S. history.

I'm so glad we have a travel ban in place to protect us from the terrorists.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Have never felt continual, daily dread about my country before. I wake up with it, go to sleep with it. It’s exhausting.- Michael Ian Black

More Collateral Damage Of Saying The Press Is The Enemy Of The People
Novelist and Miami Herald columnist Carl Hiaasen’s brother was among those killed Thursday in a newsroom shooting in Annapolis, Maryland, his family confirmed.

No One Can Or Will Listen To You, Pentecostal Pence
Vice President Mike Pence had a strong message for the leaders of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, telling them to stem the flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border.

I know it makes no difference to Trump's base, and they believe that the intelligence community is a malicious conspiracy against the Donald, but every American intel agency agrees that Russia meddled in the elections. I just feel it's necessary to say that for the 5000th time. - Rick Wilson

Republican Shenanigans

Let’s all say it together. “The President of the United States is the subject of two criminal investigations.”- Tea Pain

The Man Who Made Fun Of Trump's Tiny 3rd Leg Whines About F Word After Shootings
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) responded to the massacre of five journalists at an Annapolis newspaper by whining about civility — and he was quickly drowned in profanity.

Let me explain it to you, Marco. Having a senator who spends his fu**ing time moonlighting as a media critic while journalists are being shot, calls for cursing. ¡Coño! - Ana Navarro

If men could get pregnant not only would abortion be legal, Donald Trump would be bragging over how many 3rd trimesters he'd had. - John Fugelsang

Why the loosened tie during a congressional hearing, Trey?
Republicans Try To Strong Arm Dept. of Justice. This Won't End Well.
The Republican-controlled House made an unprecedented demand for secret Justice Department documents Thursday as an increasingly ugly dispute over special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation burst into full public view.


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That swamp is so mucking deep. The next president will need to be Noah.

Rock The Voter News

I don't believe #Trump cares one iota about abortion, nor would I be surprised to find out  he owns stock in a coat-hanger factory. - Bette Midler

Barack Obama’s message to Democrats: Stop dreaming of him.
Speaking at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser Thursday in the lush backyard of two Beverly Hills megadonors, Obama warned of a country and world on the brink — “you are right to be concerned,” he told the crowd — but said they’d flub their chance to change that if they kept pining for a magical savior.

House Republicans grilled FBI agent Peter Strzok for 11 hours yesterday & found nothing. No smoking gun, no secret agenda. Nothing. - Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

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Business/Tech News

Racist illiterate reality show clown who ran for President and came in second & literally doesn't know the 3 branches of government seeks to withdraw US from World Trade Organization and only a globalist cuck would point out that's exactly what Putin wants. - John Fugelsang

DOJ Cracks Down On Healthcare Fraud
The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday announced charges against 601 people including doctors for taking part in healthcare frauds that resulted in over $2 billion in losses and contributed to the nation’s opioid epidemic in some cases.

Timothy: Keep the faith in something bigger than ourselves.



Odd News

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FYI: The other day I posted an aerial shot of a pool on the ocean shore and did not know the location. Thanks to several viewers who wrote in, the location is a hidden part of Laguna Beach, California. Shhh.

Bismuth crystals grown in a laboratory. Is it just me or does that look computer circuitry on acid? Amazing.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

We must remove the blinders

When Bush normalized Abu Ghraib torture in 2003, I was so afraid it would eventually lead to the torture of U.S. citizens. People of color, LGBTQ & women are being tortured, daily. Caged migrant children is just a continuation. Buckle up folks. Trump owns the Supreme Court.

It's a given that abortion access will now be reduced to a wire hanger.

One guy on twitter said,
 "Stock up on your abortions ladies!"  
What the right-to-lifers will never acknowledge is that not every woman is equipped mentally or physically to have a child. That's why the decision should be between a woman and her doctor because it's not anyone's damn business, especially politicians putting ridiculous restrictions to delay her decision. That's torture to that woman.

