It's the latest high-profile departure from the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus resigned at the end of last week, replaced by John Kelly, whose first day is Monday.
I'm curious. Will Trump's new chief of staff, former General John Kelly, be as Putin friendly as Tump?
This is the first Presidency where the citizens are the ones that look like they age 5 years every month. - @hitexecutive tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- UN ambassador Nikki Haley is “done talking” on North Korea, urges “international solution”
- First ever Chinese Army Day parade sends message, despite Trump tweets
- Putin says US will have to cut 755 from diplomatic staff in Russia
- Pence takes tough tone on Russia after Moscow retaliates against sanctions legislation
The cast of The Apprentice took over the West Wing. Did anyone expect a different outcome? - Peter Daou
Republicans Are Preparing For The Worst
Republican National Committee employees have been asked to preserve all documents related to last year’s presidential campaign — a step that RNC lawyers describe as precautionary, but necessary, as investigations continue into Russia’s meddling in the election.
There will be lots of humor about #Scaramucci's brief tenure, but this White House chaos is gravely serious. Our enemies are watching. - Peter Daou
Republican Shenanigans
- Republicans call on new Trump chief of staff to fix White House chaos
- Trump visits his Virginia golf club in 43rd trip to one of his golf properties
- Long Island Police Department Contradicts Trump: We Won't Tolerate Brutality
- Reince Priebus' stint in the White House landed in the history books: shortest-serving White House chief of staff
- Ivanka Trump seeks to lower expectations of her influence: report
- NJ gov gets in Cubs fan's face: 'You're a big shot'
- GOP senator to fellow Republicans: If you don't call out Trump, you're complicit in his actions
- Sen. Jeff Flake says Republican Party has "lost its way"
- Former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty in criminal contempt case
- Nearly all Cabinet officials attend Bible lessons with right-wing pastor who compares Trump to biblical heroes
BREAKING: Comedians Protest Scaramucci's Ouster. - Andy Borowitz
Congress versus Trump. This Should Be Interesting
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that it’s official White House policy that nothing else gets a vote in Congress before healthcare.
Big oil gets $7billion in subsidies but contraception as part of a health care compensation package is 'free stuff.' - John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- NEW POLL: Majority of voters don't support Trump's border wall
- Al Gore: 'The rich have subverted all reason'
- What would abortion law now look like if Hillary Clinton had won?
Let me help the pundits: Democrats lose elections because the right built a massive messaging infrastructure designed to distort reality. -Peter Daou
A Sane President Would Sign An Executive Ordering The Mandating Of Nationwide Paper Ballots Until Further Notice
One of the nation’s largest cybersecurity conferences is inviting attendees to get hands-on experience hacking a slew of voting machines, demonstrating to researchers how easy the process can be.
“It took me only a few minutes to see how to hack it,” said security consultant Thomas Richards, glancing at a Premier Election Solutions machine currently in use in Georgia.
At this rate Dancing With the Stars can have a whole “Trump castoffs” season. - @goldengateblond
Business/Tech News
- Oil surges into the close to settle above $50, posts best monthly gain since April 2016
- Tesla factory workers pushing for a union just sent a list of demands to the company's board
- Citing 'basic physics,' a judge berated the FAA over shrinking airline seats
- Black women have to work 7 months into 2017 to be paid the same as white men in 2016
Even though the economy is performin' precisely as it was under Obama, Trump insists it's runnin' in the white direction. - Tea Pain
Swamp Creatures Glorify Dear Leader
Groups spending millions in anonymous donations are leading the outside efforts to either defend President Trump or sell his agenda with voters and Congress, despite the president’s repeated calls to “drain the swamp” in Washington of special-interest money.
Hey Trump, I'm watching this really bad reality TV show with low ratings called Survivor White House. I can't change the channel. Sad! - Vicente Fox Quesada, forme president of Mexico
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