Tuesday, February 6, 2018

White House Chit Chat

The Dow Jones stock index falls more than 1,100 points, or about 4.6%, its largest single-day point decline ever
Stocks went into free fall on Monday, and the Dow plunged almost 1,600 points -- easily the biggest point decline in history during a trading day.
Buyers charged back in and limited the damage, but at the closing bell the Dow was still down 1,175 points, by far its worst closing point decline on record.

Stock market is tired of winning. - Stephen Colbert

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I didn’t serve 24 years in the uniform of this country to be called treasonous for simply disagreeing with your disastrous policies, Mr. President. - Rep. Tim Walz

The Effects Of Mistreatment By Republicans
A former British intelligence officer provided information to the FBI because it alarmed him. Given the way he’s been treated, future tipsters will be less likely to come forward.

Yes please, nitwits who believed a child sex ring was being run out of the basement of a pizza parlor with no basement, please tell me more about this FBI conspiracy that prevented Trump from becoming president. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Russians are "funneling money... to members of Congress" - Fmr. WH Ethics Chief Richard W. Painter "we've got to take this seriously"

It's OK When A Trump Does It!
Melania Trump could have been deported and banned from the US if Donald Trump had been president when she was working as a model in the 1990s, immigration attorneys have said.

Thinking the President will try to avoid a Mueller interview because of bone spurs.
#itworkedoncebefore - Alan Billingsley

Newsweek Was Raided By The Manhattan District Attorney
Newsweek, once one of the world's premiere newsweeklies covering global politics and economics, is drowning in a sea of its own bad news.
The magazine's offices were raided last month by investigators from the Manhattan District Attorney's office, and its chief content officer stepped down after sex harassment allegations. Now, some of its 60 New York-based employees are voicing fears about their long-term job security.

Deplorables, this week: THE DOW JONES DOESN'T MATTER, LIBTARD - Jeff Tiedrich


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Under Pressure from Fox News, Obama to Stop Making Stocks Plummet. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

We don't live in a dictatorship or a monarchy. I swore an oath—in the military and in the Senate—to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to mindlessly cater to the whims of Cadet Bone Spurs and clap when he demands I clap. - Sen. Tammy Duckworth

The FBI's  Investigating The FBI Investigating Hillary
Few people have heard of Michael Horowitz, but that’s about to change....With little fanfare, he has been conducting a sprawling probe of the FBI’s handling of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. His full report, which could set off shockwaves, is expected by the early spring.


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Business/Tech News

Has Trump tried to fire Dow Jones yet? - Sarah Cooper

Screwing Those Who Get Tips
The Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General announced Monday it will look into the agency's rulemaking process in issuing its proposed tip-pooling rule.

Donald Trump wanted to become America's ruler but wound up becoming America's IQ test. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Blue Canyon is located within the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. Mother Nature made this, not man. Incredible.


Monday, February 5, 2018

Lies, lies and more lies

Devin Nunes: Trump never met with Papadopoulos. Reality: here's a photo

Rep. Devin Nunes is the author of a newly declassified document falsely insinuating the FBI misused US surveillance law to go after President Trump under the pretext of investigating Russia. On Monday morning, Nunes went on Fox & Friends, the president's favorite TV show, to discuss Trump's alleged ...

One should never forget the first principle of the old KGB
" Always accuse your enemy of exactly what you are doing " - John Cleese

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is such an aggressively inept bozo of a criminal that if he hadn't been born into obscene wealth, right now he'd be on an episode of Cops, drunk and with his shirt half off. - Jeff Tiedrich

John McCain Goes FULL DACA
Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Chris Coons (D-DE) are planning to introduce bipartisan legislation this week that would include a path to citizenship for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, but stops short of offering any funding for President Donald Trump’s U.S.-Mexico border wall...

If you think fertilized eggs are people but immigrants and refugees aren't, you have to stop pretending your concerns are religious. -LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"Heh, heh.   I got 'Little Adam Schiff' to trend nationwide.   I win."

But by 11am that dopamine rush had ended, & the 71-year old was trying to decide on call girls, firing those investigating him, or armed conflict to provide his next make-brain-happy-this-instant-fix.- John Fugelsang

Sounds Like The Ousted Chief Of Staff Is Doing Damage Control
President Trump's first White House chief of staff says he never felt the president wanted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller. Reince Priebus said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that Mr. Trump was very clear about his concerns over what he saw as Mueller's possible conflicts of interest. 

