Thursday, February 15, 2018

Today's News: School Shooting, Trump's Porn Queen And Russia

Students dove under desks and teachers barricaded classrooms as gunman stalking halls killed 17
The deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook erupted Wednesday as authorities say a 19-year-old man with a troubled past and an AR-15 rifle stalked the halls of Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Sandy Hook is about 20 miles from where I was born. Parkland is about 20 miles from where I went to high school. This is not normal. The NRA and Republicans are allowing this terrorism.

Melissa Sfalkowski, teacher who protected 19 kids from shooter in a closet at Fla.High School: “ I feel today that our government has failed us and failed our kids and didn’t keep us safe”

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Thoughts and prayers: the air guitar of helping. - Mary Hodgdon

Florida Is Going To Pay For School Shooting Funerals Instead Of Fixing Loosey Goosey Gun Laws
At a Wednesday evening press conference on the shooting massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi announced that the state would cover funeral expenses for the victims.

Here's where we remember that the CDC is forbidden BY LAW from studying gun violence as a public health problem. - Charñes P. Pierce

Today would be a good day for Mueller to indict someone.

Republican Shenanigans

White House Now Just Holding Continuous Going-Away Party For Departing Staffers - The Onion

Trey Gowdy To Investigate Rob Porter's Gorgeous Hair
The House Oversight Committee is investigating the Trump administration’s employment of Rob Porter, the former White House staff secretary accused of domestic abuse, committee chairman Trey Gowdy said Wednesday.

#BREAKING: Well-Regulated Militia Opens Fire On Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School In Parkland, Florida; Cheap Thoughts And Useless Prayers Now Being Rushed To The Scene ... more on this soon-to-be-forgotten-and-then-repeated story as it develops ... -Jeff Tiedrich

Meanwhile, Russia Ramped Up Its Cybercrime
Interpol: Cybercrime is entering a new dimension
The British government says that Russia was behind a massive global cyberattack that hit major companies in June 2017.
Foreign Office minister Tariq Ahmad said in a statement on Thursday that the Russian military was responsible for the attack, which initially targeted computers in Ukraine but quickly spread beyond its borders.

Trump’s evangelical supporters are torn. It’s true that he had sex with a porn star. But on the plus side, he’s a racist. - Andy Borowitz


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This doesn't happen in other countries. For the GOP and NRA, this is a choice. - David Corn

Rock The Voter News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Spare Public From Listening To Truth Distortion
The White House’s public schedule of events for Thursday does not include a press briefing or any public events for President Trump a day after a mass shooting at a Florida high school.
Earlier Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the day’s press briefing would be canceled following the shooting at the Broward County, Fla. school.

Yeah, someone is mentally ill:  what a crock! IT’S THE GUNS STUPID!!! We are a nation in disgrace in the eyes of the world. I am so ashamed. - Bette Midler

U.S. Presidents As Women


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Mike Pence, starring in "Mr. Grinch Goes to the Olympics." - Stephen King

Business/Tech News

Can someone's lawyer pay me 130K for not having an affair with them? I am on Venmo.  Thanks! - Lizz Winstead

Stormy Weather Ahead For Trump's Lawyer
Stormy Daniels, the porn star whom Donald Trump’s attorney acknowledges paying $130,000 just before Election Day, believes she is now free to discuss an alleged sexual encounter with the man who is now president, her manager told The Associated Press Wednesday.
At the same time, developments in the bizarre case are fueling questions about whether such a payment could violate federal campaign finance laws.

I was recently asked in an interview what its like to be a gay athlete in sports. I said that it’s exactly like being a straight athlete. Lots of hard work but usually done with better eyebrows. - Adam Rippon


The power was out from 8am to 3pm yesterday. Cable TV and the Internet were out when I went crashed. I hope the problem is finally fixed.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

No neighbors, no loud music and a great looking place until a big wave comes along.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trump releases his official White House portrait

Scaramucci: 'Kelly must resign'
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci is calling for President Trump's chief of staff John Kelly to resign in the wake of controversy involving a former aide.
Scaramucci, who was fired by Kelly just 10 days into his tenure at the White House last summer, pointed to reports that the White House knew of alleged abuse involving former staff secretary Rob Porter long before officials have since claimed to have known.

Huckabee Sanders Repeatedly Insists That President’s Footprints Created The Great Lakes - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Yes, I’m watching the Winter Olympics while grinding my teeth watching our Government,  hurtling down a slippery slope until it crashes. - Bette Midler

All INTEL Agencies Agree: The Russians ARE Hacking U.S. And It Will Get Worse
U.S. intelligence agencies expect Russia to ramp up its efforts to meddle in the U.S. political system through hacking and social media manipulation, according to a worldwide threat assessment released Tuesday morning.

Mike Pence, whose high principles prevented him from recognizing the athletes of certain countries, had no problem tolerating co-workers who beat their wives. - Andy Borowitz

Mike Pence is as homophobic as Jesus was not homophobic.
And that's a lot. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's White House. A taxpayer-funded shelter for abusive men. - LOLGOP

Trump Readies Program To Distribute Dented Canned Food That Has Expired To The Poors
The Trump administration is proposing a major shake-up in one of the country's most important "safety net" programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. Under the proposal, most SNAP recipients would lose much of their ability to choose the food they buy with their SNAP benefits.

REPUBLICANS: Jesus said-

JESUS: This is a cease and desist order for slander. You know nothing of my work. Use my name again and I'll sue. - beth not an alien tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Trump Accuses Obama's Portrait of Spying on Him - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Last week Dow tumbled 1k points twice; 2 WH officials resign for wife beating & Kelly caught lying abt it; Brand quits DOJ so DT's 1 more firing away from killing Mueller probe; DT broke promise to release Dem memo.

And @HillaryClinton will have to answer for it all, believe me. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

If Trump keeps runnin' the economy, soon the only loan America can get will be from Russian mobsters. - Tea Pain

Trump In No Elon Musk
The Trump administration's budget request for fiscal year 2019 calls for work on a major NASA space observatory and five Earth-science missions to be canceled. NASA's Office of Education would also be terminated.

Apparently Kellyanne Conway's master plan for solving the opioid crisis involves gradually ingesting them all herself. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

New Zealand Kea in Flight.


Monday, February 12, 2018

The power just returned

Ay yi yi yi.

The only thing worse than being without Internet is being without power. I will post a new edition tomorrow barring any more power problems.

Not to leave you empty handed here are a few memes.

The Smithsonian released Barack Obama's official portrait today.

Meanwhile, back at the Olympics in South Korea

And a shout out to Elon Musk
