Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Republican Values

Youngest migrants held in ‘tender age’ shelters
Lawyers and medical professionals who visited a federal shelter for babies and toddlers taken from parents at border describe play rooms of crying preschool-age children in crisis.

If listening to the tape of the crying children held in cages wasn't bad enough, there is this on the same tape -- One Border Patrol agent says in Spanish, "Well, we have an orchestra here. What’s missing is a conductor.”
What's missing is #empathy for Christ's sake. These children are being abused. At this very moment.
What's next, lebensborn or Brave New World? Oh wait, there's The Handmaid's Tale!

How has no one thrown a shoe at this motherfvcker yet? - Travon Free

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A federal judge in Virginia revoked former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s bail on Friday and sent him to jail while he awaits trial. Jail — or as it will soon be known, “Trump 2020 Re-Election Headquarters.”- Seth Myers

Ivanka Trump shows the world how to turn lemons into lemonade. - The Tweetwit

What about pregnant women in these jail camps? What happens when they give birth ? Do these monsters take away the infant immediately? - Roland Scahill

The Costs Of Imprisoning Kids Are High. Who Knew?
Separating migrant kids from their parents will cost the administration more than placing them in permanent structures or keeping them with their parents.

"It's not racism!" cried Trump (who ripped off Americans w/a scam online U, fined $25 mil for education fraud) & Sessions (who perjured himself 2x). "It's respect for the LAW!"
Then they enjoyed a light lunch w/Scott Pruitt as their followers reliably screamed about 'illegals.' - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Trump’s statement that immigrants will “infest our Country” probably sounds better in the original German. - Bill Kristol

Kirstjen Nielsen, the US Homeland Security Secretary at a Mexican restaurant is confronted by shouting protesters. A Mexican restaurant! 

Ripping Mexican babies from their Mexican mothers and then going out to celebrate by eating at a Mexican restaurant takes a special type of awful. - Warren Holstein 


 Click here to meet C.W.


I don’t want to hear another god damn word about my Trump mask photo from any of these people ever again. A $10 Halloween mask covered in Ketchup vs the lives of real children. - Kathy Griffin

Rock The Voter News

29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of The Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life. Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump. - Steve Schmidt, communications and public affairs strategist

Corey Lewandowski Mocks The Disabled Just Like His Boss!
The war of words over President Trump’s immigrant crackdown just took a nasty turn: Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski dismissed reports about an immigrant girl with Down syndrome being separated from her mother with a mocking “womp-womp” during an appearance on Fox News.

I don’t understand how a country obsessed with superhero movies doesn’t recognize supervillainy. - Barron Vaughn


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UK PM Theresa May: “..what we have seen in the United States, the pictures of children being held in what appear to be cages are deeply disturbing. This is wrong, this is not something that we agree with, and this is not the United Kingdom’s approach.”

Business/Tech News

It’s been too easy for our kids to get marijuana - and for criminals to reap the profits. Today, we change that. Our plan to legalize & regulate marijuana just passed the Senate. #PromiseKept - Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Hit Her Where It Hurts -- Her Pocketbook!
Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg suggested on Tuesday that advertisers boycott conservative television host Laura Ingraham after she made comments likening makeshift detention centers for immigrant children to summer camps.

Amazon Apologizes for Accidentally Shipping Dog Cage to Oval Office - Andy Borowitz

Actually, I need both!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
She sure has talented toes but I want to know why the chairs are wearing bras.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen denies everything

White House not using immigrant children as pawns, Nielsen says
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen denied on Monday that the administration was using immigrant children as leverage to advance

I broke into tears when I heard the audio of those terrified children crying. This is beyond cruel. You know that there will eventually be children lost in Trump's barbaric system. Where are the female children and infants for Christ's sake?

