Monday, May 14, 2018

Apparently the apartheid displayed by Israel is too much for South Africa

South Africa recalls ambassador to Israel over deaths on Gaza border
South Africa announced on Monday it was recalling its ambassador to Israel after at least 52 Palestinians were killed along the Gaza border.
“Given the indiscriminate and grave manner of the latest Israeli attack, the South African government has taken a decision to recall Ambassador Sisa Ngombane with immediate effect until further notice,” South Africa's foreign ministry said in a statement.

If Trump wins a Nobel Peace Prize, I bet he’ll try to trade it in for an Emmy. - Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Jared and Ivanka partying it up in Jerusalem while Israeli forces massacre Palestinians in Gaza is a level of depravity you can only find in the Trump and Netanyahu administrations.- Eugene Gu

Oh, Emoluments Are In The Air
A billion-dollar Indonesian property development with ties to Donald Trump has become the latest project in China’s globe-spanning Belt and Road infrastructure project – just as Washington and Beijing are tussling over trade.

Trump Fascinated By Israeli Cultural Tradition Of Mass Slaughter Of Protesters - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Think of the money Barack Obama saves each #MothersDay!
He only has to buy one card.
Donald has to buy, at least, three. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Melania Fakes Kidney Condition To Escape Trump For A Week
Melania Trump underwent a surgical procedure on Monday morning to treat what the White House called a “benign kidney condition” and was reported to be recovering without trouble at a military hospital outside the capital.
“The procedure was successful and there were no complications,” the White House said in a statement. “Mrs. Trump is at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and will likely remain there for the duration of the week. 

also Deplorables: HA HA HA JOHN MCCAIN, THAT ASSHOLE IS DYING. - Jeff Tiedrich

ME: “Looks like America might be saved by a porn actress and her lawyer.”
GOD: “I work in mysterious ways.”
ME: "Oh, honey . . . after the past two years, my only surprise is that you work at all.”
- Mrs. Betty Bowers


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The New York Times would have you believe that a bunch of Nazi motherfuckers were all set to vote for Hillary but then she called them deplorable and hurt their feelings and they switched to Trump. uh huh and I have five bankrupt casinos in Atlantic City to sell you. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

And if you don't pay your gambling debts, SCOTUS will send over Justice Alito to break your thumbs.- Erik Bransteen


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Business/Tech News

The U.S. hit ZTE with a 7-year ban for violating Iran and North Korea sanctions, then lying about their efforts to address the problem.
The heads of the NSA, FBI, and CIA are also concerned that ZTE may be using their technology to spy on U.S. consumers. - Kyle Griffin

Trumps Stumps For ZTE
With his pledge to save a major Chinese company from crippling US sanctions, President Donald Trump has delivered yet another twist in the trade clash with Beijing.
His announcement on Twitter that he's working to give China's ZTE "a way to get back into business, fast" was a sudden shift in the US stance at the start of a big week for trade ties between the world's top two economies.

If you didn't care about Trump breaking the emoluments clause before, now that he's trying to bail out China Smartphone giant ZTE in what seems to be a way to secure a $500 million Chinese loan that benefits Trump hotels in Indonesia, maybe now would be a good time to start! - Ed Krassenstein

Suspicious house


Thank you!

Today's edition was a little late due to my eye doctor's appointment for new glasses. They arrive in 10 days, from Spain!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

From jail birds to free birds on their first flight.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Trump aide mocks John McCain

Trump aide reportedly said John McCain's view on CIA pick 'doesn't matter' because 'he's dying anyway'
Meghan McCain, television co-host and daughter of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gave a stinging response Friday to a White House official who reportedly said at a staff meeting that his opposition to a Trump administration nominee "doesn't matter" because "he's dying anyway."
"I don't understand what kind of environment you're working in when that would be acceptable and then you could come to work the next day and still have a job," McCain said on "The View" Friday.

Hey Melania,  @kellysadler45  is not be best. - Tim Hanlon

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So a former prisoner of war and torture victim now dying of brain cancer is fair game but heaven help you if you make fun of Sarah Sanders's smokey eye makeup. - Jeff Tiedrich

Here's your reminder that Kim Jong Un took 3 Americans hostage, sentenced one to hard labor & deprived another of sunlight.    Or, as Trump says, "really was excellent to these people."
#MAGA folk, reality will welcome you back with open arms whenever you're ready. - John Fugelsang

Pakistan Is Pissed At US
Pakistan imposed travel restrictions Friday on U.S. diplomats in a response that could strain relations between the two nations.
Under the new restrictions, U.S. diplomats are restricted from movements in the country and will no longer receive special treatment at airports.

"No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community." - Theodore Roosevelt.

Republican Shenanigans

Let this serve as formal notice - there is significantly more evidence and facts to come relating to Mr. Cohen's dealings and Mr. Trump's knowledge and involvement. You can come clean now or wait to be outed. Your choice. We have only just begun...- Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' attorney

Do as I say not as I do.

Trump Has Another Temper Tantrum
President Donald Trump unloaded on Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a heated cabinet meeting this week, railing against her for failing to stop illegal border crossings

It’s pretty crazy that Stormy Daniels’ money could be traced all the way back to Vladimir Putin. In response, Putin said, “Donald can spend allowance however he wants.” - Jimmy Fallon

Sarah Sanders, The Deplorable One
Facing the White House press following an aide making a “joke” about Arizona Sen. John McCain “dying,” spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to address or condemn the comment, saying she “would not get into it,” and dismissing it as a leak.
Asked whether White House aide Kelly Sadler “still has a job,” Sanders replied, “I’m not going to comment on an internal staff meeting.”

