Friday, November 3, 2017

Mission Accomplished?

Republicans Seek Special Counsel's Removal From Russia Probe
Three Republican U.S. lawmakers called on Friday for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel investigating Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, the latest in a series of conservatives' criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department during the probe of how Moscow may have influenced the campaign.

Bannon doesn’t think Trump will survive an impeachment vote, and I don’t think the country will survive without one.- Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Security researchers have reportedly discovered that recently indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort used “bond007” as one of his computer passwords. He also signed his checks “From Russia with Love.” - Seth Myers

Me,Me, Me, Me
President Trump pushed back Thursday on concerns about a lack of nominees for key positions at the State Department, arguing it wouldn't affect his agenda.
"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me, I'm the only one that matters because when it comes to it that's what the policy is going to be," Trump said on Fox News when pressed about vacancies by Laura Ingraham.

Republican Shenanigans

Remember how self-righteous Sessions was in his last opening statement about anyone impugning his integrity and honesty? - Chris Hayes

Country Music Ass. Says SHUT YOUR MOUTH MEDIA!
The Country Music Association is asking reporters to steer their coverage of their upcoming awards show away from politics.
In a document sent to press outlining media guidelines for the 51st Annual CMA Awards, the event’s organizers warn journalists that they could have their credentials revoked if they discuss the Las Vegas mass shooting, gun rights or political affiliations in their coverage.

Could the person who took down Trump’s Twitter account please take away his nuclear codes?- Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

What Nepotism?
Lara Trump, the face of her father-in-law's re-election campaign, has been hosting high-level meetings within the White House to push a variety of domestic policy initiatives, a clear crossing of the well-established line between campaign work and public service, ethics and government watchdogs told Newsweek.

I wonder which debunked Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory we'll be resurrecting next week. - eclecticbrotha


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Business/Tech News

Welcome to 2017. Every celebrity you ever liked is a monster and Dems think George Bush is good now. Please use the vomit bag under the seat. - bourgeoisalien tweet

The Dismantling Continues...
The Trump administration said Thursday it would exit an international effort to fight corruption that targeted revenue from oil and natural gas extraction.

This weekend don't forget to set your clocks back to when the president wasn't a white supremacist. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏


I Ain't' Falling For GOP BS Fundraiser


Odd News

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Salvador Dali. It took 28 attempts to get this perfectly-timed shot, 1948. Photograph by Philippe Halsman.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

If only...

Hillary Clinton: Russia's 2016 Election Meddling Is a 'Form of War'
Hillary Clinton described the Russian campaign to manipulate voters in the 2016 presidential election as cyberwarfare.
In an interview on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Wednesday, the former Secretary of State said Russia’s attempt to influence the election is “a form of war” — and she warned that it’s not over.

Poll: Americans Were Sort of Hoping Mueller Would Arrest Someone New Every Day. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

SCROTUS publicly calls r justice system a "laughing stock" & a "joke". Why not just tell the terrorists the key is under the mat, moron. - Elayne Boosler Tweet

Sessions: I do believe I feel the vapors coming on.
Glory Glory Hallelujah
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is once again under scrutiny on Capitol Hill regarding his candor about Russia and the Trump campaign amid revelations that he rejected a suggestion to convene a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump last year.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders' eye makeup gets a bit heavier every day, like what happens when a character in a movie gradually turns evil. - RuPaul

Republican Shenanigans

Harvard Considering Returning Bribe That Enabled Jared Kushner to Attend - Andy Borowitz

God Help Us All
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said on Thursday that bringing fossil fuels to the developing world will prevent sexual assaults because rapes are less difficult in the dark.

It’s come out that this year, indicted Trump adviser Paul Manafort traveled to Mexico using a fake name. Then again, if you worked for Trump and you were in Mexico, would YOU use your real name?- Conan O'Brien


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Donna Brazile's Curious Claims
For defeated politicians, the period after an election is for score-settling. For defeated political operatives, it’s about positioning for the next race. And if a juicy excerpt from Donna Brazile’s new book Hacks is an indication, the longtime Democratic operative and former interim chair of the Democratic National Party seems to think the future is Bernie Sanders.

