Monday, April 2, 2018

Fired FBI Director, James Comey Writes A Book

Lordy, Tickets to James Comey's Book Tour Are Going for $850
James Comey's upcoming book, for which he received a $2 million advance, achieved best-seller status a month before its release. If that wasn't a clear enough indication that people are eager to hear what the former FBI director has to say, then this surely is: Tickets for his book tour are going for as much ...

The president is crying on the internet again. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

New documents show that former Trump deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates communicated with a former Russian spy before the election, who "has ties to a Russian intelligence service and had such ties in 2016." And I'm guessing this spy is still on Putin's good side because, as of show time, no one had served him a nerve gas burrito.- Stephen Colbert

Trump Slaps Russian Sanctions In The Face
President Donald Trump has formally invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to a meeting at the White House, despite the continued furor over Russia’s alleged poisoning of an ex-Russian spy in the United Kingdom.

When Trump said neither he nor anyone in his campaign had anything to do with Russians, it must have slipped his mind that his campaign manager and his deputy campaign manager were in communication with a Russian intelligence agent. I guess it’s just another mulligan. - Rob Reiner

Laura Ingraham Trolls Parkland Shooting Survivor Then Goes On Vacay!
Right-wing commentator Laura Ingraham has taken a week off as host of her Fox News television show after more than a dozen companies said they will pull advertisements from her program... Laura Ingraham mocked a school shooting survivor who has become a vocal advocate for gun control policies.

No movement on gun control.  But “Congress is passing a bill to prohibit putting dogs in overhead bins.”   Morons. - Bette Midler

Hey, TIME, great cover art!

Jesus cared for people with disabilities, trump makes fun of them. -JJ

Republican Shenanigans

My favorite Bible story has to be the one where Jesus basically told DACA recipients to suck it and jetted off to Galilee-a-Lago for a weekend of golf. - Jeff Tiedrich

Woman who grabs her own pussy while singing the National Anthem is praised by Trump, an admitted pussy grabber.
Makes sense to me.

Roseanne doing what 99% of women wouldn't do.

The whole Stormy deal is a squalid side show.  But watching her very sharp, audacious, media-savvy hot dog of a lawyer joyfully torment Trump-world, it occurs to me that he’s giving them a taste of their own medicine. - David Axelrod

Newspeak Has Arrived At Sinclair Broadcasting
Sinclair Broadcast Group's corporate mandates are exacerbating tensions between the company's local stations and its management.
Journalists in local US markets are chafing at the company's requirements, including a new promotional campaign that echoes President Donald Trump's anti-media rhetoric.
The promos, first reported by CNNMoney last month, went viral over the weekend after Deadspin edited dozens of them together to show how anchors across the country were told to read the same script.


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I love the way all the media folk are getting the vapors over the so-called “boycott.”  Advertisers are not contractually obligated to fund hate, bullying and venom. - Karoli

Subject: Media

Hi Lisa.
Thoughts -- Trump was the manipulator of the media in NYC for decades. Not anymore. Since he can't control the media he calls whatever he wants FAKE NEWS! Even my fav news station CNN, has these right wing *ss kissers on. IMHO Trump is setting up the public to not believe the Mueller investigation.  Trump's base already believes anything he dribbles from his mouth. Comey is coming out with a book. What?
I live in NYC and watched this idiot for decades. He's unpredictable!!! And crazy!!!
Thank you for the humor relief. It helps a lot. Happy Easter!!!

Thanks for writing.

I believe that reporters and the FBI, all law enforcement for that matter, have much in common. Both search for the facts of a case. It sickens me how both professions have been besmirched.  But facts are facts and even Comey realized that he had nothing on Hillary, so what did he do? He interfered in the 2016 election, not once, but twice. That had never been done before. IMHO Comey hurt the reputation of the FBI with that act. And now he's coming out with a book? Ay yi yi.

I often wonder what Robert Mueller thought of what Comey did during the election.

I agree, Meg, CNN needs to raise the bar on hiring right wing analysts, if that is even possible.

Keep the faith. Mueller has already begun kicking the money changers (launderers) out of the White House. 

With Fox as state run TV and Rosanne spouting insane conspiracy theories, truth in journalism is fighting gale force headwinds. Democracy will not survive if ignorance becomes currency. - Rob Reiner

Costa Rica also elected as vice president,
Epsy Campbell Barr who will be the first female,
in the country's history, to hold the position.

Costa Rica Elected A Pro-Gay Rights President Instead Of An Evangelical DoDo Bird On Easter Sunday!
The centre-left’s Carlos Alvarado Quesada decisively defeated a conservative Protestant singer in Costa Rica’s presidential runoff election on Sunday by promising to allow gay marriage, protecting the country’s reputation for tolerance.

