Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Polish Rent-a-Crowds Ready to Cheer Trump

Polish Rent-a-Crowds Ready to Cheer Trump in Warsaw—Especially if He Attacks the EU
The populism Team Trump once hoped would destroy the European Union has been defeated in the West. But it remains strong, in power, and increasingly authoritarian in the East.

If you're US, Happy Independence from England
If you're Canadian, Happy Codependence w/England
If you're England-please take us back
- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump on Friday:  "What else could I do?  Putin said nice things about me so I gave him Alaska back." - Tea Pain

I Wonder How Putin Will React To The Verdict
Prime Minister Mark Rutte is pleased that those responsible for downing flight MH17 will be prosecuted in the Netherlands, calling the decision the "next step on the way to finding the truth." The Dutch government is also signing a treaty with the Ukraine on Friday that will allow for prosecution on behalf of all 298 victims, not only the 196 Dutch, AD reports.

Poll: Growing Support for Plan to Drop Chris Christie on North Korea - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

At this point, getting Trump's tweets banned from Twitter amounts to suppression of evidence for future trials & lawsuits. - John Fugelsang

Gag Me With A Spoon
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski reached their biggest audience ever when they talked Friday about President Donald Trump’s tweets about their show.
The Nielsen company said Wednesday that 1.66 million people watched the MSNBC morning show the day after the tweets. That narrowly beat the show’s previous record, which came the day after Trump was elected last year.

FUN FACT: Both Pres. Nixon and Pres.Trump were "beneficiaries of dirty tricks hatched by Roger Ailes and Roger Stone." One down & one to go. - Bette Midler


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Let's just remind all these #25thAmendmentNow folks that President Mike Pence would have all the evil but half the entertainment value. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Americans Like Angela Merkel More Than Trump
A majority of Americans say they have more confidence in German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a leader than they do in President Trump, according to a Pew Research survey published Wednesday.


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Not much feeling like 4th of July this year. Maybe I’ll wait until Trump goes to prison to celebrate “InThePenDance Day.” - Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

-What's all this coal waste in our water supply, Daddy?
-Oh that's just President Trump getting big govt regulations off our backs, son. - John Fugelsang

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together
Trump campaign email vendors are marketing an anti-aging cream with the help of conspiracy theories surrounding the 2016 murder of a Democratic Party staffer.



Odd News

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Wow. But, no, no and no.


Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy 4th of July

A Reddit user who wrote about stabbing Muslims is claiming credit for Trump's CNN video
The user whose screen name is a vulgar corruption of “Han Solo” spent about a year on Reddit before attaining stardom, courtesy of a share from President Trump.
Some posts were unpopular. “That cat would be in a blender if it did that to me,” for instance. Or recollections of visits to Paris armed with “punch blades,” in case a Muslim needed to be stabbed in the neck.

Jesus, you know there is some idiot out there that is going to attack a CNN employee because of Trump's tweet. Do you think he did that to distract us? He's acting like a cornered animal. I imagine Robert Mueller is taking note.

"Trump is the first white man who moved in a house after a black man and made the property value go down". - D.L. Hughley

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Oh No. Russia Is Impatiently Whining. 
Russia said Monday that its “patience is running out” with the United States to return its diplomatic property seized as part of sanctions imposed over alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign. A few weeks before his term ended, President Barack Obama closed two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland and expelled 35 diplomats.

Our country was founded by people who were mad at King George because he refused to show us his taxation statements.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Let's be clear: Trump's "fake news" obsession is about HONEST news coverage that is unfavorable to him. Pandering to his shrinking base. - Stephen King

Trump accused Mika Brzezinski of getting plastic surgery, which is odd, because that’s the only thing covered by his healthcare plan. - Jimmy Fallon

Astronaut Has Facial Conniptions Listening To Trump 
Buzz Aldrin floored as Trump humiliates himself attempting to talk about science and space

President Trump hosted the first fundraiser for his 2020 re-election campaign. The event was black tie, but white guests. - Seth Myers

Voter Data Grab Nixed By Two Of The Original Colonies
Maryland and Connecticut joined the growing list of states refusing to comply with President Donald Trump’s election integrity commission that many have accused of promoting voter fraud — and did so in harsh terms.