Nielsen argued that a 314% increase in accused smugglers at the border necessitated separating parents from children. DHS gave me hard numbers: After the increase, 0.61% of families from October through February included alleged smugglers. - Philip Bump, Washington Post

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

One thing I know for sure: no one on the right side of history has ever had to nitpick what the definition of “cage” is. - Stephen Colbert

Four Former First Ladies Join Melania In Hating His Guts
All four former first ladies have joined the current one, Melania Trump, in an unusual united political front expressing horror at children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Hitler didn't START with genocide, either.
But he wound up there.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday defended the Trump administration’s practice of separating parents and children who cross the border illegally from comparisons to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, saying the Nazis "were keeping the Jews from leaving."

Imagine being so powerful you could make one phone call and (BAM!) you’ve reunited thousands of scared, confused little kids with mommies and daddies who miss them. Now imagine how sick and broken and empty you’d have to be inside to choose not to make that call. - Jason Kander

Trump and Sessions assure you that MS-13 is the greatest threat to safety.  Also, asylum seekers fleeing MS-13 are liars. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The youngest child (boy) I’ve seen here so far who was separated from his family is 8 months old and has been here over a month, according to administrators.  - U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro

Trump Truly Has No Sense Of Decency
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.: "President Trump could stop this policy with a phone call," he said on CNN. "I'll go tell him: If you don't like families  being separated, you can tell DHS, 'Stop doing it.'"...

11,785 children are now in the care of Donald Trump’s HHS, according to HHS - John Harwood, CNBC


 Click here to meet C.W.


It’s proper justice for women and children to break the back of the Trump presidency, then Bob Mueller and the rule of law to finish him off.Can we get an amen? - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

The point overlooked in all of this family separation coverage:After we’ve isolated and traumatized children who’ve already endured a hellish trek, we’re sending them back to whatever hell they fled.We’re traumatizing them before sending them off to even worse. - The Hoarse Whisperer

He's a mercenary and she needs guns in school to shoot bears.

What A Brother & Sister Act Trump Gave Us
Blackwater founder Erik Prince tells the Daily Beast that he has been cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Over 98% of the world's nukes are under the control of administrations who lie right to your face.- Darth Putin tweet


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WARNING SIGNS. The fact that Trump hasn't immediately ended this policy of stealing children and holding them hostage—and that GOP lawmakers haven't uniformly condemned it—tells you we're much further along the road to tyranny than most people imagine. - Peter Daou 

Business/Tech News

There isn't enough Xanax for this Presidency. - Randi Mayem Singer

When is Steve Bannon going to release his death certificate?

Paging Mr. Mueller. Paging Mr. Mueller.
Buyers connected to Russia or former Soviet republics made 86 all-cash sales — totaling nearly $109 million — at 10 Trump-branded properties in south Florida and New York City, according to a new analysis shared with McClatchy. Many of them made purchases using shell companies designed to obscure their identities.

I’m in #mexico, it’s 3:30 am and I can’t sleep, and I’m seeing what’s happening in the US and all I want to do is run back and hug my 5 year old daughter and never let go. At least I have that luxury. Amazing that it’s now a luxury. - Lulu Garcia-Navarro



The family photo that didn't make it into the album but should have.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Old Dragon's Head is the eastern end of the Great Wall of China. And today China welcomes immigrants.


Monday, June 18, 2018

I will be back online Tuesday, June 19

Thank you for stopping by.

Mea culpa for any humor inconvenience but I got a free ride to Nicoya to run much needed errands and I grabbed it. It was a lovely day, free of any news of Trump until now.

My friend insisted we get empanadas for breakfast at her favorite street vendor in Nicoya. The crust tasted like a Frito chip and we washed it down with a bag of Tamarind juice. Yes, a bag! Delicious.

Once I returned home and turned on the news I see the barbaric Trump & Company is still blaming everyone but themselves for tearing children away from their parents.

I can't leave you empty handed...


Jeff Sessions Argues Family Separations Only Happening Because Current Law Doesn’t Allow Him To Strangle Immigrants With Bare Hands - The Onion

Peace to all the children that Trump is holding hostage for his wall.