Donna Brazile also claims Obama GUTTED the DNC, leaving it broke & adrift for his protégé Debbie Wasserman Schultz to manage.
Huh. - Victoria Brownworth

Rock The Voter News

Russians Have Always Been The Masters Of Disguise
The hackers didn't just go after Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
They tried to break into the private email of the sitting U.S. secretary of state, attempted to steal the private correspondence of a manager working on Lockheed Martin's stealth fighter program, and sought to break into the accounts of thousands of others, including the punk band Pussy Riot and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

In what might be his most startling allegation against his former election opponent, Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Hillary Clinton of deliberately losing the 2016 election just so that he could be impeached. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

President Trump’s press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed that no one in President Trump’s administration supports slavery. To put that in perspective, the last press secretary who had to make that statement worked for Ulysses S. Grant. - Conan O'Brien

Let The Drone Deliveries Begin
The Department of Transportation (DOT) officially launched a pilot program on Thursday that will allow states to test new types of drone operations, including package deliveries.

The Senate heard testimony today from President Trump’s pick to be the new head of NASA, who does not have a significant background in science. Great, that’s what you wanna hear. “That guy’s head of NASA, but he’s no rocket scientist.” - Seth Myers


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Odd News

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Saksun, Faroe Islands.The Faroe Islands are situated between Norway and Iceland. In other words, in the middle of nowhere in an ice cold sea. Sounds good to me!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nude Aides Huddled Around Trump Assure Him No One Wearing Wire -The Onion

After Monday’s indictments, the president blamed Jared Kushner in a call to Steve Bannon, while others are urging him to take off the gloves with Robert Mueller.

I miss the simpler times, when Anthony Scaramucci talked about Steve Bannon sucking his own d**k. - Lauren Duca

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Again, a white man shot FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE in Las Vegas and Trump did NOTHING. 
No solutions. 
No policies. 
No ideas. 
- Shaun King

Trump cartoon from Thailand. The world isn’t deluged with crazy deflections from Fox News.
They see what’s happening. America is weakened. - Brian Klaas

Too Bad Trump Never Vetted Manafort
President Trump’s former campaign chief, Paul Manafort, was indicted Monday on multiple charges in the United States’ ongoing special investigation into Russian interference. But the U.S. is not the only nation investigating Manafort.

Mueller is a decorated Vietnam vet & FBI Director under 2 presidents.

Trump has been sued 3,500 times.

Which one is lying? - Mikel Jollett

Republican Shenanigans

Robert E Lee killed more Americans than Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein & Osama bin Laden combined. - Ken Burns, Historian

The Manafort Effect
A California neuroscientist vying to unseat Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher stepped up his criticism of the conservative on Tuesday, demanding he return a $1,000 contribution from indicted Trump adviser Paul Manafort.

Black People: hey hi we are not your property

Southerners: yes the f**k you are

John Kelly: damn shame they couldn’t meet in the middle.- Eric Haywood

Many factors contributed to the Civil War.  One caused it: slavery.- Ken Burns, Historian


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Rock The Voter News

In Case Your Day Wasn't Bleak Enough
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surged in 2016 to its highest level in 800,000 years, according to a report released Monday by the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

I believe @SarahHuckabee would defend donald trump if he decided to gas an entire community. Only liars twitch that much. - Chelsea Handler


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Donald Trump Jr. and his brother Eric are going to India to launch real estate projects for the Trump Organization. Yeah, it’s all part of a new business strategy called fleeing the country. - Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Franken to Facebook: How can you be surprised by foreign interference when you accept payment in rubles?

Most Americans Want To Tax The Rich
A majority of Americans say they would like to see tax increases on wealthy Americans and large corporations, according to a new CBS News poll. 
Fifty-six percent of individuals surveyed said they would like to see tax increases on larger corporations, while 58 percent of those polled said they supported tax increases on wealthy Americans.

Please can we watch the next episode of Robert Mueller now? - Randi Mayhem Singer



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The Three Amigos.
