Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Trump Tells Hurricane Victims: WOW WHAT A CROWD!

Trump didn’t visit with Harvey victims while in Texas
President Donald Trump visited Texas to offer his support after Hurricane Harvey, but he didn't meet with a single victim of the storm,

Hey Donald J. Trump it's actually in poor taste to brag about the "turnout" at your event in Houston when the people in the audience have been flooded out of their homes.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Everyone, stop criticizing Melania's stilettos. Maybe they weren't appropriate footwear for visiting a flood zone but they are perfect for kicking her husband. - Andy Borowitz

Russia Is All Over Trump Like White On Rice
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed Wednesday he got an email from Michael Cohen, US President Donald Trump's lawyer, asking for help moving a Moscow real estate deal forward, but said he did not respond and did not pass it to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump Should Send The Army Corp Of Engineers To Fix Houston. Then Send Them The Bill. 
Houston has been dealing with flooding since at least 1937, when local officials complained the city was “at the mercy of the relentless water.” But over the years the need to control flooding was overwhelmed by another burning desire — to develop into what is now the fourth largest city in the United States.

Republican Shenanigans

I guess "Make America Question the President's Sanity on a Literally Daily Basis Again" wouldn't fit on a hat. - John Leguizamo

Presidents offering comfort during times of tragedy
Yep, This Sums Up Trump's Relationship With Regular Folks
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Wednesday it has been difficult to work with the White House because the faction that agrees with union leaders on trade "turned out to be racist" while the other faction is "Wall Streeters" who care little about working people.

Trump went to a hurricane disaster area and a campaign rally broke out.- FrankTheDoorman tweet


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Rock The Voter News

It's that time in the political cycle when Republicans trot out tax cuts for the rich masqueraded as relief for the middle class.- Peter Daou

What was Obama doing during Katrina? He was at the Astrodome helping out and wasn't even president yet.

Trump Administration Puts on Hold an Obama-Era Desegregation Effort. Gawd, Trump Hates Him.
The rule would have helped poor Americans move to more expensive neighborhoods with better schools.

Joel Osteen doesn't get enough credit for being Tim Allen if he never discovered cocaine. - Jesse McLaren

A guy who got rich talking about being Christian was just forced to act like one.   Score one for peer pressure.- John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Report: Some Sh*thead Out There Makes So Much More Money Than You  - The Onion

YIKES! Giant Email Hack
More than 700m email addresses, as well as a number of passwords, have leaked publicly thanks to a misconfigured spambot, in one of the largest data breaches ever.

If your unflooded Houston church isn't open to help hurricane victims, it's time to find a new church. - AllHatNoCattle



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A horse-drawn cart passes through a section cut out of the base of a giant sequoia at Yosemite Park, CA, circa 1879.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Stay Strong Texas

Harvey will test new insurance law that could limit lawsuits against insurers
Harvey will be the first test of a controversial new Texas insurance law that takes effect Friday.
Plaintiff's attorneys and a consumer watchdog group are urging people who suffered damages to file written notice of property insurance claims before the law takes effect along with hundreds of other new laws on Sept. 1.

Once the water recedes, more death and destruction will emerge, as in every other hurricane.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Just talked to a guy who rescued 6 people. He moved to Houston from Iraq, where he lost his brother and house to the war. Amazing human. - Shelby Webb, Houston Chronicle

How Many More Dots Need To Be Connected?
Donald Trump's company was pursuing a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow while he was campaigning to become US president in late 2015 and early 2016, it was revealed Sunday.

After Trump is impeached, indicted, convicted and bankrupted, Trump Tower should be converted into subsidized housing for Muslim refugees. - Andy Borowitz

I love Vincente Fox and his country.

Republican Shenanigans

Hey Joel Osteen, the thing about opening your church to help w/Harvey AFTER you get tweet shamed is that your reputation will NEVER recover. - HITEXECUTIVE  tweet

This young man walked three miles to Joel Osteen's mega church yesterday. Wow.

