Friday, August 25, 2017

Cat 5 Hurricane

Border Patrol says Texas checkpoints to remain open during Hurricane Harvey
As thousands of Texans prepare to evacuate their cities due to Hurricane Harvey, the United States Border Patrol said it is not planning to close its roadside immigration checkpoints north of the Rio Grande Valley unless there is a danger to travelers or its agents.

As a survivor of over a dozen hurricanes, Hurricane Harvey is going to be bad, people. Please evacuate if you can. Please.

Imagine what then-citizen Trump might have tweeted if President Obama went to Camp David for the weekend as a hurricane neared Texas. - Philip Rucker, Washington Post

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The President Is Throwing Away Troops Like They're Trash
The White House is almost ready to issue guidance to the Pentagon on the implementation of President Trump's proposal to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

Dear Donnie: With your "trans ban" in the military, what part of "equal protection under the law" don't you understand? You sicken me. - George Takei

I'm Pretty Sure Trump Wouldn't Do This Due To His Bone Spurs.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte put on a public act of force in Marawi on Thursday, firing a sniper rifle toward jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) after his soldiers recaptured the southern city's grand mosque.
Wearing a military uniform, the Philippine leader traveled to the front lines of the battle against the Maute group, which overran the city of 200,000 in May. He stopped at a military patrol base, taking up arms to show unity with his troops.

Reminder: 2 Republican Texas senators and 8 Republican Texas representatives voted NO on relief for Hurricane Sandy victims. - Eric Boehlert

Republican Shenanigans

Flashback to Oct. 2012: when Hurricane Sandy made landfall, Trump was focused on obtaining Obama's passport/college records. - Chris Lu

Surprise! Trump Is Keeping Us In The Dark About Election Hacking.
The federal government has not notified U.S. state election officials if their voting systems were targeted by suspected Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential campaign, and the information will likely never be made public, a top state election chief told Reuters.

TV news stations are interviewing  former head of FEMA Michael Brown about Hurricane Harvey. Jesus that's crazy. - Soledad O'Brien


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Clickbait News killed the Journalist Star. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Voices in Trump's Head Say They Can No Longer Work with Him. - Andy Borowitz

What Was James Cameron Thinking?
"Wonder Woman" director Patty Jenkins has fired back at James Cameron for saying her hit superhero film is a "step backwards" for women.

There is a black Muslim and a white guy in a yarmulke sitting next to each other on this train chatting and laughing and I'm tearing up. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Democrats need to nominate someone more experienced than Trump. I suggest picking randomly from a phonebook. - Jesse McLaren

Business/Tech News

There's no border wall Donald Trump can build that's big enough to hide America's giant 'Help Wanted' sign. - John Fugelsang

Soon, People Will Be Jetskiing Through The Arctic
A Russian tanker carrying natural gas has become the first merchant ship to sail across the Arctic without the help of an icebreaker, finishing the journey in record time.
The ship, the Christophe de Margerie, traveled from Norway to South Korea in 19 days, about 30% quicker than the regular route through the Suez Canal, its Russian owner, Sovcomflot, said this week.

In Saudi Arabia, a 14-year-old boy was detained for dancing to the Macarena. You know, I don’t say this often but I’m going to side with the Saudi government on this one. - Conan O'Brien

Happy 99th birthday Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician who calculated the trajectory of the Apollo 11 mission.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A police officer issuing a woman a ticket for wearing a bikini on a beach at Rimini, Italy, in 1957. Do I detect a smile on that police officer's face?

Have a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Obama's Scandals

James Clapper: Concerned by 'Jekyll-Hyde' Trump pattern
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reiterated his concern about President Donald Trump's ability to effectively lead the country on Wednesday night.

mr president,
i've been a journalist 50 yrs. Never met one who didn't love USA. 
Many risk  their lives reporting on US values.
Cheap shot. - Tom Brokaw tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

To all trans men and women serving bravely in the military: I plan to introduce legislation to fight back. We'll keep raising our voices. -  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

A Federal Judge Put Hundreds of Immigrants Behind Bars While Her Husband Invested in Private Prisons
Judge Linda Reade’s husband bought more prison stock five days before one of the nation’s biggest immigration raids.

That awkward moment when a POTUS is so afraid of impeachment for treason he'll distract by defending statues of guys who committed treason. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The President's core voters
Are either rich or dim,
The rich loathe tax 
The dim hate facts, 
Though not as much as him
- John Cleese

Jeebus, Trump Hires Real Dummies. The subject line of the email was "Meeting with Russian Leadership -- Including Putin,"
Congressional investigators have unearthed an email from a top Trump aide that referenced a previously unreported effort to arrange a meeting last year between Trump campaign officials and Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

"If immigrants somehow get over the wall, the condition of our bridges and roads will keep them from getting very far," a wall supporter said. - Andy Borowitz

Something Is Gonna Happen Soon. Trump's Son-In-Law Just Hired A Crisis Management Firm.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's family business hired a public relations firm that specializes in crisis communication...Eric Wachter, from the crisis communication firm Finsbury, will be taking over media relations for the Kushner family real estate business. The firm will be replacing Risa Heller Communications, the firm used by the family since before Kushner joined the White House, Bloomberg reported.


