Monday, February 26, 2018

The Parkland Express Continues...

Trump campaign emails photo of Parkland survivor, asks for donations
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign used a photo of a survivor of the Parkland, Florida, shooting in an email Saturday that asks its recipients to donate money to the campaign.

Trump said that the parade would honor not only him but all of America’s “last responders.”- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I'm not sure if it's inappropriate to ask Ivanka Trump about her father's sexual misconduct, but it's definitely inappropriate for Ivanka Trump to be anywhere near our f-cking government. - Andy Borowitz

Republicans Say NO To Investigating Trump's Finances
Top Republicans on Capitol Hill have made a concerted decision in their Russia inquiries: They are staying away from digging into the finances of President Donald Trump and his family.
Six Republican leaders of key committees told CNN they see little reason to pursue those lines of inquiry or made no commitments to do so -- even as Democrats say determining whether there was a financial link between Trump, his family, his business and Russians is essential to understanding whether there was any collusion in the 2016 elections.

Stopping gun violence by putting guns in the classroom makes as much sense as stopping stupidity by putting an idiot in the White House.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Ivanka Trump should change her name to Ayn Brand. - Sam Grittner

Trump's Bone Spurs Must Be Improving
President Donald Trump, who infamously avoiding serving in the Vietnam War by citing “bone spurs” in his medical examination, said on Monday that he would have personally intervened to stop Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz.
“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon,” Trump said during a meeting with the nation’s governors, according to Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller.

If you really believe that President Loudmouth McBonespurs would rush into an active shooter situation with nary a gun in his useless, withered hands, I've got five bankrupt casinos to sell you. - Jeff Tiedrich

We’ll end humanity with the weapons of genius and the triggers of stupidity. - Tina Dupuy


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Rock The Voter News

BREAKING: Embattled NRA Auctions Three Hundred Congresspersons on eBay. - Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile, Back In Panama
 Panama’s government is formally investigating a complaint that executives for President Donald Trump’s family hotel business are refusing to physically leave the 70-story luxury Trump hotel there amid a management dispute.

It looks like the aftermath of the Parkland massacre is turning into a pissing match between the Broward County Sheriff's Department, Coral Springs police and the paramedics while the state legislature ignores FL's sh-tty gun laws. -Ragnarok Lobster tweet


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Business/Tech News

“Maybe we”ll give ‘em a little bonus”. Trump tells teachers who “make $30,000 a year & have to pay for their own school supplies” to arm up. - Bette Midler

Trump's Personal Pilot Might Head FAA
President Donald Trump is pushing to have his longtime personal pilot, John Dunkin, to head the Federal Aviation Administration, according to a report from Axios.
Dunkin, who flew Trump's personal plane during the campaign, is reportedly on the short list for the top spot at the agency that oversees civil aviation in the United States. Dunkin has previously told people that he would often face delays while flying Trump around and that a pilot running the agency would prevent that.

BREAKING: Trump nominates doorman at Trump Plaza as secretary of both the interior and the exterior, because no one knows the difference between those two things like a doorman, I can tell you that. - Christopher Moore



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aerial view of the Blue Dragon River in Portugal. It really does look like a dragon.


Friday, February 23, 2018

One step closer to the money laundering

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty to conspiracy, lying
Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy and to lying to investigators — even while he was negotiating a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller. Soon after, Mueller slapped Gates's business partner, former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, with new charges.

As the CPAC crowd chants “Lock her up!” over and over, former top Trump campaign aide Rick Gates is pleading guilty and signaling that he is cooperating in the Mueller investigation. - Matt Viser

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I'm starting a gofundme to allot a certain chunk of American space to create the new libertarian fantasy land of Whitetopia where DT can rule for ever & his fans can hate the rest of America from within their own borders. - John Fugelsang

Trump Seeks Gun Violence Advice From Sons
President Trump consulted with his adult sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, over Presidents Day weekend about how to address gun violence in the U.S. following the deadly high school shooting in Florida.

"I was in Vietnam." Strangest sentence Trump has ever spoken. Just now at CPAC. - Lawrence O'Donnell

Donald Trump tweeted about Ivanka being in South Korea saying “we cannot have a better, or smarter, person representing our country.” We do have a better, smarter person... and his name is Dennis Rodman. - Chelsea Handler

Republican Shenanigans

Three prominent Republicans have been indicted since CPAC started chanting “lock her up” a few hours ago. - Josh Schwerin

Broward County Sheriff's Dept Guarding Deputy
Sheriff’s deputies are now guarding the home of Scott Peterson, the armed school resource officer who hid outside as 17 students were massacred inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

I know this point of emphasis is going around, but I want to make clear I place zero blame on the armed guard. it's not his job to wage war w/ an AR-15 mad man - Eric Boehlert


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I know countless girls who were sexually harassed (or worse) by male teachers and coaches. It’s a terrifying experience as it is. Imagine if those teachers and coaches also had guns. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

