Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another one bites the dust

NBC fires Matt Lauer after complaint about 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced.

One by one, we're finding out the true character of the male journalists who treated @HillaryClinton (and her voters) with seething disdain.- Peter Daou

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"It's not even lunchtime yet and so far Trump...
- Said to boycott CNN
- Accused Joe Scarborough of murder 
- Threatened a possible nuclear war
Mueller! Where the hell are you?!"
~ Leo Kapakos

White Supremacists Are Ecstatic Over Trump's Snuff Film Tweet 
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke praised President Trump on Wednesday for sharing videos from a far-right British politician purporting to show violence committed by Muslims

The President of the United States just retweeted videos by Britain First, a fascist political hate group. The leader of the free world now officially endorses global white supremacy. - Eugene Gu, MD

We're all pretending that Trump calling Sen. Warren "Pocahontas" in front of Navajo Code Talkers is the worst thing he has done to the Native American people.
I remember when he took their sacred land and treated them like human garbage to build the Keystone Pipeline. - gettinoticedmo tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Idea: somebody should tell Trump they want to make a 3-D scan of his head for a statue but really it’s an MRI. - John Mayer

Trump Revives Birther Conspiracy
President Donald Trump still thinks former President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
The New York Times reported Wednesday that in recent months Trump has been reviving his “birther” conspiracy theories about his predecessor.

Matt Lauer lost his job.
Charlie Rose lost his job.
Mark Halperin lost his job.
Glenn Thrush lost his job.
Billy Bush lost his job. 
Harvey Weinstein lost his job.
Kevin Spacey lost his job.
But in politics...
Conyers still in Congress.
Moore still running.
Trump still President.
- Ana Navarro

FEMA Needs To Be Investigated
After Hurricane Maria damaged tens of thousands of homes in Puerto Rico, a newly created Florida company with an unproven record won more than $30m in contracts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide emergency tarps and plastic sheeting for repairs.
Bronze Star LLC never delivered those urgently needed supplies, which even months later remain in demand by hurricane victims on the island.


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Rock The Voter News

hey, remember in 2016 when the news channels gave Trump hours of free airtime and never challenged any of his lies? that worked out pretty good for everyone. - Jeff Tiedrich

Fake News Correspondent Grabs Woman At Lecture
Lucian Wintrich, White House correspondent for the far-right website Gateway Pundit, was arrested by UConn police after an altercation at the event he was speaking at Tuesday night.
At one point, Wintrich left his place at the podium in Andre Schenker Lecture Hall, rushed up the steps of the auditorium and grabbed a woman. The crowd reacted quickly, swelling with pushes and shoves until police led Wintrich out into the hallway and then into a restroom.

Mark Halperin
Glenn Thrush
Matt Lauer 
They went easy on Trump but wouldn't let Hillary catch a break... and now we know why #LaueringTheBar - Richard Hine


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Business/Tech News

"NBC knew exactly what it was doing here. The network was treating this like an episode of 'The Apprentice' in which Trump stars and ratings soar. Lauer had turned what should have been a serious discussion into a pointless ambush. What a waste of time." - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Good Luck, Chipotle! Love Your Burritos!
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. rallied after founder Steve Ells agreed to step down as chief executive officer, clearing the way for a new leader with the operational expertise needed to pull the burrito chain out of a two-year slump.

Experts Advise Against Throwing Laptop Across Office Even Though It Will Feel Incredible. - The Onion


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Odd News

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Octopus floor mural.My first instinct would be to wear shoes before walking down that hall.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Another day, another racial slur

Trump Brings Up 'Pocahontas' At Event Honoring Navajo Code Talkers
President Trump decided to bring up one of his favorite nicknames during an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers — but it's one that is widely seen as a slur offensive to Native Americans. "You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the men who were being...

While watching the video of Donald Trump tell Native American vets he knows a Senator he nicknamed “Pocahontas”... all by a picture of Andrew Jackson...

I thought to myself...

I don’t think Melania’s anti bullying campaign is going so well. - Tony Posnanski

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

hey, remember when Kellyanne Conway accused Obama of bugging the White House microwave oven? of course you don't, because eighteen hundred thousand equally batsht insane things have happened since then. -Jeff Tiedich

Tillerson Is Acting Like A Corporate Raider Instead Of A Secretary of State
The top State Department official overseeing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s overhaul of the agency has resigned three months after taking the job.
Maliz Beams stepped down after Tillerson brought her in to guide the restructure of the department, one of the secretary of State's top goals. ...Beams’ resignation comes amid reports of low morale at the agency since the start of the Trump administration. Tillerson denied the reports last month.
"I walk the halls, people smile," Tillerson said. “If it’s as bad as it seems to be described, I’m not seeing it, I’m not getting it.”