Its that time of year again folks when the tan suit scandal of Spring 2012 rocked a nation and left us questioning our own survival as a people

Rock The Voter News

Amal Clooney Goes To Bat For Jailed Reuters Reporters
Prominent human rights lawyer Amal Clooney has joined the legal team representing two Reuters reporters jailed in Myanmar, who are accused of possessing secret government papers, her office said on Thursday.

The White House announced that they've hired a new employee. Former actress Caroline Sunshine, who starred on the Disney Channel show "Shake It Up," has joined the White House press office. So it appears she's only comfortable working for Mickey Mouse organizations.- James Corden


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Business/Tech News

The darned Stormy Daniels scandal just will not go away for Donald Trump — no matter how many times he clears his browser history.- Stephen Colbert

Here's What China's News Service Is Reporting On Trump's Trade War
China on Monday again urged the United States to revoke it protectionist measures, amid escalating friction between the world's two largest economies.
The measures abuse the security exception clause of World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and go against the principle of non-discrimination in multilateral trade, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said in an online statement.

There is no Hell, but there is The Comments Section. - John Fugelsang



So close.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The original Star Spangled Banner that appeared in the dawn's early light over Fort McHenry 204 years ago. It is much larger than I imagined.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Happy Holidays. I am starting a war on Easter.

There will be a new edition on Monday. I need to get off the Trump crazy train for a few days.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What rhymes with Trump?

Trump’s attorney discussed pardons for Flynn and Manafort last year — which Mueller could investigate as obstruction
The recently departed attorney for President Donald Trump raised the possibility of pardoning Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort with their attorneys last summer.

So Manafort is holding out for a pardon and Flynn didn't. The plot thickens.

Ever since Stormy went on TV Trump has been silent, and for that, a grateful nation must salute her. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald Trump loves to trash talk people, but, strangely, he has never said one bad thing about Vladimir Putin. In fact, last week, Trump called Putin to congratulate him on winning a shady election in which he was the only real candidate, despite the fact that his advisors gave him notes in all-capital letters stating "DO NOT CONGRATULATE.” Come on guys, if you want him to read a note, put it on something he pays attention to, like a cheeseburger or Ivanka. - Stephen Colbert

We're journalists!

Well, If Anyone Knows About Breaking Up Marriages, It's Joe & Mika
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski hinted they’re hearing from inside sources that President Donald Trump is worried the first lady might be planning to leave the White House.

So, up till now, he's been a huge fan of Putin. Well, yesterday, all that... Stayed the same. But the United States did expel 60 Russians over a U.K. poison attack. Normally, for Trump to expel that many people, they have to be in his cabinet. - Stephen Colbert

Rick Santorum Robbed at Gunpoint Despite Extensive First Aid Training - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

They've created a special secure holdin' facility to store a copy of Donald Trump's tax returns.  It's called "Bob Mueller's office." - Tea Pain

Trump Deposition?
A lawyer for adult film star Stormy Daniels has requested in federal court to take a deposition from President Donald Trump in a legal battle over an agreement to keep her quiet about her allegation that they had a sexual relationship.

I was going to watch Roseanne's new show until I learned it was going to be written from a pro-Trump point of view. If I want to see a family live like that, I'll just watch the people I work with. - Trav Huey

Conservatives: The problem with kids today is that they all get participation awards when they need *looks at NRAdotcom* bulletproof backpacks and 2 days of rations to survive most lockdowns. -LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

Going from Barack Obama to Donald Trump is like going from cruising a Tesla down the coast to smashing a Go-Kart into a pile of burning diapers. - Tommy Campbell

No Wonder Trump Needs So Many Lawyers. He Created His Problems.
A district court judge has ruled that the emoluments case against President Donald Trump can move forward. According to Bloomberg, Judge Peter Messitte in Greenbelt, Maryland, rejected the Justice Department’s argument to dismiss the lawsuit.

I don’t want to live in a country where police officers pay no price for shooting innocent black men and women. It is imperative that we look at all of our local elections to find candidates who represent equality and will punish people in positions of power who abuse it. - Chelsea Handler


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I crunched the numbers and if Trump wins reelection we get a Cosby Show reboot.- Jesse McLaren

Business/Tech News

Mark Zuckerberg Prepares For Congressional Testimony By Poring Over Lawmakers’ Personal Data - The Onion

Americans Not Feeling The GOP Tax Cuts
A majority of Americans say they are not yet seeing President Trump's tax cuts reflected in their paychecks, according to a new poll.
A CNBC All-America Economic Survey finds 52 percent of respondents say they haven't seen a change.

Jeff Bezos Tables Latest Breakthrough Cost-Cutting Idea After Realizing It’s Just Slaves - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

'Telephone Tower' in Stockholm, Sweden in 1890. It served over 5000 lines. My gawd, we've come a long way, baby.
