Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Republicans are between a rock and the public. But they don't know it.

Trump: ‘Let Obamacare Fail…I’m Not Going to Own It’
President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would let Obamacare "fail" in the aftermath of his party's botched efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
"I think we're probably in that position where we'll let Obamacare fail," Trump said at the White House. "We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you, the Republicans are not going to own it."

It is hard to overstate the level of failure here. The GOP crushed their car at 90 miles an hour into a cliff with a grin on their face. - Stephen Colbert

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Press didn't know you spent an hour during dinner in 1-1 discussion w Putin (& his translator). Other G20 leaders found it...unusual.- Ian Bremmer

Trump Nominates Sane Republican As Ambassador To Russia
The White House formally announced its plans to nominate former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia, signaling its intent to put the onetime Trump campaign critic in a leading diplomatic role.

Governor Huntsman set to join every other member of the Trump administration as an ambassador to Russia. - Jason Kander

Republican Shenanigans

RIP Republican Health Care Bill. In lieu of flowers, please send new representatives to Congress in 2018. - Stephen Colbert

The Russians Set Up Donald Jr. In OPERATION EASY AS PIE
Almost three decades before he participated in the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer, among others, Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze accused the American press of taking part in an anti-Russian “witch hunt.”

Surprise! The party that hates the government is terrible at running the government. - Michael Ian Black


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President Trump told Republican senators that if they didn't vote for the healthcare bill, they'd look like dopes. And he combed his neck hair over the top of his head and walked away with his tie dragging on the floor. - Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Watch Out For Wildfires
A stubborn wildfire burning in the rugged mountains outside Yosemite National Park has placed nearly 5,000 structures under threat Wednesday.
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection says that the fire nearly doubled in size overnight and has now scorched roughly 71 square miles.

Weird. Trump Hasn't Tweeted About This.
Despite Donald Trump’s extremely active Twitter presence on his personal @realDonaldTrump account, former President Barack Obama’s @BarackObama retains a higher follower count.
Obama’s personal account has 92 million followers, while Trump has 34.1 million. 


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Well, the mob is in the @WhiteHouse.  We have #POTUS colluding with the Russian Government; I never thought I would live to see this.- Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

This Article Made Me Think About This Quote, "There is a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?"
Humans have created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics since large-scale production of the synthetic materials began in the early 1950s, and most of it now resides in landfills or the natural environment, according to a study published today in the journal Science Advances.

The problem with guys who say 'Hate the sin, love the sinner' is that they actually tend to hate the sinner but kinda dig the sin. - John Fugelsang



Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Las Lajas Sanctuary is a basilica church located in the southern Colombian Department of Nariño, in the municipality of Ipiales, and built inside the canyon of the Guáitara River.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

GOP Hang Themselves Instead Of Obamacare

Trump suggests Republicans will let ACA market collapse, then rewrite health law
As divisions between the two main ideological camps within the GOP widened Tuesday, Republicans were scrambling to contain the political fallout from the collapse of a months-long effort to rewrite former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic accomplishment.

Republicans have spent decades trying to destroy Hillary & the past 7 years trying to destroy Obamacare. All they've done is prove their ineptness.

John Boehner smiles, pours himself a scotch, and drags deeply on a cigarette. Today will be a good day. - goldengateblond tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Poll: Nation Favors Repealing Congressional Republicans and Replacing Them with Adorable Kittens. - Andy Borowitz

Lordy, Another Secret Trump/Putin Meeting.
President Trump held a second, informal meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg earlier this month, according to Ian Bremmer, the president of the international consulting firm Eurasia Group.

In the coming months we're going to see how a real espionage/influence campaign works. DT/Russia colluding to steal an election. God help US. - Rob Reiner

Tillerson Is Minimizing Cybersecurity At The State Dept. I Can Hear Putin Clapping In Russia.
 The global cybersecurity community is still struggling to process the news that Christopher Painter, the Trump administration’s top cyber diplomat, will leave his State Department job at the end of the month...

Republican Shenanigans

The President of the United States is suggesting deliberately letting a law "fail" that tens of millions rely on to stay healthy and survive. - Brian Klaas

Personal Insults Seem To Be The White House's Only Forte
A new book from Bloomberg’s Joshua Green has an anecdote about the time when Steve Bannon called Paul Ryan “limpdick motherf*cker” who was basically grown in a conservative laboratory.

Doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center said that when Mitch McConnell arrived at the facility his white vote count had fallen below fifty and he had gone into shock. - Andy Borowitz

Sanctuary Cities To Be Swarmed By ICE
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Thomas Homan said Tuesday that he plans on sending hundreds of agents to sanctuary cities in the near future as part of a major crackdown on illegal immigration.


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Trumpcare is not truly dead until the Democrats have a congressional majority or Trump is out of office and hosting a reality show in Russia. - Dan Pfeiffer

Electricity deniers?

