President Donald Trump offered an explanation Wednesday for why he has one of the wealthiest Cabinets in history.
"I love all people -- rich or poor -- but in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person,"...
"A rich man is nothing more than a poor man with money." - W.C. Fields
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
- Canadian sniper 'kills IS militant two miles away'
- Islamic State claims a historic mosque in Mosul was destroyed by a US airstrike — but video evidence suggests otherwise
- Suspect in Flint airport stabbing attempted gun purchase, official says
- Edwardsville man charged with threatening to assassinate President Trump
Any rational person who has seen the classified information, as I have, knows @POTUS is lying when he calls Russian interference a hoax. - Rep. Ted Lieu
I Hope No Terrorists Read About This
The British government has estimated that 600 high-rise buildings across England may be covered in cladding similar to that used on Grenfell Tower, the 24-story apartment block that was gutted by a huge fire in west London last week.
Some say Steve Bannon is the real president, others say he's a Galapagos marine iguana. - Conan O'Brien
Israel Takes Trump's Lead
Journalists were prevented from photographing Jared Kushner on his arrival Wednesday in Israel, where he hopes to restart peace talks with Palestinian leaders.
Karl Marx may have said 'religion is the opium of the people' but he never had access to 800 cable channels & porn-on-demand. - John Fugelsang
Republican Shenanigans
- Republican senators' revolt puts health bill in jeopardy
- Senate GOP bill defunds Planned Parenthood for one year
- Steve Scalise is a victim of political violence — but that does nothing to excuse his hateful politics
- US intelligence chiefs say they did not feel pressured by Trump
- Trump: If Russia meddled in our election, why didn't Obama stop it?
- Lawsuit accuses Trump of violating federal records law
- Sarah Palin reduced to running right-wing clickbait site where she writes about 'hot' alpha males
- Alabama high school teacher pulls summer reading list of conservative authors after backlash
Reminder that the people who want to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns want to make it harder for them to get healthcare. - John Fugelsang
Just When You Thought A Republican Couldn't Go Lower...
Police drag away protesters, some in wheelchairs, outside of Sen. McConnell's office after draft of Senate health care bill is revealed
America; where the Planned Parenthood shooter's too insane to stand trial for murder but not too insane to buy 4 SKS semi-automatic rifles. - John Fugelsang
Standing Ovation For Montana Democrats, Please!
Montana Democrats wanted newly elected Rep. Greg Gianforte from Big Sky Country to stand out on his first day on Capitol Hill, so they sent him a bright orange prison jumpsuit to wear.
An American President is using his Russian collusion scandal to cover for taking health insurance from 25 million citizens. So much winning! - Tea Pain
Bloomberg May Be Right Except I'd Add It's The Hillary/Pelosi Haters That Have Divided The Democratic Party
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) says President Trump is likely to win reelection in 2020 because Democrats will be hamstrung by the deep fissures between the liberal and moderate wings of the party.
What no one's saying is what happens if Trump deliberately under-resources our cyberdefenses, then wins big in a midterm with Russian hacks. - Seth Abramson
Rock The Voter News
- Hillary Clinton sees no gain in favorability since losing the election
- Some House Democrats say it's time for Pelosi to go
- Bid to legalize marijuana in Vermont goes up in smoke
This is basically the only thing Trump knows about Panama. He meets someone from Panama and says, “Hey — canal.” He meets someone from France and says, “Hey — baguettes.” He meets someone from Russia and says, “Hey — thanks for helping me with that whole beating Hillary thing.” - James Corden
Does Sean Spicer Ever Feel Guilty About Lying?
Donald Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer has pushed back against accusations that the White House is displaying a “lack of transparency” by holding fewer on-camera briefings, saying that reporters who ask “snarky questions” just “want to become YouTube stars”.
Pressers are briefings for America. On 9-11 DOD spox briefed reporters sitting on ground outside as Pentagon burned. Rumsfeld wanted that. - Barbara Starr, CNN
The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. - Barack Obama
Business/Tech News
- Crude Oil 42.75
- Qatar Airways interested in buying 10 percent stake in American Airlines
- $120 million fine proposed for travel-deal robocalls
- Comcast accused of cutting competitor's wires to put it out of business
- Amazon's Alexa Can Now Control Your Home Cameras
Give Trump a break. He's our first Russian president and he's new at this.- Tea Pain
Facebook Fraudsters
If you've never had your profile picture stolen - lucky you. But it's a serious problem, with fraudsters, trolls, and scammers often stealing the identity of others by harvesting the info they list publicly on Facebook
Warm Springs is in Georgia.