Tuesday, May 22, 2018

EPA Doesn't Want AP & CNN Nosing Around

EPA bars AP, CNN from summit on contaminants
The Environmental Protection Agency is barring The Associated Press, CNN and the environmental-focused news organization E&E from a national summit on harmful water contaminants.
The EPA blocked the news organizations from attending Tuesday’s Washington meeting, convened by EPA chief Scott Pruitt.

I believe the only way to save Hawaii is to sacrifice a sitting president to the angry Volcano. - drixy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

North Korea summit could be postponed, says Trump, as he slowly realizes he has been duped.- Richard Hine

Trump Has US/North Korea Memorial Coin Minted
Weird, odd, a dumpster fire': Trump's North Korea summit coin ridiculed. Coin marking nuclear talks that might not happen yet criticised as premature and giving Kim Jong-un unwarranted status

Jared Kushner: Clown Prince
A new cache of emails obtained by the AP show an adviser to the crown prince of Abu Dhabi mocking Jared Kushner as the “clown prince” in an exchange with his partner, a Trump fundraiser.

Former President Obama and Mrs. Obama have just signed a multi-year deal with Netflix. Meanwhile, President Trump has just signed a multi-year deal with Melania.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

I like how the New York Times thinks Trump actually wrote "The Art of the Deal"  Or that he has read it. - John Fugelsang

I Wonder Who's Hacked Trump's Cell Phone?
President Donald Trump uses a White House cellphone that isn’t equipped with sophisticated security features designed to shield his communications, according to two senior administration officials — a departure from the practice of his predecessors that potentially exposes him to hacking or surveillance.

In the Obama transition and White House I helped with the  decision to keep his “personal” BlackBerry, subject to restrictions that Trump is now flouting. Those aren’t just about personal safety but national security. Trump doesn’t give a damn. Again. - Norm  Eisen


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In reference to both Hawaiian volcanoes and Trump--two unpredictable forces that spew destruction and noxious hot air--we need to start wearing MAGMA hats: "Make America Great My Ass!" - George Takei

Rock The Voter News

Imagine John Gotti demanding that federal officers investigate the federal officers investigating John Gotti — and federal officers agree to help John Gotti and investigate the federal officers investigating John Gotti. This is how badly Trump has corrupted our justice system. - Bill Madden

Bernie Has Been And Still Is Gaming The Democrats
Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic nomination in Vermont — but he won’t accept it if he wins.
The famously independent senator, who briefly joined the Democratic Party to run in the 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary only to un-enroll later, officially announced Monday that he would seek a third term in the Senate this fall. He also said that he’ll pull the same maneuver that he did in his 2006 and 2012 Senate races: Running as a Democrat, declining the nomination when he wins and then running as an independent.

Man With 20 Rifles Can’t Remember If His Goal To Start Or Stop Violent Overthrow Of Government - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

President Trump tweeted yesterday, quote, “I hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for political purposes.” Only Trump could open with the words “I hereby demand” and still be so lazy as to add “but I’ll do it tomorrow.”- Seth Myers

Is Amazon Turning Into Big Brother?
The American Civil Liberties Union and other privacy activists are asking Amazon to stop marketing a powerful facial recognition tool to police, saying law enforcement agencies could use the technology to "easily build a system to automate the identification and tracking of anyone."

Rudy Giuliani said this weekend that special counsel Robert Mueller has promised to finish his investigation into possible wrongdoing by President Trump by September, possibly even August if Giuliani would just stop calling him.- Seth Myers

Good luck breeding those lions


Thank you!


With an arm that long you’d think he’d be a goalkeeper!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Is that a cowlick?


Monday, May 21, 2018

Step by step, inch by inch...

Donald Trump Comes Unglued Amid Growing Pressure From Bob Mueller
When the Senate Judiciary Committee convened last month to approve a bill to protect Robert Mueller, a number of Republicans opposed to the proposal clung to a wild claim: They said they felt bound by the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinion in a case that upheld a law, since lapsed..

The definition of insanity is postin’ the same tweet over and over and expectin’ Bob Mueller to go away. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

This weekend, by order of Donald Trump, every forest fire that was extinguished during the Presidency of Barack Obama will be re-ignited.-JRehling

I swear I can barely stand another minute of Trump.
DOJ Responds To Trump's Order
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has asked its inspector general to look into whether the FBI surveilled President Trump's campaign for "inappropriate purposes."
“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action," Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in a statement.

Email from Dee
Subject: YOU

Go to hell and stay out of our business you piece of commie sh-t.
-the USA


I didn't answer the above email but if I did I would say:

Hi Dee,
I'm an American and believe in the Constitution, even the freedom for you to make a fool of yourself. Thank you for verifying my beliefs

This is probably Dee's pickup truck

Republican Shenanigans

The Santa Fe shooter was stood up to and rejected by a girl he was harassing and now she and 9 others are dead, in case you’re still unclear about why women are hesitant to come forward about sexual harassment and assault. - OhNoSheTwint

Alexa show me white privilege

Disappearing Government Records?  What?
Last week, several news outlets obtained financial records showing that Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, had used a shell company to receive payments from various firms with business before the Trump Administration. In the days since, there has been much speculation about who leaked the confidential documents, and the Treasury Department’s inspector general has launched a probe to find the source. That source, a law-enforcement official, is speaking publicly for the first time, to The New Yorker, to explain the motivation: the official had grown alarmed after being unable to find two important reports on Cohen’s financial activity in a government database. The official, worried that the information was being withheld from law enforcement, released the remaining documents.

