Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Russia Russia Russia

Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was the beneficiary of at least one of the Russian-bought political ads on Facebook that federal government officials suspect were intended to influence the 2016 election.
Other advertisements paid for by shadowy Russian buyers criticized Hillary Clinton and promoted Donald Trump. Some backed Bernie Sanders and his platform even after his presidential campaign had ended, according to a person with knowledge of the ads.

I enjoy hearing about how actors shouldn't express political opinions from people who voted for a TV reality show host. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mark Cuban and Dallas Mavericks delivering supplies to Puerto Rico. Those damn athletes disrespecting America again. - Ryan Stiles

How Trump Treats Puerto Rico
The Trump administration on Tuesday denied a request to waive shipping restrictions to help get fuel and supplies to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico, saying it would do nothing to address the island's main impediment to shipping, damaged ports.

Trump is denyin' assistance to Puerto Rico simply because their skin is brown. Trump will soon have Puerto Rico's blood on his tiny hands. - Tea pain

What? Trump Is Now Just Being An Out And Out Racist
President Trump’s Homeland Security Department will begin collecting social media information on all immigrants, including legal permanent residents and naturalized citizens

Republican Shenanigans

Hey Donald J. Trump you deleted your tweets about Luther Strange because you didn't want to be associated with a loser. Now you know how the United States of America feels. - Andy Borowitz

I woulda played football...but bone spurs.
The NFL Was On Trump's Bucket Hit List
President Donald Trump's war with the NFL is big news these days, but he's been waging battles with the league for decades—when he hasn't been trying to woo it...It was Trump's undying need to get into the NFL that drove the billionaire to buy his way into the upstart league in the '80s. But the big league wasn't a fan.
"They just saw him as this scumbag huckster," Pearlman told Newsweek. "He was this New York, fast-talking, kind of con-man."

Kneeling isn’t about “I hate this country.” It’s about “I love this country enough to know it can be and do better.” #TakeTheKnee - RuPaul Ryan


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Liberals In 1982 Are The Same As Today
A 1982 television special “I Love Liberty,” Robin Williams channeled the voice of the American flag. Created by writer Norman Lear and sponsored by the organization he founded, People for the American Way, the performance was aired to commemorate the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birthday.

Rock The Voter News

Paul Ryan urged Republicans to move on from health care to other Republican agenda items, like tax reform: “We may not be able to keep the poor from living longer, but we can still make them poorer." - Andy Borowitz

The New York Times Created Its Own Distorted News
This week Jill Abramson, the estimable former executive editor of The New York Times, whom I’ve always admired and never criticized, contended that I had been “stoking” the idea that the NYT had a vendetta against Hillary Clinton.
That is false.
What I have argued, repeatedly during the campaign and most recently nine days ago in an item about Hillary Clinton’s new book, is that the Times very badly erred in its wild over-coverage of the Clinton email “issue,” and that this distorted coverage was, in turn, one of many factors leading to Donald Trump’s elevation to the presidency.


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A new poll finds that a substantial number of Americans would leave their jobs, their homes, and even their families to assist the special counsel. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

And then the Pharisee said unto Jesus "Get a job, libtard - the poor are lazy & the Romans are the Job Creators." - John Fugelsang

Every Week There's Another Data Breach. This Week It's Sonic.
Sonic says there's been some “unusual activity” on credit cards used at some of its restaurants.
The fast food chain said in a statement that its credit card processor told them about the incident last week and that it's now “working to understand the nature and scope of this issue.” It did not disclose how many credit cards were potentially involved in the incident or when the incident took place.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love the Fall and Prince.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

We love you Puerto Rico! We are not all bad orangutans.

San Juan Mayor Responds To Trump: ‘You Don’t Put Debt Above People’
The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico asked President Trump on Tuesday to focus on the people in crisis in the U.S. territory instead of Puerto Rico’s debt.

When Japan was hit by terrible quake & tsunami in 2011, DoD deployed 24K personnel, 189 aircraft & 24 USN ships for HA/DR.
Why less for PR? - John Schindler Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

Golly Gee. I'd Think The USA Needs More Cybersecurity
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s deputy faced questions from lawmakers on Tuesday who are worried about his plans to shutter an office responsible for promoting U.S. cybersecurity interests abroad. 