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hey you journalists unhappy about how Trump treats you: if you'd done your job properly in 2016, maybe Trump wouldn't be president right now. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Oops. Anti-Trump Site Ordered To Cough Up Data
A court in the District of Columbia on Thursday ordered web hosting company DreamHost to produce data and information requested by the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to an anti-President Trump website.

In her new book, Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump a "creep" who "made her skin crawl." When he heard, Trump smiled and said, "I still got it." - Conan O'Brien


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Pretty clever of Mexico, 170 years after we won the war, figuring out a way to shut down the entire US by refusing to pay for Trump's wall. - emptywheel tweet

Business/Tech News

President Trump said of his critics, "I went to better schools than they did. I was a better student than they were. I live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment. And I live in the White House, too." Then someone handed Trump a fidget spinner and he quieted right down. - Conan O'Brien

Exxon Caught Lying By Harvard
Two Harvard University researchers said in a study published on Wednesday they had collected data proving that Exxon Mobil Corp made "explicit factual misrepresentations" in newspaper ads it purchased to convey its views on the oil industry and climate science.

"I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do." - James Baldwin



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Thor's Hole in Oregon, looks more like Hell's Hole.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Oops. He did it again.

Donald Trump's 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech
President Donald Trump went to Arizona on Tuesday night and delivered what has now become a trademark speech: Full of invective, victimhood and fact-free retellings of recent historical events.

How I felt after listening to Trump's Phoenix speech: He wants to start a race war, impose martial law, shoot off a few nukes, then golf.

Trump's Phoenix rally erases any hope he might ever try to help the country or even his base. He cares only to settle scores & hear the roar. - Laurence Tribe

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Former DNI Director Clapper says he's scared & worried about President's fitness to serve, access to nuclear codes, after tonight's speech. - Andrea Mitchell, NBC

If you thought you wouldn't live long enough to hear a president mock a guy going thru chemo for brain cancer, congratulations. You made it. - Charles P. Pierce

From Yesterday's Emails
Yep, Putin's spreading his propaganda all over. I received a youtube link from a trusted friend concerning the fruit and vegetable shortage. My friend lives in a state that imports most of its fruit and veggies from California and things are expensive or non-existent. 
I watched the video and sent my response. (see below)

Interesting video. I always consider my sources carefully. 
Did you know that news channel -- RT News (Russia Today) -- is funded by Putin? 
The undercurrent of that vid clip was deception and mixed messages. 
The start of the video blamed the lack of funding for single owner farmers and the huge subsidies for corporate farmers. Which I agree with. Hook in. 
Then the woman narrator explained how and why Americans aren't filling the immigrant's farm jobs. Double hook in. 
In the middle of the vid, the woman says the US should subsidize avocado growing instead of importing. Huh? She must love her some avocado toast. Avocados are expensive to grow to begin with, that's why they are so expensive. Hook loosening. 
Then the end of the video says those crazy cattle guys, Hammond and Bundy were getting subsidized to grow fancy cattle for the rich. AND how that is just terrible. But, but, but they are single owner cattlemen. Hook out. 
Putin is running a shrewd campaign to destroy this country from within, and so far it is working.

Republican Shenanigans

So I watched Pres. Trump on CNN live tell the crowd that CNN has turned off the live feed of his speech.
I watched that on CNN. - Dianne Gallagher, CNN

Breitbart Instantly Became The Ship Of Fools
A self-described "email prankster" seemingly fooled top editors at Breitbart over the weekend into believing he was Steve Bannon, the fired White House chief strategist who returned to the right-wing website as executive chairman on Friday.

Trump 2016: I'll make Mexico pay for the wall!
Trump 2017: I'll shut down the government to make us pay for the wall! - Tea Pain


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Today would be a good day for Donald Trump to release his psychiatric records. - David Corn

Rock The Voter News

We went from Obama to a white supremacist who stares at the f*cking sun. - OhNoSheTwint

Hillary Calls The Pussy Grabbing Stalker A Creep. Who Knew?
Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said her “skin crawled” during last year’s second presidential debate, a reaction to Donald Trump standing ominously near her as she delivered answers before a national audience.


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German police seized 5,000 ecstasy tablets shaped like Trump. That’s the only Trump I’d ever put in my mouth. - Chelsea Handler

Business/Tech News

Trump's speech mentioned the Prime Minister of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan doesn't have a Prime Minister.
So at least he's created one new job. - John Fugelsang

Canada And Mexico Must Be Shaking Their Heads
Mexico and Canada on Wednesday dismissed U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to scrap NAFTA, describing it as a negotiating tactic designed to gain an advantage during talks to update one of the world's biggest trading blocs.

“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever." - Walt Disney



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Shoe Shiners taking a lunch break in NYC, 1947.  This photo was taken by a 19-year-old Stanley Kubrick. Now, I want a NYC hotdog while I watch  A Clockwork Orange.