So @realDonaldTrump, who lied for 5 years that the 1st black president wasn't really born here, then capped off that lie with a lie that Hillary Clinton told the lie first, is complaining about Fake News. - John Fugelsang

Wow. Someone Needs To Make A Republican Soap Opera -- As The Scandals Turn
 A woman whose affair with a Pennsylvania congressman led to his resignation — and who's pursuing her own run for the U.S. House — is accused of threatening to kill her husband...Shannon Edwards is seeking the Republican nomination to take on Democratic Rep. Mike Doyle.
Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, an opponent of abortion rights, resigned in October after text messages obtained by The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette suggested he wanted Edwards to get an abortion when they thought she might be pregnant.


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We have notified the NRA that we are ending the NRA’s rental car discount program with Hertz. - Hertz Tweet

Business/Tech News

If guns don’t kill people, people kill people, why do the teachers need guns? - Kumail Nanjiani

When Wallets Are More Powerful Than Guns
Several businesses with ties to the National Rifle Association are breaking up with the group amid mounting pressure from gun-control proponents following the Parkland, Fla. school shooting.

New Study Finds Majority Of God’s Blessings Burn Up On Entry Into Atmosphere.- The Onion


Not me, I went to work!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A smartphone around 1900.

Have a peaceful weekend everyone.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Biden confirms reports McConnell blocked Obama from warning Americans about Russian election interference

Biden confirms reports McConnell blocked Obama from warning Americans about Russian election interference
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected the Obama administration’s efforts to warn the public about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, former vice president Joe Biden said Tuesday.

Ronald Reagan was shot while he was surrounded by armed secret service. I guess he just needed an armed science teacher around. - irishygirl tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald Trump tweeted that we must focus on strengthening background checks… And when Russia releases Trump’s background check, we’ll let you know. - Chelsea Handler

I'll Believe Trump When It Happens
President Trump said Thursday he will push for comprehensive background checks “with an emphasis on mental health” on gun sales, saying that the age of purchasers should be raised to 21 and bump stocks should be banned.

In other Trump news, according to a New York Times survey of political scientists across both parties, Donald Trump has been rated America’s worst president ever. I had a sneaking suspicion. It’s pretty incredible because it’s the first time Trump has won a popular vote.- James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

Teens dunking on Marco Rubio is my favorite Olympic sport. - Molly Knight

Where's The Teleprompter When Needed?
Amid the White House’s listening session for people directly impacted by mass shootings in schools, an Associated Press photo circulated of President Donald Trump holding a response cue card that included the phrase “I hear you.”

Why do we have to hear what f'ing Wayne LaPierre thinks? And if we do, why can't we also hear from the Brady Campaign, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the National Gun Victims Action Council, etc? Why after each massacre do the media hand the mic straight to the NRA? - Randi Mayem Singer

Wait, did Trump cheat with Stormy or Karen first? I’m just trying to
get his affairs in order. - Bette Midler


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I want Marco Rubio being booed by teenagers to be my new ringtone. - Ike Barinholtz

Rock The Voter News

2 observations from CNN town hall: 1) Holy hell, Rubio looked scared of that kid.  And 2) Somewhere, there are 101 puppies covering themselves in soot to escape from Dana Loesch. - Seth MacFarlane

FYI: Bernie Was One Of Two Senators Who Voted Against Russian Sanctions
Bernie Sanders on Wednesday blamed Hillary Clinton for not doing more to stop the Russian attack on the last presidential election. Then his 2016 campaign manager, in an interview with POLITICO, said he’s seen no evidence to support special counsel Robert Mueller's assertion in an indictment last week that the Russian operation had backed Sanders' campaign.

Who Knew? Democrats Are Prone To Be Mass Shooters!
Rep. Claudia Tenney, an upstate New York Republican who is up for re-election in one of the most competitive congressional districts in America, told a radio host in Albany that Democrats are more prone to be mass shooters.

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs. - Barack Obama


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Marco Rubio reminds you that more guns make us safer and that's why America has the lowest gun murder rate in the world. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Well, Mr. Crabapple, you have all the requirements we need and I think you'd make an excellent P.E. teacher. But unfortunately, you were unable to maneuver our Abrams tank around the school yard in the allotted time while firing an AK-47, so we're going to keep looking. - Rex Huppke

Net Neutrality Has Left The Building 
The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) order repealing net neutrality was  published in the Federal Register Thursday morning, opening the door for supporters of the Obama-era rules to launch legislative and legal challenges.

ME: (being eaten alive) HELP ME! I'M BEING EATEN BY A CROCODILE!

GUN EXPERT: Actually, that's an alligator.  


GUN EXPERT: ...You can tell by the rounded u-shaped snout. - Jesse McLaren




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Buzz Aldrin in the first ever space selfie during an EVA on the Gemini 12 mission, 1966.
