Friday, June 23, 2017


Shifting Dollars From Poor to Rich Is a Key Part of the Senate Health Bill
The Affordable Care Act gave health insurance to millions of Americans by shifting resources from the wealthy to the poor and by moving oversight from states to the federal government. The Senate bill introduced Thursday pushes back forcefully on both dimensions.

Americans are learning the hard way.  If you allow your government to mess with Vladimir Putin you may lose your health insurance. - Richard W. Painter

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is in the Middle East to broker a historic peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Kushner thinks real progress will start once both sides stop laughing. - Conan O'Brien

Hmm. Have The "Implants" Been Triggered Yet?
President Obama, angered by Russian hacking during the 2016 elections, authorized a covert cyber operation to deploy "implants" in Russian networks that could be triggered remotely in retaliation to any future cyber aggression by Moscow

Now here’s some news from my home country. In her latest speech her majesty the queen did not mention Donald Trump’s state visit to the U.K., leading some to speculate that it may have been canceled. So apparently two can play this whole travel ban game. - James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

Mitch McConnell wants to force a Senate vote on healthcare before July 4, because if there’s one day you want to take away people’s healthcare, it’s the day when they get drunk and set off fireworks. - Jimmy Fallon

Kellyanne Can't Spin Anymore. Her Comment Makes No Sense.
Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to President Donald Trump, attempted to spin a question about Russian interference in the 2016 election by saying people who questioned whether Trump could win had actually meddled with the campaign.

In Israel, a court ruled that a religious man cannot force a woman to move seats on an airplane just because he’s afraid of having accidental physical contact with her. It was the landmark case of Israel vs. Mike Pence. - Conan O'Brien

Sounds Like Trump's White House Counsel Is On The Way Out
White House counsel Don McGahn has largely stepped back from managing Donald Trump's response to the expanding Russia investigation, but that hasn't stopped the president from lashing out at him about it anyway.


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"If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself." –Kris Kristofferson

Rock The Voter News

I would blame Nancy Pelosi for Ossoff's loss, but I'm not a sexist asshole who throws women under the bus when things don't go my way. - Charles Clymer

I'd Have More Respect For Bernie If He Stayed In The Democratic Party Instead Of Using It As A Stepping Stone To Run For President 
"I speak as the longest serving independent in American congressional history, the Democratic brand is pretty bad," Sanders told CNN's Anderson Cooper on "AC360.

BERNIE: The Democratic brand is WORSE THAN TRUMP.
Really? Worse than gutting health care & deporting DREAMERS? - Mikel Jollet


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Business/Tech News

I love money and all, but if you think your tax cut is worth people dying because they can't get healthcare, you might be a monster. - Danny Zuker

I'm So Old I Remember Mortgage Rates At 10% Under George H. W. Bush
Mortgage rates seem to be stuck in a holding pattern as they hover near yearly lows. According to the latest data released Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate average slipped to 3.9 percent with an average 0.5 point...

Discovery Channel is promoting its upcoming Shark Week by promising to have Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps race a great white shark. But don’t tell him! It’s a surprise! - Seth Myers



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Gaiola Bridge, Naples, Italy. Oh yeah, I'd trip crossing that bridge and WHAM on the rocks below.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Trump: 'I just don't want a poor person' in Cabinet economic jobs

Trump: 'I just don't want a poor person' in Cabinet economic jobs
President Donald Trump offered an explanation Wednesday for why he has one of the wealthiest Cabinets in history.
"I love all people -- rich or poor -- but in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person,"...

"A rich man is nothing more than a poor man with money." - W.C. Fields

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Any rational person who has seen the classified information, as I have, knows @POTUS is lying when he calls Russian interference a hoax. - Rep. Ted Lieu

I Hope No Terrorists Read About This
The British government has estimated that 600 high-rise buildings across England may be covered in cladding similar to that used on Grenfell Tower, the 24-story apartment block that was gutted by a huge fire in west London last week.

Some say Steve Bannon is the real president, others say he's a Galapagos marine iguana. - Conan O'Brien

Israel Takes Trump's Lead
Journalists were prevented from photographing Jared Kushner on his arrival Wednesday in Israel, where he hopes to restart peace talks with Palestinian leaders.