Welcome to Trump's America, where citizens have to explain patriotism to a president that conspired with Russia. - Tea Pain

This Is How A Mormon U.S. Senator Addresses Disabled Protesters
“If you want a hearing, you better shut up,” Sen. Hatch said to protesting disability rights activists

The former slave states are the current death penalty states. It's not a coincidence. Racism infects our entire criminal justice system. - Sister Helen Prejean

Republican Shenanigans

Protesters are being banned from Jeff Sessions' free speech event at Georgetown because satire seceded from the US last November. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump Wants Ban On Kneeling NFL Players. Bigly.
President Trump is calling on the NFL to ban players from taking a knee during the national anthem.
"The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations," Trump tweeted Tuesday. "The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can't kneel during our National Anthem!"

"You don't have freedom of speech at your job", is weird for an admin arguing businesses can refuse gay customers on free speech grounds. - Adam Serwer


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Rock The Voter News

Jared's emails got 45 seconds at WH briefings
Hillary's emails got 500+ NYT columns, articles
- Eric Boehlert‏

Is This A "Real" Investigation?
Following reports that White House aides have been using private email accounts to conduct official business, the leaders of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), sent a letter to the White House on Monday asking that the administration identify any staffers using private email.


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Personally I would rather Trump fight with the NFL than do anything even remotely related to running the country. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Just got a "stand or kneel" email from POTUS with a push poll and ask for support. He's using our national anthem to raise cash. Disrespect. - Richard W. Painter

Obamacare Lives!!!
The Senate will not vote on Republicans' latest bill to repeal Obamacare this week, putting an end to their seven-year push for now.
The decision was reached at a party lunch Tuesday after it became clear the plan would fail, GOP senators said. Three Senate Republicans had already said they would vote against the measure, and the GOP could only afford two defections.

The entire human race needs to act like a family. You should want a good life for everyone else not just yourself. - banksy



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Japanese city of Nara is known for its deer. Is Nara a vegetarian city?


Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump Ignites Fight With The NFL

Trump blasts NFL for anthem protests, says not about race
U.S. President Donald Trump kept up his verbal battle with the National Football League over players who drop to one knee during the national anthem, saying on Monday their acts of protest had nothing to do with racism.

I'd rather #TakeAKnee than #TakeANuke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Used to piss me off seeing Xmas stuff in shops in Sept, now just admire their blind optimism that we'll still be around in three months time.  - Tom Jamieson

Do you know how to caddy?
White House & DOJ Stalling (?) Russian Investigation
Tension is rising between congressional investigators probing Russia meddling and the Trump administration, as the White House and Justice Department withhold a number of records sought by Capitol Hill at a critical time in the investigations.

White players: Take the f-cking knee. Don’t make them do this alone. Use your place of privilege for good.- goldengateblond

Republican Shenanigans

You know what's actually pretty disrespectful to the American flag? 
The confederate flag. - Matt Slotnick

Trump Calls Black Men Who Kneel In Silent Protests SOBs 
President Donald Trump probably didn’t realize he’d struck such a nerve with NFL players when he implored team owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field” for protesting during the national anthem.
The line drew loud applause at the president’s political rally in Huntsville, Alabama, but the words cut deep into America’s most popular sports league, where the majority of players are black and many of them grew up in tough neighborhoods, raised by strong women.
“I’m a son of a queen,” an emotional Falcons defensive lineman Grady Jarrett said.


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Ivanka And Jared Both Had Personal Email Accounts While In White House
Ivanka Trump, the first daughter and adviser to the president, used a personal email address to communicate with a government official after her father took office, according to documents that the nonprofit American Oversight obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Maybe if everyone in Puerto Rico knelt during the the national anthem they'd be getting the attention they deserve. - Josh Hara

Rock The Voter News

Our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are in peril. They need our help now.- Bill Clinton

Trump Defends Private Jet Abuser
President Donald Trump thinks Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s use of private jets for official business travel is “different” than what’s been done by other members of his cabinet.
Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Trump acknowledged the department’s inspector general’s probe into Price’s use of charter jets, which could have reportedly cost taxpayers at least $300,000 since May.

Trump stood in the middle of Alabama, called black NFL players "sons of bitches" and the room applauded. That is SYSTEMIC RACISM. -Proud Resistor Tweet


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U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up! - Lebron James

Business/Tech News

The nerds are complaining about women in tech and the jocks are the face of social change, what a world. - Barry Petchesky

Bob Costas Did A Fabulous Job Explaining This Intersection Of Sports And Politics
NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Costas speaks to CNN's John Berman and Alisyn Camerota after President Donald Trump criticized the NFL and players who took a knee during the national anthem.

I am taking a knee on Sunday.  I might need someone to help me up. - Ed Asner Tweet



Odd News

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I just love this photo.
