Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Drip drip SPLASH

CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now ...

The "smoking gun" in Watergate was the revelation that Nixon wanted to get the CIA director to intervene & shut down the FBI investigation. - Kevin M. Kruse, Historian

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Before you ask why Muslims didn't do more to stop  #Manchester, ask a random white male why he didn't stop Aurora, Sandy Hook or Charleston. - Steve Marmel

Bibi Netanyahu says if Manchester attacker had been Palestinian and victims had been Israeli, would have received a stipend from the Palestinian Authority. - Rosie Gray tweet, White House correspondent for The Atlantic

Every Which Way But Up For Trump
A Democratic Federal Election Commission member is urging the FEC to investigate whether Russian agents used Facebook to spread damaging stories about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton before the 2016 presidential election

Trump May Want To Defect To Russia
Former CIA Director John Brennan told House Russia investigators Tuesday that Russia "brazenly interfered" in the US elections, including actively contacting members of President Donald Trump's campaign -- but he stopped shy of dubbing it "collusion."

Republican Shenanigans

Remaining Countries on Trump's Itinerary Say They'd Rather Wait a Month and Meet with Next President. - Andy Borowitz

Jeez, The Man Has Not One Drop Of Dignity And Bad Staff Preparation
The guest book entry provides an opportunity to contrast Trump's style with that of his predecessor, Barack Obama, who spent an hour at Yad Vashem and gave an emotional speech in 2013.

Always love it when Members of Congress say they disagree w/ intel community's analysis. Like having your plumber review your root canal. - Ned Price tweet


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Now, I don't know about you, but I've got a little extra pep in my step tonight because Donald Trump has left the country. Breathing a little easier. Federal judges, now would be a good time to reinstate that travel ban. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

You know who didn't plead the 5th Amendment?
Hillary Clinton, cause she wasn't guilty of jack sh*t. - Vinay A. Ramesh

What the hell kind of
logo is that?

UUP: Utah United Party (It's Mostly GOP)
They May Want To Rename Their Party As It Immediately Reminded Me Of Peeing 
The Salt Lake Tribune) Jim Bennett, center, is helping to organize a new centrist party of disaffected Republicans and Democrats called the Utah United Party. Organizers as well as several former GOP and Democratic leaders announced ...

President Trump was given an official welcome ceremony in Saudi Arabia this weekend where he was greeted with an honorary collar. As opposed to Michael Flynn who could soon be presented with an honorary anklet. - Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

Trump: "Collusion with Russia is pure fiction and everyone I've asked to help me cover it up agrees with me." - Tea Pain

Who Crunched These Shifty Numbers? Bernie Madoff?
President Trump's budget includes simple accounting error that adds up to a $2 trillion oversight.
Under the proposed budget released Tuesday, the Trump Administration's proposed tax cuts would boost economic growth enough to pay for $1.3 trillion in spending by 2027. But the tax cuts are also supposed to be revenue-neutral, meaning that trillion dollars is already supposed to pay for the money lost from the tax cuts.

"Today, you have 100% of your life left." -  Tom Landry


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Let him in honey, he's bear footed!


Monday, May 22, 2017

Trump Visits Western Wall In Jerusalem

Trump drags his scandals back into the spotlight on foreign trip
President Donald Trump on Monday denied divulging Israel as the source behind highly classified intelligence he allegedly shared with Russian officials, bringing attention back to the scandals engulfing his White House while he's on his first foreign trip.

The fact that Trump refused to say "radical Islam" is all the proof I need that he was born in Kenya. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Someday we'll all look back on this and scream. - Conan O'Brien

Not surprised Mike Flynn is pleading the 5th, it lessens the chances of plutonium tea or falling out of a window. - @IMPL0RABLE tweet

Ignoring The Messengers
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held a press conference Sunday without U.S. reporters, according to multiple reports.
Tillerson reportedly held the press conference in Riyadh, but U.S. reporters were not told about it, according to their tweets.

The Idiot-in-Chief just told a room full of Israelis that he "just got back from the Middle East" - @USARedOrchestra  tweet

Flashback to the late 70s

I met some Turks at an ad agency around 1977. Over a business lunch they were telling me about their country, Muslim religion, etc...

They told me of a legend among Muslims in Turkey. It revolved around a glowing orb. The orb was stolen by the Vatican and hence the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The orb is deep in the bowels of the Vatican supposedly. Once the Turks get the orb back they will return to their former glory.

For the past 40 years, I never knew quite what to believe about that legend. I often wondered if they were joking with me.

But then I saw this photo online this morning and burst out laughing.

When you've accepted a necklace from a man, touched his orb, and sold him 100 billion dollars of arms, you're basically married. - Sandra Newman

Republican Shenanigans

A sinkhole has opened in front of Mar-A-Lago. If there was ever a more perfect metaphor for a presidency, let me know. - Jim David

Meanwhile, Team Trump Is Trying To Find A Loophole
The Trump administration is exploring whether it can use an obscure ethics rule to undermine the special counsel investigation into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia, two people familiar with White House thinking said on Friday.

