Friday, May 25, 2018

Yo Yo Diplomacy

Trump teases that summit with Kim may be back on
President Donald Trump and his aides are hinting that his historic sit-down with Kim Jong Un may still happen, just one day after Trump sent a blunt letter to the North Korean leader calling it off.

President Trump canceled his summit with Kim Jong Un, saying it’s because of Kim’s "open hostility." Trump said, "I will not tolerate hostility from a fat-faced little Rocket Man."- Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Sorry. To get white evangelicals to care about 1,475 missing migrant children, we're going to have to describe them as fertilized eggs.- LOLGOP

This Is How Low Trump Will Go. What Happened To America?
The Trump administration called immigrant children future criminals on the same day Border Patrol was accused of sexually and physically abusing child detainees.

Don't it seem odd that Kim Jong Un is lettin' American reporters into North Korea, but Scott Pruitt is bannin' 'em from EPA meetings? - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Although the N.F.L. has long banned substances such as anabolic steroids and growth hormones, the First Amendment is believed to be the only right guaranteed by the Constitution to be included on the list. - Andy Borowitz

Collusion Is Asking A Foreign Power To Interfere In An Election Or Is It?
Donald Trump’s former campaign adviser Roger Stone pressured an acquaintance to ask WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for “damaging” emails on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Paul Ryan who fights to cut social security and raise the retirement age to 70 is retiring at the age of 48. He used social security benefits to pay for college and will now get a full pension! @SpeakerRyan America’s hypocrite! - irishygirl


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Once again, Donald Trump has spent all morning peddling his conspiracy theories and lies all over Twitter like the deranged moron we’ve all come to despise. With every word, you can literally see his fear. Perhaps the downfall of Harvey Weinstein struck a cord? - Ricky Davila

Rock The Voter News

A short message for @realDonaldTrump: Mexico is still not paying for that #FuckingWall. - Vicente Fox Quesada, Former president of Mexico

Nancy, Nancy, Wherefore Art Thou, Nancy?
...“I love the National Anthem … and I love the First Amendment and I’ll just leave it that.”
Nancy Pelosi declines to take a position on the NFL anthem ruling, but says she wishes the players had been a bigger part of the decision


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Business/Tech News

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, in an interview with the “failing New York Times,” said being called a liar bothers her. Which, I don't know. I know this might sound crazy, but — have you considered maybe not lying all the time? - Jimmy Kimmel

Meanwhile, The Russians re On A Hacking Campaign As Trump Yawns
The FBI on Friday issued a formal warning that a sophisticated Russia-linked hacking campaign is compromising hundreds of thousands of home network devices worldwide and it is advising owners to reboot these devices in an attempt to disrupt the malicious software.

Is there a crowd-funding site to plunge George Zimmerman deeper into debt? - Michael McKean


Thank you for busting through the halfway mark!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I don't know why but I love this photo.

Pura vida.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Trump cancels North Korea Summit

Trump cancels Singapore nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
President Trump cancels his historic summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un next month.
Trump accuses North Korea of "tremendous anger and open hostility."

Those coins Trump made for the cancelled summit will be worth a fortune!

South Korean official response: “We are attempting to make sense of what, precisely, President Trump means.”
Welcome to the f*cking club. - Stephen Colbert

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I’ve written drunk texts that made more sense than Trump’s letter to Kim Jong Un. - Chelsea Handler

Putin Defends North Korea
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he was disappointed the planned summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un was cancelled and said North Korea was not to blame...Putin said Kim “did everything he promised in advance,” citing North Korea’s claim that it had destroyed its nuclear testing site.

Americans Freed From North Korea Sent Back To Pyongyang After Denuclearization Talks Fall Through - The Onion

2017 media had nervous breakdown because it was IRRESPONSIBLE to report on dossier/pee tape bc it wasn't confirmed
2018 media can't stop reporting on Trump's unconfirmed "spy" claim - Eric Boehlert 

Republican Shenanigans

It’s a sad day in America when we ban professional athletes from protesting peacefully before we ban the sale of assault weapons. - Andrew Weinstein

Republican Devin Nunes & Cocaine? What?
A winery whose investors include Republican Devin Nunes faced a lawsuit over a charity yacht party that allegedly involved cocaine and sex 

Conservatives be like "we're pro-life, because EVERY life is sacred!"
Black lives matter?"Uhh, not THOSE lives."
Children getting shot in schools, we need sensible gun control."Nope. Muh guns is sacred."
Syrian refugees being slaughtered!"NO ROOM HERE."
So...EVERY life? - Brooklyn Dad Defiant 


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I guess Trump is going to have to hope that he will get the Nobel prize for literature now. - Roland Scahill

Rock The Voter News

In the internment camps, we were forced to face the U.S. flag each morning and recite the Pledge of Allegiance from behind barbed wire fences. Patriotism is earned by a nation that lives up to its promises. It is our sacred duty always to speak out when it does not. #TakeAKnee - George Takei

Republicans Fail To Find Any Spies
Senior U.S. lawmakers attended classified briefings on Thursday on the FBI’s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election after President Donald Trump made unsubstantiated claims about a “spy” being used against his campaign, and a top Democrat said afterward he heard nothing to support Trump’s allegation.