As I write this, thousands of migrant children are terrified of what the hell just happened to them and why. Some are caged, some are in foster facilities spread across the country and there is not one list to tie these children to their parents. Not one list. Why the hell not? This is ongoing daily torture to them, pure and simple.
Melania wearing that I DON'T CARE jacket said it all.
Black men and kids being shot in the back by the police is commonplace. Children being slaughtered with military grade weapons at school is commonplace, too. "Crisis actors" is a common accusation of victims. Nazis are very fine people. Mexicans are rapists. This torturous language has normalized racism and violence.  The world is appalled at the U.S.

The #MeToo movement was such a glimmer of hope for women. But with Trump owning the court now, landmark decisions can be overturned and even worse, landmark decisions can be made. Hell, Trump just hired a guy to work in the White House who was ousted from Fox News for sexual harassment. #MeNoMore
I would  wear a chastity belt if I worked at the White House!
And they want Democrats to be more civil.
It's not uncivil to tell the truth.

The Republican Party and Trump are destroying this country and its institutions, step by step, inch by inch. The only hope we have is to vote out these Congressional traitors and jail any of them that colluded with Russia or committed any other crimes.

SOS, Mr. Mueller. SOS. America is dying.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Kim Jong Un took advantage of our f-cking moron in chief, just wait till Vladimir Putin gets him alone. - Randi Mayem Singer

Money Launderers Are Everywhere!
A search warrant application unsealed on Wednesday revealed closer links than previously known between President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin.

None of what happens now has anything to do with arguments or persuasion but solely the calculated use of maximal application of the available political power. That’s it.- Chris Hayes

Republican Shenanigans

Now, in a letter to President Trump, Justice Kennedy wrote, "This letter is a respectful and formal notification of my decision, effective July 31 of this year, to end my regular active status as an associate justice of the Supreme Court." OK, "effective July 31." So, enjoy your gay marriages now, because as of August 1, you're back to being roommates.- Stephen Colbert

Here we go again.
The Republican Judiciary Committee Wants The Blood, Sweat And Tears Of Hillary And Anyone Who Doesn't Prosecute Her
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee about an inspector general report on the FBI's handling of its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

Reportedly, the White House will push for a nomination and confirmation of Justice Kennedy's vacated seat before the midterms. Well, of course before the midterms! Just like you want to eat all the weed before the cop walks up to the driver's side window.- Stephen Colbert


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Living in a constitutional democracy is on my bucket list. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

This Is A Surprise
New bipartisan bill calls for Puerto Rico statehood.
“To sum everything up, this is about equality,” said Puerto Rico's pro-statehood, nonvoting member of Congress, Jenniffer González.

Damn, Bernie It's Not About You. Quit Flaming The Bros.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday bragged to a group of supporters that “in many ways we did win the election hours after Anthony Kennedy announces retirement .

Anthony Kennedy gave us Citizens United - not to mention the Presidency of George W. Bush and the Iraq War, thanks to his heinous ruling on Bush v Gore. It's horrible that Trump gets another pick, but let's not act as though Nelson Mandela just retired. - Andy Borowitz


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A group of shareholders at Facebook might be plotting to get rid of Mark Zuckerberg. And their plan would be way more likely to work if Mark wasn't spying on them using Facebook.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

The Toddlers Are Coming! The Toddlers Are Coming!
As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 years old are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Trump is in a Twitter feud with Harley-Davidson since they announced that they're moving some jobs overseas. When people first heard Trump was feuding with Harley-Davidson, they just assumed it was another porn star.- Jimmy Fallon

Remember When Trump Publicly Trashed Boeing?
Boeing wants to make a passenger plane that can shuttle customers around the globe at five times the speed of sound.
Boeing says the jet could get you anywhere in the world in just one to three hours. With top speeds exceeding 3,800 miles per hour, the trek from New York to London, for example, could take 120 minutes. Currently the trip takes around seven hours.

If I were the president I would give these detained separated families immediate citizenship, a government job and 100K cash so they won't sue the hell out of the USA.



Odd News

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Lenticular clouds over Patagonia, Argentina. We needed something soft to look at after a hard day.
