Monday, August 7, 2017

Fox News Host Sent Pictures Of His Privates

Suspended Fox News Host: ‘I Look Forward To Clearing My Name ASAP’
The latest Fox News personality to be accused of sexual harassment spoke out on Twitter Monday after being suspended from the network, pending the results of an investigation.
Fox News announced Saturday that it had suspended Eric Bolling, co-host of “Cashin’ In” and “The Specialists,” The Huffington Post reported Friday that Bolling had sent photos of male genitalia to female colleagues.

Ewwwww. What's with the men at FoxNews? Did someone add Viagra to their water fountain?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Tillerson didn't attend Asia Regional Forum w/dozens of diplomats  (including N Korea foreign minister) today because he was behind schedule.- Ivan Watson, CNN

Trump's Lying Tweets Increase
The president marked his 200th day in office much like any other: watching television and attacking the media on Twitter.
“The failing @nytimes, which has made every wrong prediction about me including my big election win (apologized), is totally inept!” Trump tweeted on Monday. The New York Times did not apologize for its Trump coverage.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox was on CNN, and he seemed to express his feelings once again about Trump’s border wall pretty clearly: [clip of Fox] “Well, you can use my words, we’ll never play for that [bleeping] wall.” Trump was like, “So it sounds like there’s some wiggle room there.” - Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

Mike Pence says reports that he wants to run for POTUS are "disgraceful & offensive;" presidents who call women "pieces of ass" still ok. -  John Fugelsang

Pro Life, My Ars, Texas!
Childbirth is the closest a woman can come to death.
That's what Houston state Rep. Shawn Thierry said on the House floor this past week. She was quoting her grandmother, born in 1920.
"Here we are, a century later in Texas," Thierry said. And for an alarming number of women, the saying is still true.
Texas has the highest rate, by far, of maternal mortality in the nation. And, with the exception of Mexico, Texas has the highest rate in the developed world.

Ever notice how ignorant racists tend to be ignorant that they're racist? -  John Fugelsang


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2 Chinese guys were arrested in Berlin for making nazi salutes. Wouldn't it be nice to have laws here for people who think racism is funny?- Chelsea Handler

Rock The Voter News

Obama Day!
Former President Obama is being honored with a new state holiday in his former state of Illinois.
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) signed a measure Friday to make Aug. 4 “Barack Obama Day”

The president of the United States has tweeted 8 times so far today. Good thing we didn't elect that woman with her gross womanly emotions.- OhNoSheTwitnt


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Business/Tech News

Former Sec. of State John Kerry is in Kenya insisting on a free and fair election. The current one is doing a photo-op with a despot in the Philippines. - Brian Klaas

Presenting The New Spokesman For The Republican National Committee: A Blonde Birther!
Kayleigh McEnany, the former CNN commentator who over the weekend appeared in a video trumpeting President Trump's accomplishments, has been named as the new spokesperson for the Republican National Committee.

The WWE-trademarked 3:16 refers to one of the Bible’s most quoted verses, John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that those who believe in him shall not die but have eternal life.” Or, as the WWE will now put it, “Christ-a-mania is running wild! Woo, baby!” - Stephen Colbert


I sure do, otherwise I'd go crazy.

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

World's longest pedestrian suspension bridge opened in Switzerland last week. Nope, nope and nope.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Dept. of Justice Targeting Journalists

DOJ warns the media could be targeted in crackdown on leaks
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday announced a government-wide crackdown on leakers, which will include a review of the Justice Department’s policies on subpoenas for media outlets that publish sensitive information

Sessions tells room of reporters he may make it easier to jail them if they don't reveal sources, leaves without taking any press questions. - Ari Melber, MSNBC

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hey Europe? 
We've got a xenophobic right-wing nationalist racist politician who's ALSO a reality TV star. 
Top that, bitches.- John Fugelsang

Whaaaat? The Secret Service Vacated Trump Tower Because Of Lease Dispute.
The Secret Service has vacated its command post in Trump Tower over a dispute with the Trump Organization regarding the agency's lease.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that the Secret Service command post was moved to a trailer on a New York City sidewalk in early July. And a spokeswoman for President Trump's company has said the agency should seek space elsewhere.

Fun fact: Trump's secret service code name is "hairball" - Jeff Tiedrich

My My My. Flynn Reveals More Contacts.
President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is revealing a brief advisory role with a firm related to a controversial data analysis company that aided the Trump campaign, The Associated Press has learned.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump presiding over West Virginia crowd chanting "lock her up" as the special counsel's investigation fast closes in around him. Surreal. - Mark Follman, Mother Jones

Senate Blocks Trump
The Senate blocked President Trump from being able to make recess appointments on Thursday as lawmakers leave Washington for their August break. 

