Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Follow the leaks

Intelligence contractor is charged in first criminal leak case of Trump era
An intelligence contractor was charged with sending a classified report about Russia's interference in the 2016 election to the news media, the Justice Department announced Monday, the first criminal leak case under President Donald Trump...The Justice Department announced the case against the contractor, Reality Leigh Winner, 25...

As a European, I am addicted to US politics, it's the best reality show in the world. - Karl Laur

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

With all the dangers in the world right now this would be a great time to have a President. - Andy Borowitz

This is a powerful piece of journalism depicting the good, the bad and the ugly. Every American needs to see this. Thank you Arwa Damon.
Mosul: As the battle against ISIS rages on, so does terror, suffering for civilians

Stroking The Orb
Saudi Arabia reportedly spent more than a quarter of a million dollars at President Trump’s Washington hotel as part of their lobbying efforts against a controversial terrorism-related law.

The first criminal charge filed for leaking during the Trump administration is against Reality Winner. Are we living in a satirical novel?- Warren Holstein


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Republican Shenanigans

Trump's America has turned into a place where public servants are chastised for tellin' the truth and despots are praised for tellin' lies. - Tea Pain

Grab The Popcorn For Comey's Testimony
President Donald Trump will reportedly respond live on Twitter as former FBI Director James Comey testifies to a Senate committee this week.
On Thursday, Comey is expected to testify to the Senate Intelligence Committee about his firing and whether Trump attempted to influence the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

I do not fully trust this man.

I don't think of it so much as Trump "livetweeting" the Comey hearing as much as it's "liveobstructingofjustice." - LOLGOP

I  serve at the pleasure of the President's tweets.
Meet Trump's White House Lawyer
By day, Don McGahn is a straight-laced lawyer, but by night, he's a long-haired rocker.
In the White House drama that occupies almost every news day — from the firing of the FBI director, to the Russia probe, to the controversial travel bans — there is one crucial name that hardly ever is mentioned publicly: Don McGahn. He is the White House counsel, the president's official lawyer, and his job description puts him at the center of every legal decision made in the White House.

Only in Reality TV America would a Reality Winner try to take down a Reality Host. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Have you noticed how Hillary's emails don't seem like a big fcking deal now? - Kona Lowell

These are serious journalists. See the desk.
Morning Joe Has Buyer's Regret After Promoting Trump For 2 Years?
On Tuesday, the gang over at Morning Joe spent about 30 minutes suggesting the President of the United States is mentally unstable. A lot of words like “anxious,” “afraid,” and “crazy” were bandied about.

Mika & Joe LOVED Trump A Year Ago Until They Got Caught Feeding Him Questions

New NSA report sez Russian hacking perhaps penetrated more deeply into election than thought. God, haven’t we all been penetrated enough? - Bette Midler

We don't need laws to stop climate change, God won't allow it. 
We need laws to stop abortion, which God hates but won't do anything about! - Tea Party Cat


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Business/Tech News

Trump said he plans to privatize air traffic control so I look forward to overhearing my drive-thru cashier landing a plane between orders. - Conan O'Brien

Trumpcare Arrives In Ohio By Default
Anthem Inc, one of the largest sellers of Obamacare individual health insurance, will exit most of the Ohio market next year because of volatility and uncertainty about whether the government will continue to provide subsidies aimed at making the plans affordable, it said on Tuesday.
Republicans are trying to cut off the subsidy payments in court proceedings and President Donald Trump has made conflicting statements about whether the government should continue paying them.

Now that Secret Service agents can smoke weed, Trump's code name will definitely change to "Cheeto." - Erik Bransteen


All Hat No Cattle Fundraiser

Is anybody out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 Manihot grahamii or Hardy Tapioca. Its leaves look like marijuana leaves that took LSD.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Trump Disses London Mayor During Terror Crisis

Theresa May: Trump 'wrong' to attack London mayor
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday criticized President Trump for his series of attacks on London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the days since a terror attack in the city.

Trump is just trying to distract us from everything Russian.

We are all shocked and angry today - but this is our city. We will never let these cowards win and we will never be cowed by terrorism. - Mayor of London Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dear London,
Yes, a Bond villain has become president of the United States. Please send MI6 to help.
Most of America
- David Corn

Oopsy. A Little Gulf Arab State Shakeup.
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have broken off relations with Qatar, in the worst diplomatic crisis to hit Gulf Arab states in decades.

Hey Donald J. Trump maybe you shouldn't accuse London mayor Sadiq Khan of being soft on terrorism just weeks after you hosted foreign spies in the Oval Office. - Andy Borowitz

I know nothing about Russians or Trump.
Seems To Be A Lot Of Infighting In This Administration. Eh?
President Trump on Monday derided the revised travel ban as a “watered down” version of the first and criticized his own Justice Department's handling of the case - potentially hurting the administration's defense of the ban as the legal battle over .