How pissed is Donald Trump going to be when he finds out he has to unblock Rosie O’Donnell? -Michael Blackman


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The entire world is enrolled in Trump University. - Chris Hayes

Business/Tech News


‘You Better Give Our Dad A Good Trade Deal Or You’ll Be Sorry!’ Shout Angry Trump Boys On Phone With Employee Of Local Chinese Restaurant - The Onion

Trump knows you live in your congressional office, boy.

Paul Ryan Defies Trump
The House on Thursday voted to cut off Chinese telecommunications company ZTE from U.S. business dealings, putting pressure on the firm and President Trump.

Lately I’ve been wondering if God is an evil man and the Devil is a good woman he slandered so no one would ever work with her again. - OhNoSheTwint


Thank you! Almost Halfway to the goal!


Shadow Cat

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Pablo Picasso imitating Popeye smoking a pipe -- wait, is that a bong?


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says
President Donald Trump cannot block users on his Twitter feed, a federal judge in New York City ruled Wednesday.
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said in her ruling that Trump is violating the U.S. Constitution by preventing certain Americans from viewing his tweets. The social media platform, she said, is a "designated public forum" from which Trump cannot exclude individual plaintiffs.

I wonder if Trump will obey the judge's order? If not, will Twitter?

The fact that a federal judge had to make a ruling about how the president conducts himself on social media is f*cking embarrassing.. OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Are we still forbidden to wonder aloud about Trump's mental health or should we wait until he launches a nuke.- Ragnarok Lobster tweet

Jeezus. Another Sonic Attack?
The State Department on Wednesday notified U.S. citizens in China that a government employee suffered a mild brain injury after experiencing abnormal sound and pressure.

Donald Trump blaming Obama for non-existent political surveillance on his campaign's activities sets a new high bar for horrible white guys blaming their crimes on a black guy. - John Fugelsang

Michael Cohen May Be Swimming With The Fishes If He Talks
A company that paid Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s legal fixer, was also involved in securing hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for a Russian oligarch from a bank with ties to Russia’s intelligence services.

Republican Shenanigans

The sinkhole outside the White House is still less destructive than the asshole inside the White House. - OhNoSheTwint

The Deep State Is Coming! The Deep State Is Coming!
President Donald Trump fired off another allegation that a “Criminal Deep State" within the FBI and Department of Justice is pursuing him, after media reports that an FBI informant was embedded in his 2016 presidential campaign.

By not inviting Democrats to this FBI briefing, the White House appears to be, quite literally, politicizing intelligence. - Sam Stein

What, me worry?
Michael Cohen Loses Another Friendship
Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime attorney, downplayed his relationship on Wednesday with a taxi business mogul who has agreed to cooperate with government prosecutors.

Here's a fun and true fact: exactly one year into the Watergate investigation, we still hadn't found out about Nixon's tapes - Jeff Tiedrich


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You know if the government has enough info to send me a draft card on my 18th birthday they should just register me to vote me while they’re at it. - David Hogg

Rock The Voter News

Republicans Are Gaining Ground Among Voters
Republicans hold a slim lead over Democrats in a generic ballot among registered voters, a new Reuters poll found, marking the first time the survey showed the GOP ahead in this election cycle.

Going to create a site where the public can rate the core truth of any article & track the credibility score over time of each journalist, editor & publication. Thinking of calling it Pravda … Elon Musk

Tell me more about this criminal deep state, does it operate out of the basement of that pizza parlor that has no basement on the days when Hillary isn't using it for her child sex ring herpa derpa - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Apparently, the only thing that can embarrass Trump and his fans is having a black president.- LOLGOP

Oh Say Can You See, You Can't Take A Knee
The owners of N.F.L. teams agreed on Wednesday to a new policy for player conduct during the playing of the national anthem, an issue that escalated last season into a national debate that involved President Trump.
Commissioner Roger Goodell said that owners voted to fine teams if their players are on the field or sidelines but do not stand during the national anthem, though players will be allowed to stay in the locker room if they choose. Players had previously been required to be on the field for the anthem

Everything we consider American today we actually stole from Germany. Think about it- hamburgers, hotdogs, fascism. - Jesse McLaren



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Australia's Mary River Turtle - with its green Mohican-style hair. Happy World Turtle Day!
