Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Top Russian Spy Visits Top U.S. Spies

Sanctioned Russian spy official met with counterparts in US
The Trump administration let a top Russian spy official visit the United States last week for meetings with U.S. intelligence officials even though there are sanctions against him that typically prohibit such visits, officials said Tuesday.

Current inner monologue: I'm tired of looking at the news but I'm afraid if I stop looking at the news I'll die. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I’m glad no Republicans were injured in the train crash today heading to their annual retreat.
That being said, I have to ask the question: Why are they headed to some lavish retreat? It’s Wednesday. This country’s in turmoil & they’re busy partying. And taking half-weeks off. - Scott Dworkin

Oh, YAY, Terrorists Have Another Reason To Hate The U.S.
President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order to keep open the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, after pledging during the campaign to "load it up with some bad dudes."

In a new interview, President Trump revealed that he tweets in bed. When asked if this were true, Melania said, “How the hell would I know?”- Conan O'Brien

Melania seems to be enjoying herself at the State of the Union

Republican Shenanigans

Trey Gowdy Leaving Congress To Utilize His Benghazi Investigative Skills
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) announced Wednesday that he will not seek re-election this year.
“Instead I will be returning to the justice system,” Gowdy, who previously worked as an attorney and prosecutor, said in a statement. “Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system.”

The FBI’s secret plan to elect Hillary Clinton by holding a press conference to disparage her after she was cleared while denying the existence of a very real counterintelligence probe of her opponent’s campaign was really poorly executed. - Matthew Yglesias

FBI Director Says Nunes Memo Nutz
FBI Director Christopher Wray told the White House he opposes release of a classified Republican memo alleging bias at the FBI and Justice Department because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative, according to a person familiar with the matter.

If Sarah Hickabilly Slanders thinks women like Pelosi should smile more & be more attractive, she should do her part, lose some weight & wear something other than upholstery. When she's Pelosi's age she'll still look like her dad in drag. - Jim David


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“Some of us love music without the politics thrown in.” Well, Nikki Haley, you can tell your boss that some of us love politics without the Twitter meltdowns thrown in. - James Corden

Rock The Voter News

Who Are These People?
A strong majority of voters who watched President Trump’s first State of the Union said they approve of the president’s remarks, according to a new poll. 
A CBS News poll conducted in the immediate aftermath of the speech found that 75 percent approve of the speech. Eighty percent said Trump was trying to unite, rather than divide, the country.

Congress Needs Spellcheck

I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely going to be having wime with my popcorm during the State of the Uniom.  #IdiotFest2018 - Bette Midler


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Business/Tech News

Trump tweeted that someone should tell Jay-Z that black unemployment is at its lowest rate ever under his presidency. But after all the Cabinet members he’s fired, WHITE unemployment is at an all-time high. Very interesting. - Jimmy Fallon

Right Here Is Why There Is An Opioid Crisis
Drug distributors poured 20.8 million pain pills into a West Virginia town of 3,000 people over a 10-year period, according to information released Tuesday as part of a congressional probe into the opioid crisis. 

It's January 31. Your gym isn't crowded anymore. - John Fugelsang


Somedays I feel like this but not today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The miracle pine - single tree that survived the 2011 Japanese tsunami turned into monument in Iwate, Japan.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Putin is smiling

US releases list including names of Russian oligarchs but declines to implement new sanctions
The U.S. Treasury has released a list that includes the names of Russian business and political figures as part of a law meant to punish Moscow for election meddling, but the Trump administration declined to implement new sanctions.

Just to be clear: the country that hacked our election is being rewarded and the agencies that investigated those hacks are being investigated.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Whatever Russia has on all these bastards must be absolutely staggering. - Rex Huppke

Putin Is Sure Enjoying Himself
Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly joked that his exclusion from a U.S. Treasury Department list of Russian oligarchs was “offensive.”
Putin added that the creation of the list is “indisputably an unfriendly act.”

According to the National Travel and Tourism Office, tourism is down in America since we elected President Trump. The U.S. tourism industry lost 40,000 jobs and $4.6 billion in revenue since the inauguration. I don’t know why people wouldn’t want to come here, we’re so welcoming to foreigners, starting right at the top. - Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

Andrew McCabe leaves job at FBI to take new one: Very cooperative witness. Well played, Republicans! - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Devin Nunes Must Hear Mueller's Footsteps
The Republican lawmaker who spearheaded the campaign to release a classified memo critical of the Justice Department and the FBI "cherry-picked" the document's contents without reading all the source material, a top Democrat charges.

