Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Trump crafted misleading statement for Don Jr one day after speaking with Putin about ‘adoption’
President Donald Trump personally “dictated” a misleading statement about his son’s meeting with a Russian lawyer — allegedly to discuss adoption rules — one day after discussing the same issue with Vladimir Putin.

No one could have predicted that a family of lying liars who compulsively lie about everything would lie about which one of them was lying. -  Jeff  Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

How to control a bully: Appoint a General and relive Dad rejecting you and sending you to military school. Why do I think that won't work? - Rob Reiner

GOP Senator Says Trump Wants War With North Korea
There will be war between the United States and North Korea over the rogue nation's missile program if it continues to aim intercontinental ballistic missiles at America, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said President Donald Trump has told him.

If there is a crisis, like 9/11 or the 2008 meltdown, we as a nation, will not survive under this administration.  We have no leader! - Bette Midler

DEA Chief Disses Trump
The acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has told his agency's employees to disregard President Trump's suggestion that police treat suspects roughly.
In a memo sent to agency personnel on Saturday, Chuck Rosenberg said that, while he did not believe any "special agent or task force officer of the DEA would mistreat a defendant," he felt compelled to address the president's statement, saying Trump "condoned police misconduct."

When Mueller's posse comes to walk @realDonaldTrump outta the White House is when he can truly say "I surround myself with the best people." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

I can't comprehend the lack of sympathy some on the right have had for Seth Rich's family but it speaks to the rot at the heart of this mess. - LOLGOP

Scaramucci strikes me as a guy who holds a grudge.

Republican Infighting
Lawmakers are facing off with President Trump over key ObamaCare payments that are in jeopardy after the collapse of efforts to repeal the healthcare law.
Trump is threatening to cancel the payments, known as cost-sharing reductions (CSRs), as part of his effort to make ObamaCare “implode.”

Anthony Scaramucci, gone after just a week and change on the job! The Mooch is toast! The front-stabber has been back-stabbed. - Stephen Colbert


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A school district in Florida is eliminating homework for all school students this year. Yeah, no homework. It’s all part of Florida’s “make Florida Flori-duh again” campaign.- James Corden

Rock The Voter News

WTF Georgia?
Georgia canceled the registration of more than a half-million voters over the weekend, part of an ongoing round of maintenance to clean up the state’s voting rolls.


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Business/Tech News

You know those little robot vacuums called Roombas? The company that makes them says that Roombas have the capability to map out your home while they clean it, and it’s planning to sell that information to Amazon and Google. We all thought that the Roomba was just vacuuming; turns out it was casing the joint. - James Corden

This Proposed Legislation Would Shut Up Jeff Sessions
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) on Tuesday introduced legislation to end the federal prohibition on marijuana and encourage states to legalize pot.
The legislation would amend the Controlled Substance Act to eliminate marijuana's status as a Schedule 1 drug — a move that would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.

Dolly Parton's dad never learned to read. That inspired her to help children read. This month, Dolly's Library sent 1,091,724 books, bringing the total number of free books mailed to 91,821,039 children in need.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Passo dello Stelvio, Eastern Alps, Italy. I think I just got motion sickness.


Monday, July 31, 2017

A quote from EX Communication Director, Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci out as White House communications director
It's the latest high-profile departure from the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus resigned at the end of last week, replaced by John Kelly, whose first day is Monday.

I'm curious. Will Trump's new chief of staff, former General John Kelly, be as Putin friendly as Tump?

This is the first Presidency where the citizens are the ones that look like they age 5 years every month. - @hitexecutive tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The cast of The Apprentice took over the West Wing. Did anyone expect a different outcome? - Peter Daou

Republicans Are Preparing For The Worst
Republican National Committee employees have been asked to preserve all documents related to last year’s presidential campaign — a step that RNC lawyers describe as precautionary, but necessary, as investigations continue into Russia’s meddling in the election.

There will be lots of humor about #Scaramucci's brief tenure, but this White House chaos is gravely serious. Our enemies are watching.  - Peter Daou

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Comedians Protest Scaramucci's Ouster. - Andy Borowitz

Congress versus Trump. This Should Be Interesting
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that it’s official White House policy that nothing else gets a vote in Congress before healthcare.

Big oil gets $7billion in subsidies but contraception as part of a health care compensation package is 'free stuff.' - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Let me help the pundits: Democrats lose elections because the right built a massive messaging infrastructure designed to distort reality. -Peter Daou

A Sane President Would Sign An Executive Ordering The Mandating Of Nationwide Paper Ballots Until Further Notice
One of the nation’s largest cybersecurity conferences is inviting attendees to get hands-on experience hacking a slew of voting machines, demonstrating to researchers how easy the process can be.
“It took me only a few minutes to see how to hack it,” said security consultant Thomas Richards, glancing at a Premier Election Solutions machine currently in use in Georgia.