I think black people should be allowed to call the police on white people who look like they might call the police on black people. - Rex Huppke


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According to The New York Times, the shell company that President Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, used to pay Stormy Daniels received payments from AT&T. To thank them, Cohen will be using AT&T for his one phone call. - Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

Deep State = Russian Spies
Kremlin-linked Russian politician Alexander Torshin traveled frequently between Moscow and various destinations in the United States to build relationships with figures on the American right starting as early as 2009, beyond his previously known contacts with the National Rifle Association.

Trump’s lawyer may have used money that’s tied to Vladimir Putin, which is why Trump called Putin his “Sugar-Vladi.”- Jimmy Fallon


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AT&T CEO Regrets Hiring Cohen Instead Of Just Dropping A Ton Of Cash At Trump International Hotel Like Everyone Else - The Onion

Business/Tech News

AT&T CEO says "AT&T hiring Michael Cohen as a political consultant was a big mistake."   
Except when you pay bribes to kill net neutrality and net neutrality gets killed, where's the mistake part? - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The reconstructed face of  "Ava" a Bronze Age woman who lived in present-day Scotland 3700 years ago. I think I saw her at the grocery store the other day next to the beer and cake display.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

The dismantling of our cybersecurity continues

Bolton pushing to eliminate White House cyber job
President Donald Trump’s national security team is weighing the elimination of the top White House cybersecurity job, multiple sources told POLITICO — a move that would come as the nation faces growing digital threats from adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

Remember when Rex Tillerson shut down the State Dept.'s Cybersecurity unit in July 2017? Gee, why not put out a welcome mat for cyberterrorists? 

BREAKING: Trump to reverse Obama-era killing of Osama bin Laden - Michael Hughes

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I thought using the Ayatollah's money to support the Nicaraguan resistance was a neat idea. - Oliver North at the Iran/Contra hearings

John McCain And The Steele Dossier 
In his new book “The Restless Wave,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) confirmed and defended his decision to give the controversial Christopher Steele dossier to former FBI director James Comey, saying some of the allegations “had to be investigated” and that he “did what duty demanded.”

Netanyahu Begins Calling For Israeli Return To Ancient Homeland Of Iran - The Onion

Obama was a careful craftsman who built diplomatic deals in fragile regions. 
Trump is a drunken f*ckapotamus let loose in a china shop. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Republican Shenanigans

My favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus said that any person against torture was pro-terrorism and probably hated women as well and then jetted off for a long weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago. - Jeff Tiedrich

Here We Go Again, This Time It's Sleeping While Black
Yale Police officers on Monday evening interrogated a black graduate student, Lolade Siyonbola GRD ’19, for more than 15 minutes, after a white graduate student reported Siyonbola to the police for sleeping in the HGS common room.

I will vote NO on the nomination of Gina Haspel. This nomination is bigger than one person. For the Senate to confirm someone so involved with the torture program to highest position at the CIA would in effect tell the world that we approve of what happened. I absolutely do not.- Sen. Diane Feinstein


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On this day in 1994 Mandela became first black President of South Africa.  While in prison for 28 years, he understood hate isn’t the way, love is.  And that we are all imperfect. “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” - Matthew Dowd

Rock The Voter News

Russian Troll Activity More Than Expected, Democrats Reveal
The Russian government-linked troll group indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller in February targeted more parts of the American population than had previously been reported, documents released Thursday by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee show.
The release includes more than 3,000 Facebook and Instagram ads purchased by the troll group, known as the Internet Research Agency, between 2015 and 2017. 

Melania - the story of a down on her luck prostitute with a heart of gold who gets picked up by a wealthy businessman and marries him.
No wait. That's Pretty Woman.
Bitch stole that too.
- Countessof Nambia


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Mika Brzezinski, allow me to clear this right the hell up for you! The Piss Prince was not elected because Bill Clinton cheated. He was elected because people like you & Joe gave him months of free air-time on your damn show for a ratings boost! - LiberalLecter

We're respected journalists.

Business/Tech News

Sick of these nitwit Deplorables quaking in fear that ISIS is going to invade their Podunk trailer park. Dude, I live in New York. I watched the towers fall in person, from 40 blocks away. If I can live without irrational fear, so can you. Try it sometime. Home of the brave, eh? - Jeff Tiedrich

In a new interview, billionaire Warren Buffett called Bitcoin "rat poison." Which is an unfair comparison because people actually understand how rat poison works.- Conan O'Brien

Nuns Win Vote On Gun Safety Report
At the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting Wednesday in Prescott, Arizona, executives of Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. (NYSE: RGR) announced that a shareholder proposal requiring a “report on the Company’s activities related to safety measures and mitigation of harm associated with Company products,” won shareholder approval....A shareholder group led by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary filed the proxy proposal and in a press release from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, the order’s Sister Judy Byron said:
We believe the board has a responsibility to implement policies and practices that will safeguard the lives of its customers and, more broadly, society. Too many lives have been lost to gun violence for the manufacturers of these products to wash their hands of their responsibility in these events.

Uber says it hopes to have flying cars in operation by 2020. It's all part of their plan to help drunk people throw up faster. - Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Cake and beer. My local grocery store has a sense of humor.