Rock The Voter News

A Bipartisan Effort To Stop Vote Hacking Because Trump & The GOP Won't
Two unlikely individuals are working together on a bipartisan effort to fight cyberattacks and protect the integrity of U.S. elections. The former presidential campaign managers of Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Mitt Romney are leading an initiative, launched Tuesday, called “Defending Digital Democracy,” specifically to prevent repeats and copycats of Russia’s 2016 election interference.


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Business/Tech News

Turns out Trump had a Russian money launderin' expert at their June 9 meetin' so they could talk about, you know, "adoptions." - Tea Pain

Tropical Storm Don Expected To Go Limp
Tropical Storm Don is spreading bands of heavy rain and gusty winds across the Windward Islands, after becoming the fourth named storm of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season Monday afternoon.

Yesterday Trump spent day with American manufacturers. He wore a cowboy hat & pretended to drive a fire truck. Like most 4 year-old boys. - Bette Midler




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Solar eclipse, as seen from Earth’s orbit. Photo/NASA


Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 179 of the Trump Presidency

70% of Americans in new ABC News/WaPo poll say Pres. Trump has acted in an unpresidential manner
President Donald Trump’s behavior as commander-in-chief has unnerved respondents to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, 70 percent of which said he has acted in an unpresidential manner since assuming office last January.

As his approval rating plummets to 36, Trump blamed a "rigged numerical system" that was "invented by Arabs" - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald Trump Jr. Says He Forgot Russian Men's Hockey Team Also Attended Meeting. - Andy Borowitz

Wow. Election Hacking May Just Be The Tip Of The Iceberg.
To understand the scale of the hacking attempts against election systems in the 2016 presidential election, consider South Carolina.
On Election Day alone, there were nearly 150,000 attempts to penetrate the state’s voter-registration system, according to a postelection report by the South Carolina State Election Commission.

Of course Trump got asked about the biggest story in France — his son’s collusion with Russia. [clip of Trump] “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer. It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly, very fast.” Welcome to Trump’s America, where morality is measured by speed. Because it was over quickly, it wasn’t wrong! It’s like a five-second rule for your soul. - Stephen Colbert

Need a reminder of the human cost of a dictatorship? All these are journalists who criticized Putin--and died under mysterious circumstances.

Republican Shenanigans

I never met any Russians.
The meeting was about adoptions.
Okay, about Clinton oppo.
It was just one Russian.
Well, two.
Hillary did it. - Nick Confessore, NYT Reporter

Nepotism Must Be A Contagious Pre-Existing Condition
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is looking into allegations of self-dealing by the Eric Trump Foundation that were raised by a recent Forbes report.
Schneiderman was already investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation for whether or not the president personally benefited from the fundraising efforts and spending of the foundation before the inauguration.

The talking point for GOP on monstrous Medicaid cut is they are only cutting it for “able bodied, childless adults.” The new welfare queens. - Anna Marie Cox

John McCain Had Surgery
Sen. John McCain, 80, is recovering at his Arizona home following surgery on Friday to remove a blood clot above his left eye, according to his office. The clot was discovered during a routine physical last week, according to a statement.

Mitch McConnell has to delay taking healthcare from American taxpayers until after John McCain has surgery, paid for by American taxpayers. - John Fugelsang


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Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan is calling for stronger sanctions against Russia for its election meddling. Ryan said, “We must keep Russia out of our elections until we need them again in 2018.” - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

The only addition I can think of is LOVE LIKE OPRAH

Yes, The World Is Laughing At The U.S. And Crying At The Same Time
The outgoing leader of the federal government's ethics office warns in a new interview of the ethics crisis created by President Trump, saying he thinks the country is "pretty close to a laughingstock."
“It’s hard for the United States to pursue international anti-corruption and ethics initiatives when we’re not even keeping our own side of the street clean. It affects our credibility,” Walter Shaub said ...

Then Trump held a joint press conference with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron. Trump invoked America’s long history with France: [clip of Trump] “France helped us secure our Independence. A lot of people forget. France is America’s first and oldest ally, a lot of people don’t know that.” Nope, just you. WE know. Gave us the Statue of Liberty too, remember that? - Seth Myers


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Business/Tech News

Trump declared this week is "Made in America Week". Which is ironic since his clothes aren't made in America and neither was his presidency. - HamiltonElector Tweet

Sean Spicer´s Voice Returns. Face Still Missing.
He’s back.
After weeks in the White House wilderness, Sean Spicer is scheduled to take to the podium for Monday’s press briefing, according to multiple reports from White House correspondents.
But only those in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room will be able to see the White House press secretary, as the briefing will be held off-camera, as is becoming increasingly common amid the Trump administration's continuous battles with what the president has dubbed the “Fake News media.

"Climate change" is an evil conspiracy by the world's scientific consensus to trick us into cleaning up our air & water for no good reason. - John Fugelsang


Trump Is Going To Kill Us All If We Don't Stop Him

Thank you

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Look at that bear's paws. Yikes!
