Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Top Republican Lawyer: No One’s Asking to Be on Trump’s Legal Team

Top Republican Lawyer: No One’s Asking to Be on Trump’s Legal Team
On Sunday, President Donald Trump reacted to news reports that he was having trouble recruiting lawyers for his legal team. “Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case…don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on. Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted,” he tweeted. “Problem is that a new….lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country – and I am very happy with my existing team.”

New Report Finds Adult Film Star May Have Paid Over $130,000 To Cover Up Sexual Encounter with Trump. - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The White House deserves credit for expulsion of the Russia diplomats.  It took five White House aides to hold Trump down while other officials expelled ‘em. - Tea Pain

Russia & China Developing Super Sonic Missiles. US Isn't. 
Russia and China are outpacing the United States in the development of super-fast missile technology, Pentagon officials and key lawmakers are warning.
Russia says it successfully tested a so-called hypersonic missile this month, while China tested a similar system last year expected to enter service soon.

I Know Why Trump Is Afraid Of Putin. He's Afraid Putin Will Poison Him.
Christopher Wylie, the former employee of Cambridge Analytica who alleged that the data firm had harvested data from 50 million Facebook users, told Members of Parliament in the U.K. that he believes his predecessor at the firm was poisoned in a Kenyan hotel room after a deal went wrong.

I like how people who want more God in govt voted for a hybrid of Judas, the Golden Calf & Caligula. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

White House on lockdown after television hurled through window. - Andy Borowitz

EVANGELICALS: “We can’t judge Donald Trump because God has forgiven him.”
GOD: “No, I didn’t forgive him. You have to ask. And he never did. Checkmate, hypocrites.” - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Saudi Arabian Magazine Coming To A Supermarket Near You!
A nearly 100-page magazine published by Donald Trump’s allies at American Media Inc. is providing a different kind of celebrity gossip than the American supermarket shopper is used to seeing. It’s selling America on a fellow Trump ally, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

I am a Catholic, and go to church each week, and post many readings from Bible, and I also know that you don’t have to believe in God or Jesus to live a life of love and meaning.  Also, if you hate others, or use faith to divide, you aren’t really a Jesus follower. - Matthew Dowd, ABC

Subject: People with Passion Can Change the World


  Twenty years ago, Apple computer put out a large-format booklet titled "1998: The Year of Thinking Different" which saluted people who changed the world for the better, with a descriptor and a few brief paragraphs about each person.

Albert Einstein - Questioner
Mahatma Gandhi - Leader
Pablo Picasso - Creator
Alfred Hitchcock - Master of Suspense
Rosa Parks - Human Being

Bob Dylan - Troubadour
Buzz Aldrin - Moonwalker
Muhammad Ali - Champion
Thomas Edison - Tinkerer
Martha Graham - Mother of Dance

Jim Henson - Muppeteer
Maria Callas - Virtuoso
Dalai Lama - Idealist
Amelia Earhart - Aviator
Ansel Adams - Conservationist

Joan Baez - Citizen
Paul Rand - Purist
Miles Davis - Improviser
Lucy (Ball) & Desi (Arnaz) - Pioneers
John (Lennon) & Yoko (Ono) - Dreamers

  Today, a new generation of young people are leading the way to improve the world.  And a bunch of old farts are doing what they can to stop that progress.  But the youth will win, because they will out live the status quo fools.

  May you be well,

 - Sol

Beautiful, Sol. Thank you for writing.

Posted by Iman, David Bowie's widow.


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Military refuses to participate in Trump's parade citing bone spurs - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

NRA Admits It Took Foreign Money & Spent It On Campaigns. Wait. What? 

The National Rifle Association acknowledged this week that it has moved money from accounts with foreign donation to accounts that are used for spending on U.S. political campaigns. The organization insists the transactions are “permitted by law.”