At this rate Dancing With the Stars can have a whole “Trump castoffs” season. - @goldengateblond


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Business/Tech News

Even though the economy is performin' precisely as it was under Obama, Trump insists it's runnin' in the white direction. - Tea Pain

Swamp Creatures Glorify Dear Leader
Groups spending millions in anonymous donations are leading the outside efforts to either defend President Trump or sell his agenda with voters and Congress, despite the president’s repeated calls to “drain the swamp” in Washington of special-interest money.

Hey Trump, I'm watching this really bad reality TV show with low ratings called Survivor White House. I can't change the channel. Sad! - Vicente Fox Quesada, forme president of Mexico


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Adelboden, Switzerland. What a view! Scotty, beam me there.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Obama Reacts To Obamacare Survival

House Republicans rail on Senate GOP for torpedoing health care
House Republicans are fed up and openly blaming their Senate colleagues across the Capitol for torpedoing their party's pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare.

One Maverick, Two Nasty Women and 48 Democrats just saved America from 49 Deplorables and Mike Pence. - The Daily Edge

BREAKING NEWS: Reince Priebus Out, Kelly In, Is Steve Bannon Next To Receive His Pink Slip Via Twitter?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

John McCain prefers Presidents who weren't captured by Putin. - Mark Harris

Scaramucci Sounds Like Tony Soprano. What A Vulgar Pig.
On Wednesday night, I received a phone call from Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director. He wasn’t happy. Earlier in the night, I’d tweeted, citing a “senior White House official,” that Scaramucci was having dinner at the White House with President Trump, the First Lady, Sean Hannity, and the former Fox News executive Bill Shine. It was an interesting group, and raised some questions. Was Trump getting strategic advice from Hannity? Was he considering hiring Shine? But Scaramucci had his own question—for me.
“Who leaked that to you?” he asked. 

I had no idea Steve Bannon was from Nantucket. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

"You’re going to have such great health care... it’s going to be so easy”- Donald Trump

Republicans Are So Pissed They Couldn't Overturn Obamacare. They Want Him Investigated & Hillary Too!
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are asking for a second special counsel separate from Robert Mueller to probe aspects of the 2016 election and actions by officials in the Obama administration, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

McConnell has a lot of nerve accusing Democrats of obstruction when he locked them out of the room where 13 men wrote a crap bill. - Joy Reid


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This is like an Aaron Sorkin script. Healthcare for 16,000,000 comes down to a Man who just found out he has brain cancer. - Zach Braff

Rock The Voter News

So Bernie Sanders was 1 of 2 (out of 100) senators to vote against Russia sanctions. And 1 of 4 to vote against the Magnitsky  Act. - Peter Daou

His eyes welling up with tears, Sen. Cruz said, “I embarked on this crusade with a simple goal: to keep affordable health care out of the reach of ordinary, hard-working Americans. And while this battle was lost, that dream—that precious, cherished dream—will live on.” - Andy Borowitz


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To the great women @lisamurkowski @SenatorCollins. Thank you for standing up for women everywhere. You have honored us. Lots of love to you. - Chelsea Handler

Trump Announces New Police State
In a speech to law enforcement officials today, President Trump encouraged police officers to be physically “rough” when handling suspects they arrest.

Business/Tech News

At this point the Dems could pass universal coverage single payer, call it the Donald Trump Makes America Great Again Act and he'd sign it. - Richard W. Painter

Free Lipstick Ladies Tomorrow! Really!
In a world where it seems like there's always a catch, whether it's a free dessert for checking in at a restaurant or getting a chance to win big if you retweet, it's easy to be cynical...We checked long and hard for strings, catches, and fine print on this one, but the only thing you have to do is get yourself to a MAC store or retailer on July 29 (this Saturday) to snag a free, full-sized, normally $17 lipstick while supplies last (stock and selection varies by location).

First lady Melania Trump announced today that her first solo international trip will be to Toronto, Canada. The purpose of her trip hasn't been announced. But I'm guessing sanctuary? - Seth Myers



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"So many people, you know, hit the White House with their dictaphone running. I never even kept a journal. I thought, 'I want to live my life, not record it.' " –Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who was born on this day in 1929

Odd News

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Meteora Monastery in Greece. Now that is getting away from it all.


Start off your weekend with this great song.