Republican Shenanigans

Trump will not invoke executive privilege to block Comey's testimony.  Comey should avoid stairs, windows and basic nutrition till Thurs. - Tea Pain

Trump promised not to cut Medicaid & now seeks to gut it in both his budget & AHCA so can we PLEASE just be more outraged at comedians? - John Fugelsang

Meanwhile, Back In Texass Women Are Dying Because The GOP
Pregnancy-related death rates have doubled in Texas, shows a 2016 study. However, Texas lawmakers failed to vote on a number of measures that could have helped curb the state's increased maternal mortality rate.

The modern rightwing gets Christians to vote against everything Jesus talked about by talking about abortion, which Jesus never talked about. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

The Democratic National Committee Needs To Take Blame For Losing Even More Seats Last Election And Hire A High End Public Relations Agency To Get Their Message Out Instead Of Dissing Hillary. OK?
Democrats say they’d like Hillary Clinton to take a cue from former President Obama and step out of the spotlight.
They say her string of remarks explaining her stunning loss in November coupled with the public remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee for the defeat — which many took as also critical of Obama — are hurting the party and making the 2016 candidate look bitter. 


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Biz/Tech News

So why did Billy Bush get  fired while Trump, who actually SAID ALL THE GROSS THINGS, gets to be POTUS.  Does not compute. Still pondering. - Bette Midler

Republicans Still Taking Time To Figure Out What The Fck They're Gonna Do
Republican senators return on Monday from a 10-day recess with immediate decisions to make on their quest to overhaul the 2010 health care law.

Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn't happen.  - Steven Wright



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cecilia Wessels took a striking picture of her husband, Theunis, cutting the grass as the whirlwind passed their home in Three Hills, Canada. Even Canadian tornadoes are nice.


Friday, June 2, 2017


How accurate was Trump's Paris climate agreement speech?
President Trump's announcement from the White House Rose Garden Thursday that the U.S. is backing out of the Paris climate change agreement sparked outrage from his critics, and accolades from his supporters.

Here's the shorter version of  the above headline "How accurate was Trump's Paris climate agreement speech?": BS From Blowhard

Maybe if we start calling it Unborn Baby Earth instead of Mother Earth republicans will be more concerned with its well-being. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President Trump rang in the 1st of June with a major announcement. No one loves to announce an announcement more than Donald Trump. On Twitter last night, he wrote, "I will be announcing my decision on Paris accord Thursday at 3:00 P.M., the White House Rose Garden, make America great again." It made sense that he did it from the Rose Garden. While we still have roses and gardens. - Jimmy Kimmel

I have large hands.
Al Gore's Sequel To Include Trump's Dump
“An Inconvenient Sequel” is slated for release July 28. Paramount said the filmmakers will revise the movie to include Trump’s controversial move, announced Thursday.
“The final film will address today’s news,” Paramount spokesperson Katie Martin Kelley told Variety.

Could reporters stop asking if political leaders "believe" in climate change and start asking if they understand it instead. - Megan Collins

Great. It's Not Like The U.S.Embassies Are Underfunded.
Consular officers at U.S. embassies around the world have started more intensive vetting of some visa applicants, including asking for their social media handles, in an effort to block potential terrorists and other national security threats from ...

We somehow went from President Obama to a guy who's been subtweeted by the weather channel, the dictionary, and the current Pope. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

Republican Shenanigans

When Trump has to make a decision he asks himself, "What is the right thing to do?"
Then he eliminates that as an option. - Tea Pain

Crazy "Christian" Governor Wants To Pray Away Gun Violence
 It was in Louisville, Kentucky, that Republican Governor Matt Bevin had the unusual idea of using God to help combat gun violence. On Thursday, Bevin, a concealed-carry gun owner who opposes firearms control, told a public meeting that prayer groups could help end the violence plaguing the city.

Ivanka married an ambitious shady & dim son of a rich real estate criminal. 
We joke about DT lusting her but she actually married her dad. - John Fugelsang


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Almost every school child in America knows more about the climate challenge than apparently the President of the United States. - Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Rock The Voter News

Trump couldn't believe that a black guy could be a citizen but we really need his deeply considered opinion on anthropogenic climate science. - LOLGOP

Alec Baldwin Raises $5.1 Million To Save New Jersey 
Actor and "Saturday Night Live's" resident President Donald Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin has helped raise $5.1 million for Democrats in New Jersey. Philly.com reports about 1,000 people attended the Thursday night event in Collingswood. According to ...


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There has never in US history been such a destructive megalomaniac in the WH.  Thank you to US press and other numbskulls who put him there. - Bette Midler

Biz/Tech News

Trump is a real estate guy.
He's killing Earth's value so he can buy it low, fix it & sell it to Venus for a big profit. - Erik Bransteen

Oh Great, We're Going Back To The Great Republican Recession.
The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a broad bill to reform and repeal portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law next week, according to a top Republican official. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced Friday that the House will .

"We don't let in Syrian refugees, but at least have the same climate change policy as Syria."
-- America - Erik Bransteen


The bills are almost paid. Almost!

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Is that a frog with snails on its head or a Princess Leia wannabe?