Breaking:  the CDC recommends that all porn stars use protection while having sex with Mr. Trump. - Edel Rodriguez

I love these delusional gun fetishists who imagine themselves making a brave stand against a tyrannical government, as if said tyrannical government wouldn't just call in an air strike on your dimwitted inbred ass. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Mark Zuckerberg agrees to testify on Capitol Hill which is controlled by Republicans, many who have used the services of Cambridge Analytica, but he won’t testify in the UK which is currently taking action against the corrupt company and Russia simultaneously. Telling. - Ricky Davila

Trump Wants U.S. Military To Pay For His Wall
President Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of funding construction of a border wall with Mexico through the US military budget in conversations with advisers, two sources confirmed to CNN Tuesday.

Cop Explains How It Feels To Live Every Day In Fear Someone Might Record You Brutalizing A Civilian - The Onion

MOME is where the Meart is


I'll Get AllHatNoCattle To Pay For The Wall


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Thank you for allowing me to indulge in my several recent space photo posts. This photo is the south pole of Jupiter. It resembles a geode slice. What did Einstein's theory essentially say? What goes around, comes around?


Monday, March 26, 2018

Happy Monday. It's the President & the Porn Star Day!

Stormy Daniels accuses Trump attorney Michael Cohen of defamation in newly amended lawsuit
Adult film star Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, amended a lawsuit against Donald Trump to include allegations of defamation by his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Coming of age: Trump's son is 12 years old and entering the age of puberty. You know he is watching all this porn star stuff.  I hope he's embarrassed and not impressed.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you believe the biggest threat to our nation are the survivors of a school massacre, it’s time to question the validity of the political philosophy that brought you to that conclusion. - Tea Pain

I Love These Kids!
They were defiant, outraged and determined. And they had a resounding message for lawmakers in Washington: Enough gun violence.
Thousands of students, teachers and supporters gathered in the nation's capital Saturday for the March for Our Lives rally, organized by survivors of a shooting that left 17 people dead at a Florida high school.

Here's some of my favorite signs from the march

Wow. Trump Finally Punishes The Russians. Huh?
President Donald Trump will expel 60 Russian intelligence officers and order the Russian government to close its consulate in Seattle, the administration announced Monday morning, as a retaliatory measure for the nerve agent attack on a former spy living in the United Kingdom.

If you didn't understand why Betsy DeVos and conservatives want to destroy public schools, I'm sure you do now, after watching the Parkland kids speak. - LOLGOP

Stormy Daniels to CBSNews: "I really don't need sixty minutes to talk about something that didn't last one. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump is now being sued by a porn star, a reality star, and a Playboy model – or as Trump's evangelical supporters call that, "the holy trinity." - Conan O'Brien

Did Stormy Daniels Unleash Pandora's Box?
Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes turn was compelling television. But like other segments in that program’s storied history, it also portended deepening legal liability for its targets:  President Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen. The revelations from the interview make the pair's already serious legal problems even more challenging.

CNN Needs To Can This Conservative
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg and his sister Lauren called out former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), who said Sunday that more students should take personal responsibility and help during school shootings, instead of marching or attacking the National Rifle Association. Alternately, he suggested they learn CPR.

Rick Santorum clearly read the memo that being wrong and/or offensive on Cable News has become the swiftest path to a job in the White House. - John Fugelsang


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All 30 Major League baseball teams are extending netting to protect fans from baseballs. This in a country where almost anyone with a screw loose can buy a semi-auto weapon the likes of which the founding fathers never imagined. I sense a contradiction there. - Stephen King

Rock The Voter News

This girl who watched people die in front of her just got up on national TV to speak, puked half way through due to nerves, said "I just puked on national TV & it felt great!" then kept going.

I am literally never allowed to be too afraid to do anything ever again. - Bree

75-year-old Joe Biden wants to fight 71-year-old Donald Trump. The winner takes on Bob Newhart. - Conan O'Brien

Methinks Cambridge Analytics Is In Deep Sh*t
Former workers reportedly said Cambridge Analytica sent non-U.S. citizens to advise U.S. campaigns in 2014.
The Washington Post reported that dozens of non-U.S. citizens helped to give advice on strategy and messaging to GOP candidates....One former worker who spent months in the U.S. working on Republican campaigns told the Post that "we knew that everything was not above board, but we weren't too concerned about it."