Does anyone know how one gets chosen for Mueller's grand jury? Asking for a friend. - Andy Borowitz


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My daily prayers now include: anti-Maduro Venezuelans; FL shoreline so we don't become Atlantis; and Mueller, that he gets a food taster. - Ana Navarro

Rock The Voter News

I was never prouder to be an American the day we elected a black president. I was never more ashamed when we elected an orange one. - Jeff Tiedrich

More Coverups?
The Justice Department released a redacted version of talking points it created about last year's tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton, and claimed that the information could be withheld because of the government's "deliberative process" privilege.

Chelsea Clinton: I'm donating to ACLU in response to Sessions's threat to target media


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Business/Tech News

So the big announcement they were all excited about was that the governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, was switching parties from Democrat to Republican. And he has a lot in common with the president. They’re both former Democrats who switched parties because they love Donald Trump. So now they’re on the same team. - Jimmy Kimmel

Pharma Bro Found Guilty
Martin Shkreli, the infamous former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, has been found guilty of securities fraud.

President Trump is about to go on vacation. He’s off for two blissful weeks on the Island of Covfefe.- Jimmy Kimmel



Thank you! So close to the goal!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Beautiful hanging bridges at Ai Petri, Mount Crimea in Ukraine. It looks like a stairway to heaven.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Our Secretary of State Doesn't Want To Offend Russia

Tillerson spurns $80 million to counter ISIS, Russian propaganda
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is resisting the pleas of State Department officials to spend nearly $80 million allocated by Congress for fighting terrorist propaganda and Russian disinformation.

Poll: Americans Favor 3.5 Years Paid Leave for President. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump asked what Blacks had to lose. It was apparently healthcare, housing, college admission, & freedom after Sessions locks everyone up. - Rep. Maxine Waters

Trump must miss his gold toilet.

Trump Calls White House A Dump
President Trump has a perfectly valid reason for his weekend getaways to the golf course: the White House isn’t up to his standards.
The President, who has been blasted for his frequent trips to his own properties — especially after calling out former President Barack Obama for his own excursions — explained away his vacations while at the Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey recently.
"That White House is a real dump,” Trump told guests

Trump quietly signed the Russia sanctions bill into law, then slid a note under Putin’s door that said, “Are you mad? YES or NO, circle one” - Chelsea Handler

HEY, Washington D.C., Trump Will Be Outta Town For 17 Days!
Donald Trump once questioned the wisdom of taking vacations. “What’s the point?” he asked.
But now the president is getting ready to join the annual August exodus from this town he calls “the swamp.” Trump is due to set out Friday on his first extended vacation from Washington since the inauguration — a 17-day getaway to his private golf club in central New Jersey.

White House officials yesterday said they hope to have a bill on tax reform sent to President Trump before December. December? Do you know how much time could happen between now and December? That’s 12 Scaramuccis from now. - Seth Myers

So who is telling the truth?

Republican Shenanigans

When is congress going to initiate legislation that the president knowingly lying to his people is illegal? Is a crime? - Chelsea Handler

Wow, Was I Wrong About About Scaramucci. I Thought He'd Want Revenge.
Despite his all too brief spell in the White House, Anthony Scaramucci will be forever remembered for his foul-mouthed rant to New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza...“Most of what I said was humorous and joking. Legally, it may have been on the record, but the spirit of it was off. And he [Lizza] knew that,” Scaramucci told the Huffington Post on Tuesday.

BREAKING: Scaramucci Named Communications Director for Hooters. - Andy Borowitz


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Trump Blasts Obama for Hiring Scaramucci. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Almost a Skinhead.
"What A Horse's Ass." - The Statue of Liberty
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller smiled as he volunteered to “take one actual last question” at Wednesday’s news briefing, before press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders returned to the podium. He probably wishes he'd gone ahead and ceded the floor.
Seven minutes later, Miller found himself apologizing to CNN’s Jim Acosta over the fiery, bizarre, combative and confusing exchange that had just ended.

FUN FACT: If Obama had constantly, randomly lied like Trump, the GOP would have voted to bring back slavery.- Tea Pain


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Business/Tech News

Gotta love the people who think that affirmative action is bad but Ivanka totally deserves an office in the White House. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Another Trump Being Sued For Fraud
Ivanka Trump must give a deposition in a lawsuit by an Italian shoemaker claiming her fashion label copied its designs, a federal judge has ruled.

Do you guys know that song “Despacito?” Well, the government of Malaysia has banned the song from radio and TV in that country for having obscene lyrics. They could be right. I’ve heard this song 2,000 times and I still have no idea what it’s about. - James Corden



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

During the late 1950s my Dad would throw the fishing poles, a frying pan and me into his 1954 Kaiser and head towards the Keys from Ft. Lauderdale for a fun day of fishing. It was so pristine.
