British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday criticized President Trump for his series of attacks on London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the days since a terror attack in the city.
Trump is just trying to distract us from everything Russian.
We are all shocked and angry today - but this is our city. We will never let these cowards win and we will never be cowed by terrorism. - Mayor of London Tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- ‘Kill them all’: GOP lawmaker calls for holy war against Islamic terrorists
- More than 130 British imams refuse to bury London attackers
- British police identify two attackers in Saturday rampage
- One Love Manchester: Dancing policeman captures spirit of city
- Fired employee kills 5, then himself at Orlando business
Dear London,
Yes, a Bond villain has become president of the United States. Please send MI6 to help.
Most of America
- David Corn
Oopsy. A Little Gulf Arab State Shakeup.
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have broken off relations with Qatar, in the worst diplomatic crisis to hit Gulf Arab states in decades.
Hey Donald J. Trump maybe you shouldn't accuse London mayor Sadiq Khan of being soft on terrorism just weeks after you hosted foreign spies in the Oval Office. - Andy Borowitz
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I know nothing about Russians or Trump. |
President Trump on Monday derided the revised travel ban as a “watered down” version of the first and criticized his own Justice Department's handling of the case - potentially hurting the administration's defense of the ban as the legal battle over .
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump to huddle with GOP leaders on Tuesday
- ‘Won’t help him’: Kellyanne Conway’s husband just slammed Trump’s travel ban tweets
- Support for Trump impeachment is higher than approval
- Trump unveils plan to separate air traffic control from government
- Official resigns after using n-word to describe Flint residents
- Senate Republicans fear 'train wreck' in September
- Freedom Caucus leader: Russia 'hysteria' paralyzing Congress
Trump will not invoke executive privilege to block Comey's testimony. Comey should avoid stairs, windows and basic nutrition till Thurs. - Tea Pain
Trump promised not to cut Medicaid & now seeks to gut it in both his budget & AHCA so can we PLEASE just be more outraged at comedians? - John Fugelsang
Meanwhile, Back In Texass Women Are Dying Because The GOP
Pregnancy-related death rates have doubled in Texas, shows a 2016 study. However, Texas lawmakers failed to vote on a number of measures that could have helped curb the state's increased maternal mortality rate.
The modern rightwing gets Christians to vote against everything Jesus talked about by talking about abortion, which Jesus never talked about. - John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- Hillary Clinton Blows Trump Away With A Classy Message To The People Of London
- Are you ready? Hank Williams Jr. returning to “Monday Night Football” 6 years after Obama comments
- Former Obama adviser: Travel ban could make terrorism 'worse'
The Democratic National Committee Needs To Take Blame For Losing Even More Seats Last Election And Hire A High End Public Relations Agency To Get Their Message Out Instead Of Dissing Hillary. OK?
Democrats say they’d like Hillary Clinton to take a cue from former President Obama and step out of the spotlight.
They say her string of remarks explaining her stunning loss in November coupled with the public remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee for the defeat — which many took as also critical of Obama — are hurting the party and making the 2016 candidate look bitter.
Biz/Tech News
- Trump proposes seismic tests for Atlantic oil drilling
- Greens sue EPA over paused Obama methane pollution regulation
- SEC Power to Recoup Illegal Profits Curbed by Top U.S. Court
- Facebook memes mocking child deaths, Holocaust, cost 10 their spots at Harvard
So why did Billy Bush get fired while Trump, who actually SAID ALL THE GROSS THINGS, gets to be POTUS. Does not compute. Still pondering. - Bette Midler
Republicans Still Taking Time To Figure Out What The Fck They're Gonna Do
Republican senators return on Monday from a 10-day recess with immediate decisions to make on their quest to overhaul the 2010 health care law.
Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn't happen. - Steven Wright
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