Karl Marx may have said 'religion is the opium of the people' but he never had access to 800 cable channels & porn-on-demand. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Reminder that the people who want to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns want to make it harder for them to get healthcare. - John Fugelsang

Just When You Thought A Republican Couldn't Go Lower...
Police drag away protesters, some in wheelchairs, outside of Sen. McConnell's office after draft of Senate health care bill is revealed

America; where the Planned Parenthood shooter's too insane to stand trial for murder but not too insane to buy 4 SKS semi-automatic rifles. - John Fugelsang

Standing Ovation For Montana Democrats, Please!
Montana Democrats wanted newly elected Rep. Greg Gianforte from Big Sky Country to stand out on his first day on Capitol Hill, so they sent him a bright orange prison jumpsuit to wear.

An American President is using his Russian collusion scandal to cover for taking health insurance from 25 million citizens. So much winning! - Tea Pain


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Bloomberg May Be Right Except I'd Add It's The Hillary/Pelosi Haters That Have Divided The Democratic Party
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) says President Trump is likely to win reelection in 2020 because Democrats will be hamstrung by the deep fissures between the liberal and moderate wings of the party.

What no one's saying is what happens if Trump deliberately under-resources our cyberdefenses, then wins big in a midterm with Russian hacks. - Seth Abramson

Rock The Voter News

This is basically the only thing Trump knows about Panama. He meets someone from Panama and says, “Hey — canal.” He meets someone from France and says, “Hey — baguettes.” He meets someone from Russia and says, “Hey — thanks for helping me with that whole beating Hillary thing.” - James Corden

Does Sean Spicer Ever Feel Guilty About Lying?
Donald Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer has pushed back against accusations that the White House is displaying a “lack of transparency” by holding fewer on-camera briefings, saying that reporters who ask “snarky questions” just “want to become YouTube stars”.

Pressers are briefings for America. On  9-11 DOD spox briefed reporters sitting on ground outside as Pentagon burned. Rumsfeld wanted that. - Barbara Starr, CNN


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The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. - Barack Obama

Business/Tech News

Give Trump a break. He's our first Russian president and he's new at this.- Tea Pain

Facebook Fraudsters
If you've never had your profile picture stolen - lucky you. But it's a serious problem, with fraudsters, trolls, and scammers often stealing the identity of others by harvesting the info they list publicly on Facebook



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Me, back in 2003. One of the better
photos of me.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

(I posted this before in 2009) This is a painting that was outside my hotel room at Casa Roland in San Jose, Costa Rica. Make of it what you will. I was quite amused. Photo/Lisa Casey


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Trump solves all of his problems

Trump spikes the ball after Georgia election win
Rattled by Donald Trump's tumultuous first five months in office, the Republican Party breathed a collective sigh of relief Tuesday after a much-needed special election victory in Georgia.

Secret Service Fun Fact: 3 out of 4 people caught scaling the White House fence are process servers. -Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

At this point the White House is nothin' but a bunch of hissin' possums hidin' in your garbage cans. - Tea Pain

Background Checks Have No Meaning To This White House
The head of the CIA continued to brief Michael Flynn on the nation’s most sensitive intelligence information until he was ousted as national security adviser, despite concerns from top government agencies, including the CIA itself, that Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail

Republican Shenanigans

GOP has the White House, the House & the Senate.  Any lack of legislation ain't from "Obstruction".  More like "Incompetence." - Tea Pain

It's Not Russia That Trump Likes, It's Russian MONEY
A Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida.

Some white folks would vote against air if they heard black folks were getting it for free. - Mat Johnson

If white people were treated the way black people are in America, the Trump campaign would almost make sense. - LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

Hunker Down Here Comes Tropical Storm Cindy
From the Florida Panhandle to eastern Texas, residents and government officials along the northern Gulf Coast kept an eye on slow-moving Tropical Storm Cindy, which the National Weather Service said posed a threat of “life-threatening flash flooding....

CONTEST: Win trip to Mar-a-lago by giving a believable account of how Trump was not colluding with Russia. Entries judged by Robert Mueller. - Tea Party Cat


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump hasn't commented on a white terrorist attacking Muslims in London, but he has taken credit for the Panama Canal. - Rex Huppke

Betsy DeVos Is Turning Student Loans Into Sharecropper Loans
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's pick to lead the department's $1.3 trillion student loan system is the CEO of a private student loan company.
A. Wayne Johnson, who was tapped as chief operating officer of Federal Student Aid (FSA), is the founder and chief executive of Reunion Financial Services, a company that originates and refinances student loans.

Today in 1989 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (Texas vs Johnson) American flag-burning was a form of protest protected by the First Amendment




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Amazing frozen waterfall in The Alps, South Tyrol, Italy. Talk about feeling tiny.