You gotta keep coming back to: if Trump is innocent of all wrongdoing, as he claims, why trying so fucking hard to shut down any investigation? Yeah, I give up, too. - Randi Mayem Siber


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Seriously, Chris Christie was hounded out of office with an approval rating lower than that of lung cancer and he's rewarded with a TV gig. Contrast that with Hillary getting three million more votes than the fluorescent dayglow moron and being told to shut up and learn to knit. -Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Proofreading State of the Union One Last Time to Remove Any Remaining Facts - Andy Borowitz

I Lost Faith In Bernie When He Voted Against The Russian Sanctions
Still feeling the Bern? Then you're in luck: Sen. Bernie Sanders will offer his own response to President Trump's State of the Union on Tuesday night.
The Vermont independent plans to make make his rebuttal over social media and already has ideas about what the president won't be talking about.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is, and has been, a dedicated public servant who has served this country well. Bogus attacks on the FBI and DOJ to distract attention from a legitimate criminal inquiry does long term, unnecessary damage to these foundations of our government. - Eric Holder


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It was announced that the ‘90s sitcom “Murphy Brown” is coming back. Another revival — you also have “Roseanne” on ABC, “Will & Grace” on NBC, and “The Twilight Zone” on CNN.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

For the first time ever, Trump indicated that he is open to a path to citizenship for Dreamers. Finally, a way for immigrants to become citizens without having to marry Donald Trump. - Stephen Colbert

Elon Musk Bored With SpaceX & Tesla, So Flamethrowers!
Elon Musk knows his audience. He just sold tens of thousands of hats emblazoned with the name of his Boring Co. tunnel business, then followed up by slapping his brand on something far less practical: flamethrowers.
The Los Angeles entrepreneur — who also leads SpaceX and Tesla Inc. and has a flair for showmanship — said Monday that his tunneling firm had pre-sold 10,000 Boring Co.-branded flamethrowers since Saturday, pulling in $5 million.

Hi guys. Going to be away from Twitter for a while. Just dealing with all of these Toys R Us closures in my own private way. - Conan O'Brien


Libation Stimulation Donations Accepted


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I guess he's not a bird of his feather to flock together.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Welcome to MAGA CITY!

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepping down
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has been attacked by President Donald Trump, stepped down Monday, multiple sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.
McCabe will remain on the FBI payroll until he is eligible to retire with full benefits in mid-March, the sources said.

Imagine the FBI seizing the Trump golf courses, hotels, Trump Tower NYC and Mar-a-Lago under the RICO act.- Eric Elder

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Set aside for a moment that Trump is a narcissistic, bad-tempered, lazy, and unprepared president, and consider this: the State of the Union is about to be given by a sexual predator who lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. - Stephen King

White Power In Action
Supporters of President Donald Trump singled out dark-skinned lawmakers, legislative staffers and children at the Capitol on Jan. 25 as they protested congressional efforts to pass immigration reform, according to staffers of the Arizona Legislature and two Democratic legislators.

Blessed are the shithole countries, for they gave us the American Dream.- U2 at the Grammys, uncensored

Republican Shenanigans

Leave it to Devin Nunes to expose that one of Trump's own appointees -- a lifelong Republican, Federalist Society member, and former Ken Starr assistant -- found probable cause that a Trump campaign staffer was an agent of a foreign power. Well done, sir. - Matthew Miller

“Keep politics out of music” is a fun way to say, “I want to benefit from your experiences without having to consider the tragedy behind how you got them.” - Mike Drucker

When Tacky & Grade School Art Meet: She Wore A Fetus Dress To The Grammys
Singer Joy Villa, who last year made headlines by wearing a “Make America Great Again” dress to the Grammy Awards, arrived at this year’s event wearing an anti-abortion dress.
Villa wore a white dress with a depiction of a fetus surrounded by a rainbow, and carried a handbag that read “Choose Life."

Nixon on Watergate in State of the Union, 44 years ago tomorrow night:  "I believe the time has come to bring that investigation and the other investigations of this matter to an end.  One year of Watergate is enough!"


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Silence from Trump after last night’s Grammys. They must’ve taken him down with a horse tranquilizer and tossed his phone in the Potomac. - Rex Huppke

Rock The Voter News

Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Skip State of Union: 'I'm Not Going to Watch That Shit Show' - Andy Borowitz

This Is Why We Have A Crappy Train System
In the days before Amtrak 501 careened off the tracks last month in a deadly crash, engineers and conductors warned their supervisors that they did not feel adequately trained on the new route, according to more than a dozen sources.

Trump hasn’t tweeted about Hillary at the Grammys yet so whoever they have in charge of jangling a set of keys to distract him today is doing a great job. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

BREAKING: Stormy Daniels to Give Official Porn Response to State of the Union Address. - Andy Borowitz

I love chain gangs too!
Koch & Sessions Love Private Prisons
The general counsel of Koch Industries reportedly said Attorney General Jeff Sessions “is totally on board” with the Trump administration's plans to reform America's prison system.

Russian Sanctions Loophole
As the Trump administration slaps fresh sanctions on Russian energy companies, a cargo of Russian gas is set to power homes near Boston.
A tanker of liquefied natural gas from a Russian company on the Treasury Department’s sanctions list is scheduled to unload the fuel this weekend, making it the first shipment of gas from the country to ever reach the United States. 

In space, no one needs a bra. - Randi Mayem Singer



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Prague astronomical clock, installed in 1410. It is the world's oldest astronomical clock still in operation.