Imagine yourself in as much legal hot water as Trump. now imagine that your team of strategists is Rudy Giuliani, Steve Doocy and Sean Hannity. at this point you should also be imagining what it will be like to spend the rest of your life in prison. - Jeff Tiedrich


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Please tell me again how a bunch of lifelong Republicans in the FBI colluded with Russia and Hillary to lose her own election so that Trump could win so that then the deep state could take him down because oh my god that all makes such perfect sense to me derpity derpity derpity - Jeff Tiedrich

This screenshot is from the Guardian covering the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

I Love Pope Francis
A gay man and victim of sexual abuse by a Chilean priest has said that Pope Francis told him that his sexuality “does not matter" and that "God loves you like this."

I think it’s hilarious that so many Republicans believe that President Obama sent a spy into the Trump campaign to get dirt, and then didn’t use any of the dirt and just let Trump win the election. Brilliant plan!- Woke Romney tweet


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Business/Tech News

Gorsuch votes to let workers get ripped off.
From his Supreme Court seat.
Which was ripped off.
- John Fugelsang

Trump Puts China Tariffs Put On Hold
President Trump on Monday said that barriers to trade with China will "come down," adding that Beijing will buy agricultural products from American farmers as a result of trade talks.

Coverage of Trump’s rather sudden about-face on taxing Chinese imports should probably at least *mention* that a real estate project he’s involved with in Indonesia got a $500 million loan from the Chinese government earlier this month. - Matthew Yglesias

I loved the Royal Wedding. Harry and Meghan changed the Royals forever. I think Princess Diana had a lot of influence there, especially in the chyron below.

IKEA’s launching a new credit card that offers rewards and perks for frequent customers, but it is a bitch to put together!- Seth Myers


The rainy season has returned with a vengeance. I shut down my equipment several times today hence the late post, again.

Thank you! Almost halfway there!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Moves like Jagger Jaguar.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Head in tear stained hands - Another school shooting

At least 9 dead in Santa Fe High School; shooter had multiple guns, bombs
At least 9 people died Friday morning in gunfire at Santa Fe High School, law enforcement officials confirmed, while area hospitals reported at least a dozen others were injured.
Police arrested a student suspect and detained a second person, Santa Fe school officials confirmed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - The Onion

Santa Fe High, you didn’t deserve this. You deserve peace all your lives, not just after a tombstone saying that is put over you. You deserve more than Thoughts and Prayers, and after supporting us by walking out we will be there to support you by raising up your voices.- Emma Gonzalez, Parkland shooting survivor

After I heard about the Santa Fe shooting,  I yearned to hear "Candle In The Wind" --  not the lyrics but the instrumental. These innocent children are our candles in the wind.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

1984: Big Brother Is Watching You
2018: Big Brother Is Watching Himself On Fox & Friends
-Jeff Tiedrich

Is Ecuador Putting The Squeeze On Julian Assange?
Ecuador has removed extra security at its London embassy following claims that $5m (£3.7m) was spent to protect WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
The money was used to monitor Mr Assange's visitors, embassy staff and UK police, media reports in the UK and Ecuador said.

FUN FACT: Bob Mueller's investigation has gone on for one year, or .25 Benghazis.- Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

When is someone going to introduce legislation that presidential candidates need to be properly vetted by the FBI before being allowed to be the parties nominee? - irishygirl tweet

The White House announced today that President Trump would donate his first quarter’s salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs. It’s just a little less money than he’s given to veterans of his affairs.- Seth Myers

Giuliani Is Trashing What Little Credibility He Has Left. He Must Owe Trump Bigtime.
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani went on an angry tirade against Chris Cuomo on Friday after the CNN host played an old clip of him saying that presidents must comply with subpoenas to testify.

Every day that we fail to act on gun violence, we are failing our children. This should be a day for soul searching across America - and that soul searching should be matched with legislating to begin dealing with this national shame. - Hillary Clinton

Sending all of my love to the students and families in Santa Fe, Texas. We can do better than this. We must do better than this. - Ellen Degeneres


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Back in the day, high school students couldn't wait until summer break because they we're tired of tests and homework.
Now it's because they are tired of getting shot at. - Erik Bransteen

Rock The Voter News

Women's Rights are More Regulated Than Assault Weapons. Sad.
 The Trump administration will resurrect a Reagan-era rule banning federally funded family planning clinics from referring women for abortions, or sharing space with abortion providers.

WH to strip Federal funding to Planned Parenthood because only in America do we try to make the abortion rate go down by making it harder for women to get birth control. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Levi’s just released a smart jacket that lets you know when your Uber arrives. It’s great for people who love to have all the latest gadgets — except a phone.- Jimmy Fallon

I Don't Think  I Could Stomach Scaramucci As A TV Host
A television show featuring Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who is suing President Trump on behalf of a pornographic film actress, and the former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was pitched to two cable networks in recent weeks, people briefed on the matter said on Thursday.

According to The New York Times, a TV show featuring Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti and former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was recently pitched to two cable networks. The show is called “The Very Good Lawyer and Anthony Scaramucci.” - Seth Myers


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Friday is for fishing. TGIF everybody!