Folks, the megachurch carpets just got shampooed so we can't let y'all in; but we do have several thousand jars of hair gel we can donate. - John Fugelsang


 Click here to meet C.W.


In Trump's prison cell, the audiobook of Barack Obama reading "The Audacity of Hope" should play on a loop. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

This tweet contains a complete list of every single Caucasian politician whose birth & education records have been demanded by Donald Trump: - John Fugelsang

Who Are These People?
Thousands of demonstrators carrying signs with slogans like “Stand Against Hate” descended on Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Park on Sunday for what many hoped would be a peaceful march against bigotry and President Trump.
But it was soon punctuated by tear gas and a scattering of violent skirmishes. Some anti-fascist protesters, wearing black and with their faces covered, chased or beat Trump supporters and organizers who had scheduled and then canceled the “anti-Marxist” rally, citing concerns over safety.


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Business/Tech News

Get Ready America! When Your House Floods, Blame Republicans.
In mid-August, the administration moved to gut a necessary initiative to guarantee the flood resilience of infrastructure.

I've got like 300 satellite channels, and I swear to God 200 are selling useless sh*t like prayer bracelets and vitamins that cure cancer. - Stephen King, author



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Fire ants trying to save their eggs during Hurricane Harvey.
“Life, Uh, Finds a Way” - Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park.
I hate fire ants.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Don't mess with Texas

When I was studying for my Florida real estate license in 1979, one of the things I learned was that Texas was one of the worst states for strong building codes, protection for the homeowner and the banks could pretty much foreclose on your home in a blink of the eye. I asked my instructor about all the ads that ran in our local newspaper for 5 acres of land starting at $500 in Texas and New Mexico. My instructor laughed and said, sure, you could buy that cheap land but it had no infrastructure, no water to drill, nada, and it was in the middle of nowhere. Texas had no penalties for false advertising at that time. Florida did, bigtime.

The State of Florida had a horrible reputation for selling unusable swamp land stemming back to the 1920s. Land sales were not doing well because of that. The national media often made note and fun of Florida swamp land during those days. Florida changed all that by having, not only strict guidelines for building and development but very strict regulation of realtors. And the rest is history.

Originally, South Florida was swampland. So was Houston, Texas.

Florida designed South Florida with an ingenius series of canals and drainage ditches to absorb heavy rain, and the natural abundance of plant growth also helped drain the water. Florida even imported plant species that could hold the ground together, some to their regret, but the point is they knew what to do.  Ya know, science stuff.

Not Houston, they slapped up concrete structures, ripped up natural forests, allowed building in dangerously low lying areas, even over landfills. Houston has always had flooding and has mostly ignored the scientific data provided to them, to help prevent massive flooding.

So along comes Harvey and the Houston mayor tells people not to evacuate. I could understand that BUT what the mayor failed to do was to offer transportation to a shelter to those living in low lying areas. Why the hell not? They have the buses. They knew this was going to be a huge storm that would be lingering for days.

This isn't rocket science people.

Also, I am not impressed at how Texas has protected its oil refineries which the rest of us depends on.

Not only will gas increase, guess what, Houston real estate is going to skyrocket. So those whose homes survived the flood with no damage, the value of your home will increase 50%-75% if not more.

My home survived a direct hit from Hurricane Ivan in Florida (strong building codes, my roof was designed to withstand 175mph winds). It was worth about 150K before the storm. I sold it for 239K after the storm. Most homes were bought by local people who lost their homes.

No one is going to mess with Texas. It has messed itself up.

And another thing: our president said journalists don't love America. In your face Trump! Ed Lavendera has always been my hero as he guided me through many hurricanes. When I saw this video, it brought tears to my eyes. Honestly folks, I blubbered.

For those seeking immediate relief from this mess:

I will return tomorrow with a normal edition.