Same day they got that arms deal, the Saudis plopped $100mil into Ivanka's charity. Now, will the GOP cry foul like they did with Hillary? - George Takei


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Rock The Voter News

Clarence Thomas Voted For Black Voters Rights
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that North Carolina illegally packed black voters into two voting districts.

Summary: Trump sold people that "hate us" 110 billion in weapons, then accepted 100 million charity donation HRC "should go to jail for." - Tea Pain


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We're discounting US weapons for repressive Saudi regime? Are Saudis discounting oil for us? Bad deal. Sad!!! - David Corn

Biz/Tech News

$800 billion in medicaid cuts with a deep tax cut for the wealthiest among us.
It's Bush's 3rd term with 25 Cheneys.- John Fugelsang

Because The Fields Need To Be Harvested?
Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly granted a six-month extension Monday to 58,000 Haitian immigrants who have been spared from deportation since a devastating 2010 earthquake, saying the conditions in their struggling homeland are not stable 

"The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it."~William James, Philosopher/Psychologist


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A size comparison between the Titanic and a modern cruise ship.


Friday, May 19, 2017

White House Staff Reacts To Trump Going Overseas

Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey eased pressure on him: report
President Trump told Russian officials his firing of FBI Director James Comey relieved “great pressure” on him, calling the former FBI chief a “nut job,” The New York Times reported Friday.
"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," Trump said, according to a report based on a summary of the meeting obtained by the Times.

There's only one nut job in the WH that needs to be fired. Several liars, few criminals, couple idiots, and one total fucking nutcase. - Alt Fed Employee Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dear Foreign Heads of State,
When Trump comes to visit, make sure his bed has rubber sheets.
Don't ask why. Just trust me on this. - Jeff Tiedrich

Russians are our friends.
California Congressman Warned About Russians
The F.B.I. warned a Republican congressman in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to recruit him, officials said, an example of how aggressively Russian agents have tried to influence Washington politics.
The congressman, Dana Rohrabacher of California, has been known for years as one of Moscow’s biggest defenders in Washington and as a vocal opponent of American economic sanctions against Russia. He claims to have lost a drunken arm-wrestling match with the current Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, in the 1990s. He is one of President Trump’s staunchest allies on Capitol Hill.

Boris Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation, in party mode. June 10, 1996. Good times after the Wall came down and before Putin.

I sympathize with GOP. It's hard picking between an amoral POTUS who betrays America to Russian & using him to kill Americans with Trumpcare. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

Fred Flintstone impersonator, Sean Hannity, is hypocritically imploring us: "Only speak good of the dead." OK. Roger Ailes is dead. Good. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Mini-Trump In The Making?
The Republican mayoral candidate in a central Pennsylvania borough has been jailed following his election night arrest on charges he tried to break into one of his rental properties during a dispute with a tenant.

Trump's message for his Middle East visit: "No one in this region has been persecuted as much as me." - Andy Borowitz

Ryan Warns Of Leaks To Come
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) says the possibility that more secret recordings could be leaked is a “cause for concern” after a leak emerged from a 2016 House GOP leadership meeting. 


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Rock The Voter News

Biden Looking To Further Divide Democrats. Sad.
Former Vice President Joe Biden still isn't done with Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election -- and that may be why he refuses to rule out running again for president in 2020.

When Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden boast that they would have done better than Hillary, I hope they realize it makes THEM look bad, not her. - Peter Daou

This Is How A Special Prosecutor Treated The Clintons
We Arkansans who remember the assault of Kenneth Starr and his army upon our state are amused at the current party leader who’s whining about being “mistreated.” The tragic trail of families disrupted, reputations defamed, and lives destroyed by this man and his legions, will remain in collective memories for years to come. They include those of a dear lady who witnessed her personal library subpoenaed because some books “contained coded messages,” according to a Starr operative. These consisted of dates with suspicious lettering beside them, such as “tg, pc, mp, ml, and fc.” The worst James Bond villain couldn’t have posed a greater threat to our national security. The only thing missing was crime-scene tape.

To All the Countries Trump is About to Visit: 
Please don't judge all Americans. He's the very worst one, I swear. - Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

Praising his Presidency, Trump said today that "the track we're on is record-setting." He is so right - no President has had an independent counsel on his ass just four months in.- Andy Borowitz

On the passing of Roger Ailes

EPA Stonewalls Senator
Sen. Tom Carper resubmitted a request for information and documents to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt after receiving a nonresponsive letter from his office.

the ppl who said
Bill Clinton's immoral
HRC's dangerously careless
BHO's inexperienced & plays too much golf
gave us Combover Caligula. - John Fugelsang


I hope you had a good time today.

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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

"Anyone for seconds?" said the well mannered Horned Puffin.