The White House Ethics Lawyer resigned today.
In a related story, the Irony Fairy drank til she passed out. -John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

This year, let's put the "Christ, we elected a moron" back in Christmas. - Jeff Tiedrich

Melania's White House decorations are dark, cold, and fill me with dread- gotta hand it to her she nailed the vibe.- Jesse McLaren

Fake News Faker Caught, Again.
Project Veritas, an organization run by conservative activist James O’Keefe, appears to have been get caught trying to pass false sexual misconduct allegations against Senate candidate Roy Moore to The Washington Post, extending its history of deploying deceptive tactics to try to ensnare news organizations in controversy.

Congrats to Prince Harry.

Also congrats to all the racists who now must realize that Prince Harry's future mother-in-law is a strong black woman with dreadlocks. 

This is not the 1950's any longer. The world is changing. 

Trump and his racist cohorts are an outlier. Thank God! - Brian Krassenstein


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We live in a world where football coaches get $10 million as a failure bonus and fifth-grade teachers are buying their own staplers. - Tim Reynolds

Rock The Voter News

Robert Mueller Investigating The Firing Of Comey
Special counsel Robert Mueller will interview White House counsel Don McGahn in the coming weeks as Mueller continues to investigate what President Donald Trump was thinking when he fired James Comey as FBI director and helped craft a misleading statement about his son's meeting with Russians last year at Trump Tower.
McGahn came under heightened scrutiny in September when The New York Times reported that he had blocked Trump from sending a letter to Comey outlining his reasons for wanting him fired.

Trump tweeted he is our favorite President. I prefer any other
President, including the 39 who are currently decomposing corpses.- Bette Midler


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Business/Tech News

Here's one I heard last night:  In the #SavingsandLoanCrisis of the 1980s and 1990s, 900 bankers went to jail.  In the 2008 crash NO ONE went to jail!  The #CFPB is all that's standing between regular Americans and the vampire squid banks... - Bette Midler

US Journalists Need To Wear Helmets And Flak Jackets PRONTO
Raw video from outside an event for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore shows two apparent supporters physically attacking two cameramen who were reportedly trying to film the former judge’s arrival.


But, I changed my mind and showed up because someone has to do it!


Odd News

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Alpacas are bringing back that favorite 1980's  hairstyle. The Mullet!


Monday, November 27, 2017


Trump proposes contest to determine "most dishonest" coverage of "your favorite president (me)"
“We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me),” Trump tweeted. “They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!”

This tweet contains the names of every White Supremacist, Nazi or KKK member that the president ever demanded be fired or ever called "son of a bitch." - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Our president gave Russians Israeli intelligence. The Russians are infiltrating every part of our government and our state department, yet this administration does nothing. He refuses to impose sanctions on Russia after ordered by congress. Who is he working for? Not us. - Chelsea Handler

This year, let's put the "Christ, we elected a moron" back in Christmas. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

The day Donald Trump tries to ban abortions there are going to be a ton of ex-mistresses who kept receipts. - John Fugelsang

Looks Like Trump May Be TIME'S Person Of The Year After All
US magazine publisher Time Inc will be bought by rival media company Meredith Corporation for $2.8bn (£2.1bn).
The deal is backed by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who are known for supporting economically conservative causes.

Trump Claims Voice on Access Hollywood Tape is Actually Hillary Imitating Him. - Andy Borowitz


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Trump claimed today that he “turned down” the chance to be Person of the Year for Time Magazine. He’s still a lock for the cover of Assclown Illustrated. - Andy Borowitz

Obama jokes with the sushi chefs in Oahu on Sunday.

Rock The Voter News

Can’t Prince Harry and his American girlfriend run our country? They seem nice. - Chelsea Handler

Susan Sarandon Doesn't Know We're Already At War
“I did think [Clinton] was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war," Sarandon said.
Sarandon was often critical of Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.

"Hi. I'm Susan Sarandon. You may remember me from classic moments like "Gaslighting for Nader", and "Gaslighting for Bernie". Check out my new hit "Gaslighting for Attention" and remember, Hillary is worse than Trump!" - Bravenak tweet


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump's website is selling a Christmas version of its "Make America Great Again" hat. It's embroidered with "Merry Christmas" on the back. It's the perfect gift for someone who has everything. Check that. Hates everything. It's the perfect gift for someone who hates everything. This is the hat that says "I love Christmas" but can't stand snowflakes.- James Corden

Showdown At The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The government official Donald Trump wants to pass over as acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) with his own budget chief is asking a federal court to block the president’s appointment.

FoxNews isn’t a news network. It just plays one on TV. - Toure



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A Lunar Eclipse flat-Earthers have never seen. - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Odd News

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Art is in the eye of the beholder.