I’m going to say something I didn’t think was possible anymore: I am shocked by something Donald Trump said. I thought, by now, that my soul had calcified into a crouton. Not true, because today, the president of the United States tweeted, “How come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”
First of all, someone bleeding badly at your door, and you say no? Sounds like your healthcare plan. I mean, turning them away from your hotel during the middle of winter is literally the story of Christmas. Only there wasn’t a wise man in sight. - Stephen Colbert


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Rock The Voter News

Of course, the first lady defended her husband via her spokesperson: “As the first lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.” Yes, as the first lady says, “When they go low, we go 10 times lower.” - Stephen Colbert

Tony Soprano Wannabe Caught In The Act
In my 23 years as a photo journalist, I've been on enough stakeouts to know when I've been made, and Gov. Chris Christie looked right at me as I pointed the long-range lens at him from a small plane about a thousand feet above Island Beach State Park in Berkeley Township on Sunday.

[Ben Franklin's ghost appears] "Happy birthday, USA! How fare ye?"
Me: "We call our reps and beg them not to kill us"
BFG: "What the fuck?" - Jeff Tiedrich


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 The July 4th holiday, or as your dog calls it, PTSD Day. -  Seth Myers



Odd News

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Wave Rock, Western Australia. Aw, surf's not up!


Friday, June 30, 2017

Could GOP Operatives Be Prosecuted For Trying to Obtain Clinton Emails?

Could GOP Operatives Be Prosecuted For Trying to Obtain Clinton Emails?
A Republican operative tried last year to obtain emails he thought were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server by Russian hackers, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. According to the Journal, the operative claimed he was working on the effort with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, then a top adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign
The operative, Peter W. Smith—who spoke to the Journal days before his death this past May—also played a role in the 1990s scandal involving Arkansas state troopers’ claims that they helped arrange Bill Clinton’s trysts.

Every time someone says the president is a child or a toddler all I can think of is I've never met a child who's this much of a dick. - Rachel Dratch

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mika insult distracts from the fake Time cover which diverts us from AHCA which cloaks a huge tax cut for the rich. It's like a Russian doll. - Pete Buttigieg

A federal judge on Thursday blocked a California law set to take effect July 1 that bans residents under many circumstances from owning a firearm magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, court documents showed.

This NRA Ad Is Chilling
A National Rifle Association of America ad, narrated by conservative television host Dana Loesch, stirred controversy online.

Republican Shenanigans

Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile? - Rep. Maxine Waters

Trump Found Another Way To Terrify Immigrants
The Trump administration plans to arrest parents and other relatives who authorities believe smuggled their children into the United States, a move immigrant advocates said would send a wave of fear through vulnerable communities.

Trump has insulted the looks of...

-Megyn Kelly
-Heidi Cruz
-Mika Brzezinski
-Elizabeth Warren

Never Insulted...

-Vladimir Putin

- Tony Posnanski‏

Comedy Central emailed me. Why, yes they did, And nicely asked if I would write about their new video on healthcare. Why, of course I will. The world would be a sadder place without Comedy Central. 

Please watch their video so they'll email me again. :)


 Click here to meet C.W.


Obama Willing to Serve as Temp President While Trump Receives Psychiatric Evaluation - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Good thing we avoided having an overemotional, drama-prone president by not electing a lady. - Laura Olin

Trump Wants To Be BIG BROTHER
Four things happened yesterday that prove we are witnessing the beginning of a nationwide voter-suppression campaign.

So far CA, KY, VA, MA, NC, MN, UT, OK, NY, TN & NM say they won't hand over sensitive voter data to Kris Kobach. - Ari Berman


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Why does it seem Trump has insulted every person on the planet not named Putin or Flynn? - Joe DiSano

Business/Tech News

Pretty sure I saw Sarah Huckabee Sanders beating her kid with a Bible outside the Little Rock Dress Barn. - Joe DiSano

Costa Rica's New Ambassador
Sharon Day of Fort Lauderdale, a business executive turned Republican Party activist, is President Donald Trump’s nominee as the American envoy to Costa Rica..



Odd News

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First hair dryer – 1920. Jeezus, they look alive.

Best Wishes For A Safe And Peaceful Holiday Weekend.