Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trump says Obama is behind town hall protests, White House leaks

Trump says Obama is behind town hall protests, White House leaks
President Trump in an interview broadcast early Tuesday blamed former President Obama for protests against him and Republican lawmakers at recent town halls, as well as for leaks from the White House.
“I think President Obama’s behind it, because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends.”

Trump says "Obama's behind leaks & protests."
And by "Obama" he means "his people."
And by "his people" he means "the majority of US voters" - John Fugelsang‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"They Lost Ryan," says man who said he knew more about ISIS than the generals, who approved the mission at dinner and tweeted as it happened. -  The Daily Edge

Goodbye Social Security, Medicare And Weed
Attorney General Jeff Sessions says he does not like recreational marijuana becoming more prevalent in the U.S.
“Most of you know I probably don’t think America is going to be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot,” he told reporters at the Department of Justice (DOJ) Monday,

If We Connect Any More Russian Dots We'll Have Enough People For A Hockey Game
The White House has been accused of withholding information from Congress about whether Donald Trump or any of his campaign affiliates have ever received loans from a bank in Cyprus that is partly owned by a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Trump says that so far he gives his Presidency an "A," which can only mean that he is grading himself on a curve with the Titanic, the Hindenberg, and Ivanka's fashion line. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

George Dubya mighta been an idiot, but he was our idiot, not Putin's. - Tea Pain

Trump's Oblivious Sitting Ducks
On the campaign trail last fall, Republican Sen. Richard Burr told North Carolina voters there was no "separation” between himself and Donald Trump. The Senate Intelligence Committee chairman also bragged about his role in getting the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Now, the third-term senator is under fire for running interference for the White House last week on a news report asserting repeated contacts between Trump’s campaign and Moscow. 

Glad to see we have investigated the #Oscars Best Picture mix-up more thoroughly than Russia's involvement in the election.  - Ali Kolbert

Whoa. Mike Pence Wants To Keep His Government Emails Secret?
Vice President Mike Pence is asking the Indiana Supreme Court to let him keep secret some documents emailed to him while he was the state's governor.

Kellyanne Conway's Way Of Getting Attention
Photos of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway kneeling on an Oval Office couch with her shoes on have sparked an online debate about decorum in the executive mansion.


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Rock The Voter News

"Obama divided us by race" just sounds better than "Obama really upset all the racists." - John Fugelsang

Wrong Lede From Reuters. Bernie Is Not A Democrat.
Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday urged a major overhaul of his party, calling for more aggressive efforts to court working-class voters and fight big businesses from Wall Street to the pharmaceutical sector.

How many more Jewish cemeteries need to be vandalized by your supporters before America is adequately great again? - OhNoSheTwitnt‏


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Biz/Tech News

The Trump administration operates under the belief that we have way too much clean water and way too many human rights. - Tea Pain

Goodbye Clean Water & Air
Trump could soon act to change or reverse Obama's Clean Power Plan, the centerpiece of his effort to fight climate change, and his budget is expected to seek significant cuts to the EPA's funding, workforce and enforcement activities.

I don't want to live in a world where George W. Bush is the smartest, most rational Republican. - Sarah



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Male kangaroos are ridiculously well built. I love the four birds sitting on the fence behind the kangaroo's head.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Unleash the investigations

George W. Bush: We need answers on Trump team ties to Russia
Former President George W. Bush insisted Monday that “we all need answers” about possible connections Russian officials and President Trump's associates.

In a sane America there would've been a bipartisan call to investigate Russian influence/election hacking/Trump's ties to Russia.
But Republicans have lost their collective minds and its morals since Bill Clinton got elected. 

George W. Bush truly seems to be enjoying his "no longer the worst president since WW2" media tour.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive and it's important for the media to hold people to account." - George W. Bush on NBC

Today in 1933, an arsonist burns down the German Reichstag. Hitler declares a state of emergency and cracks down on opponents and the press.

Trump Just Can't Stop The Hillary Bashing While His Russian Connections Grow
President Donald Trump has accused his fiercest rival at the Nov. 8 presidential election, Democratic Hillary Clinton, of rigging Saturday's chairmanship election of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump was "disappointed" enough with anti-Semitic violence to put Anti-Semitists back on the terror list? - Tea Pain

OK, the past month has been HILARIOUS, but could we have an actual President now? - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Remember all those studies about Fox News viewers being unusually misinformed. That's our president now. - LOLGOP

Republicans Curbed Voting, Now Looking To Curb Protests
Since the election of President Trump, Republican lawmakers in at least 18 states have introduced or voted on legislation to curb mass protests in what civil liberties experts are calling “an attack on protest rights throughout the states.

Trump says he will not attend the Correspondents' Dinner due to "bone spurs." - Andy Borowitz

Republican Axes Request For Trump's Tax Returns
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says Congress will not subpoena President Trump’s tax returns.
“No, we’re not going to do that,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters on Capitol Hill on Monday when asked if he planned to subpoena the documents.


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Rock The Voter News

If Donald Trump's father had loved him, Bill Clinton would be First Lady now.- John Fugelsang

Botched Oscar Announcement Leads To Social Media Whirlwind
Social media users immediately started comparing the botched announcement of the Academy Award for Best Picture to the 2016 presidential election late Sunday after "La La Land" was mistakenly announced the winner, when the film "Moonlight" had actually won.

Sadly there will probably be more investigation into the #BestPicture mishap than Russian interference in our election. - Jay Karas


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Biz/Tech News

Dictator Checklist

1. Make country great again slogan?  ✔️
2. Blame and deport minority? ✔️
3. Malign press? ✔️
4. Build up military? ✔️

- Tea Pain

Mexico Hits A Deep Shot Into Trump's Court
Mexico's top trade negotiator doubled down on threats to break off talks to rework Nafta, saying his country will walk away if the U.S. adds tariffs....


How I Feel Since Trump Got Elected Fundraiser

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Devil's Den, near Williston, Florida. I imagine it was named that for a reason.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Make America Great Again

Back in 1959 when I was 9 a swastika was chalked on the sidewalk of a Jewish neighbor. We all giggled not knowing the full meaning of that swastika and went on our merry way.

When I arrived home my dad asked me about the incident. I wistfully said, that the older boys got caught drawing stupid stuff on the sidewalk in front of the Glazer's house.

He handed me an old National Geographic Magazine that showed the horrors of Auschwitz. He went on to say that Jews are so successful because they respect their women and educate their children, that is why they are hated, education puts fear into the hearts of the uneducated.

My father was Catholic and a first generation Lithuanian-American. He got his college degree from the GI Bill and a house loan too -- he was part of America's Greatest Generation because of those benefits.

My dad brought out magazines, newspapers and books that showed Malcolm X, RFK, tons of white people and Martin Luther King Jr. all marching together for civil rights. He showed me the brutality of white Southerners towards our black fellow citizens. The main stream media gave a full and accurate account, pictures and all.

He said to me, "We all have rights in the USA. We are all human beings. Never forget that. We all put our pants on the same way."

No, Bubba, I'm a Sikh,
not a Muslim.
My dad was an Army truck driver in WWII. He served in India, mainly in Sikh country. He was tall and thin like many of the Sikhs and often dressed in their garb. He made friends with local Sikhs and they would  ride shotgun with him to get supplies and messages through.

My dad would often approach Sikhs in the USA and introduce himself and express his fondness and gratitude for them and how they helped the USA during WWII.

To me, that is what will make America great again. Respect.

Thank you Dad. I miss you and that part of America so much.