Some more news out of Washington. The government is spending $24 million to replace two refrigerators on Air Force One. Until then, they’re keeping perishables cold by putting them between Donald and Melania.- Jimmy Fallon


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I'm old enough to remember when the FBI took the unprecedented step of inserting itself into the 2016 election just a few days before election day, arguably tipping the election in favor of Donald Trump.

Worst anti-Trump conspiracy ever. - George Takei

Rock The Voter News

European Union Will Match Trump's Tariffs
A top official for the European Union warned Sunday that the 28-member bloc would not hesitate to respond in kind if President Trump implemented tariffs on European exporters.

A picture speaks a thousand words...


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As a kid i always thought the eventual dissolution of our democracy would be at the hands of james bond villains like in the movies. This is like hee haw in ties and business suits (i loved that show, btw). - Don Cheadle Tweet

Business/Tech News

Newspaper Hid Real News
The Las Vegas Review-Journal blocked the publication of a story two decades ago about casino mogul Steve Wynn sexually harassing employees, the newspaper reported Monday...

The preserved forearm of a 16th century saint is on a tour across Canada. And get this... tickets are still available! - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I am not a camper but seeing this spot in Denali National Park, I might reconsider...as long as the tent is heated.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Trump Releases Memo

The Nunes Memo: Watergate, It Ain't
How the Republican report on the Trump-Russia probe fell short of its "worse than Watergate" billing

WOW the Nunes Memo was delivered with the same laser-like precision of the 8 Benghazi investigations. Republicans are inept, pure and simple.

Donald Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem: namely, that our government is populated by painfully stupid incompetents like Devin Nunes. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests – no party’s, no president’s, only Putin’s. - Sen. John McCain

Tillerson Urges Military Coup In Venezuela. Wink. Wink.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson raised the prospect on Thursday that the Venezuelan military could decide to oust President Nicolas Maduro, but said he did not know whether that would happen.

First, Trump tries to discredit the American press. Now it's his own Justice Department he's after. If he's not Putin's puppet, he's certainly giving a fine imitation. - Stephen King

The gang that can't treason straight. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans


A year attacking the Steele dossier.

A month hyping that the dossier started the whole FBI investigation.

Weeks hyping that they have a memo (a memo!) that will finally prove it!

So... is there some other memo?

Because this one says it was Papadopoulos, not the dossier. - Rachel Maddow

I Wonder If Trump Will Get A Cell With A View
According to two lawyers who have clients who have been swept up in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Donald Trump administration, they believe that the president may be indicted for obstruction of justice within the next few months.

I’ve reviewed the Nunes memo and the Democratic memo (which Republicans are refusing to release). 
I can’t divulge the contents. What I can say is that @SpeakerRyan and every House Republican should be ashamed of what they’re doing.- Rep.David Cicilline (D-RI)

The Vulgarians
Scaramucci told Vanity Fair that he was offered the job of director of the Office of Public Liaison shortly before Trump took office. Scaramucci said Priebus, whom he refers to as “Rancid Penis,” was “jealous” of his potential appointment.


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Prefers Public Leaks To The Russians
Appearing on MSNBC Friday morning, a former Watergate prosecutor accused President Donald Trump of using the memo created by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) that criticizes the FBI as a way to provide confidential information to the Russians for the second time of his presidency.

This reminds me of the time Obama ran a scandal-free white house for 8 years and won two elections in popular vote landslides without resorting to collusion with a hostile foreign government. - Ben Wexler


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Business/Tech News

Congrats to republicans for releasing a lovely cherry- picked memo. For your next project how about the tax returns of our current leader? - Albert Brooks

Who's Gonna Pick The Vegetables & Fruit?
Federal agents this week ordered dozens of Northern California businesses to prove that their employees are authorized to work in the U.S., heightening tensions between state and federal officials over immigration policies.

In an ideal scenario the President of the United States and the worst human being in the world would be two different people. - TheTweetofGod


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Brazilian Grape Tree (also known as Jabuticaba) grows its fruit and flowers directly on the bark of the tree. I guess you have to pick your way to the top.