Here's A Respite


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I hope President Trump knows what he’s doing with these tariffs. Just had two eggrolls at Panda Express and it cost me $611.00. - Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

For his next rocket ride he will become lasagna rain.
Flat Earther Rockets Himself 1875 Feet To See If The Earth Is Flat. Wouldn't It Be Easier To Take A Jet Flight At 30,000 Feet?
He finally went up — just like the self-taught rocket scientist always pledged he would.
He came back down in one piece, too — a little dinged up and his steam-powered vessel a little cracked up...."Mad" Mike Hughes, the rocket man who believes the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air Saturday before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.

A new trend has emerged where women are having diamonds pierced into their finger instead of wearing engagement rings. "The pain reminds me I'm alive," [photo of Melania] said one woman.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Butterfly Nebula. I wonder if Starman will drive by it in his Tesla.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Stop the world I want to get off

On Thursday, Donald Trump replaced a man who built the case for war with North Korea as a last resort with a man who just made the case for war with North Korea as more of a first resort. Trump announced that National-Security Adviser H.R. McMaster will be succeeded by John Bolton, the George W. Bush-era United Nations ambassador who has advocated for U.S. military action to prevent Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khamenei, and most recently Kim Jong Un from amassing weapons of mass destruction.

Soon the government will be Fox News and Fox News will be the government and we will huddle for warmth beneath the trees we call our homes.
Happy Friday, everyone! - Rex Huppke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kim Jong Un Sets Meeting with Trump for April First - Andy Borowitz

Trump Won't Tweet About This!
The hacker Guccifer 2.0, who claimed responsibility for providing WikiLeaks with the stolen Democratic National Committee emails, has been identified as an officer of Russia’s main intelligence directorate, or GRU, according to a new report.

In Show of Loyalty, Bolton Offers Mustache to Cover Trump’s Bald Spot- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Data Mining With Duck Dynasty! Thanks Facebook!
Leaked document reveals how Cambridge Analytica used Duck Dynasty and Politico to sway Facebook users to Trump.A former employee shared a 27-page internal document produced by officials who worked most closely on President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and it serves as a blueprint for the strategy Cambridge Analytica used on a variety of social media platforms .

“Mueller said I was the most innocent person he’d ever come across, and maybe in history,” Trump said. - Andy Borowitz

Our Children Are Now Acting Like The Adults Should. I Love These Kids.
They can’t buy a beer or rent a car and most aren’t even old enough to vote, yet the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have spearheaded what could become one of the largest marches in history with nearly 1 million people expected in Washington and more than 800 sister marches from California to Japan.

A few kids from Florida have put together a march for millions of people across the world this weekend. 
My son left the house this morning with his shoes on the wrong feet. - Andy Lassner

We are the only civilized country that allows citizens easy access to military grade weapons. 
This is why we lead the world in mass shootings.
It isn't rocket science, it is common sense.


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Rock The Voter News

I hope every editor who had the opportunity to kill yet another Hillary's Emails story, and decided instead to print it, looks at themselves in the mirror tonight and understands the role they played in igniting John Bolton's wars. - Ian Millhiser

This is worth a repeat of the New York Times' assault on Hillary

Trump Wants A Line-Item Veto!
President Trump on Friday asked Congress to provide him with a line-item veto on spending bills, as he signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package that includes provisions he doesn't like.

7 mos after Sandusky arrested for molesting 30 boys the NCAA fined Penn State 60 million & imposed massive penalties. It’s been 19 months since Nassar’s arrest for molesting 100’s of girls. NCAA has taken 0 action against Michigan State.  That’s misogyny and it’s wrong.- John Manly


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Business/Tech News

Trump Supporters Excited to Pay More for Chinese Goods at Walmart - Andy Borowitz

EU Nations to Take More Action Against Russia Over Spy
Several European Union countries say they may follow Britain in expelling Russian diplomats over the poisoning of a former spy, as EU chief Donald Tusk predicted member states would take more measures against Moscow starting next week.

She died as she lived: entering her 357th password guess into an online form. - Kashana



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Pillars of Creation. Photo: Hubble 1995. What an incredible universe that we live in. I hope you enjoy some of it this weekend.
