Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton eats scandals for breakfast. - Bill Maher

Dallas Morning News endorses Hillary Clinton
One day after a scathing editorial that declared Donald Trump unfit to serve as president, the Dallas Morning News has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton — the first time in more than 75 years that the newspaper has backed a Democrat for president.

Gingrich has coughin' fit while mockin' Hillary's coughin' fit.  Trump campaign now asserts Hillary is a witch.- Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump gives aides 30 days for an ISIS plan after saying he understands ISIS better than US generals. It's like a census for gullible people. - John Fugelsang

In China, President Obama had a meeting with Vladimir Putin. And before they started, Obama texted Michelle: "Going into a meeting, love you." While Putin texted the same thing to Donald Trump.- Jimmy Fallon

El Trump
President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday replaced his close ally and finance minister, Luis Videgaray, after the two were heavily criticized for U.S presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial visit to Mexico last week...Videgaray, who officials said was the architect of the visit by the Republican nominee ...

Trump says he wants to build an Air Force of at least 1200 fighter jets... not a very lofty goal as USAF says they have around 1700 today. - Laura Siegelman Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump has not released one tax return. Americans have more information than that about the size of his… hands. - LOLGOP

When All Else Fails, File A Complaint
A liberal watchdog group plans to file an IRS complaint against Donald Trump's charitable foundation on Wednesday, asking the tax agency to investigate a $25,000 campaign donation that the charity made to help Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Presented with this choice, I would vote for a candidate who coughs a lot over one who is a Nazi. - Andy Borowitz

Trump was never called racist until this election! People just thought he wanted Obama's birth certificate because he collects paperwork. - LOLGOP

Giuliani And Trump: A Long Sleazy Relationship
Let's start with the fact that Donald Trump's top surrogate, Rudy Giuliani, is on the payroll. In January, he joined a law firm, Greenberg Traurig, that represents Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.


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Rock The Voter News

Finally some good news for Hillary. Only one more Republican Congressional committee panel on Benghazi and she wins a free mug. - Will Durst

Link Between Russian Hackers And Trump?
A Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman says a new article in the New York Observer establishes a "direct link" between the Donald Trump campaign and the hacker or hackers who have recently penetrated the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee...


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Biz/Tech News

Won't the joke be on Trump voters when they find out this whole campaign was nothin' but an infomercial for Trump University? - Tea Pain

Texas Messes With Mexicans
Texas college and high school teachers say a textbook that has been proposed for Mexican-American Studies high school class is chock-full of errors and omissions. If that isn’t enough, it’s also racist.

Happy birthday to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. It was the first birthday party where someone jumped into the cake instead of out of it.- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Aescher-Wildkirchli, Switzerland. Is that a paraglider?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Texas Newspaper Against Trump? Yep.

Dallas Morning News: Donald Trump 'does not deserve your vote'
Texas has voted Republican in the last nine presidential elections. But if the Dallas Morning News has its way, the state won’t turn red for Donald Trump...ripping the GOP nominee as an “impulsive” bully and isolationist whose shifting positions on the economy and national security should frighten conservatives in the Longhorn State.

Donald Trump proposed new screening to prevent violent extremists from entering the U.S. In response, Trump’s supporters said, "But we’re already here."- Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

88 generals and admirals supporting #Trump tells you all you need to know about Republicans and our military. - Kona Lowell

I Wonder If Trump Owns Any Persian Rugs?
Before President Obama and Hillary Clinton came along, Donald Trump told supporters in Virginia Beach on Tuesday that Iran wasn't "going to be much a threat" before the Iran nuclear deal, which he said made Iran a "world power."

Hopes for a positive G20 summit crumbled today as President Obama blurted to Russia’s Vladimir Putin at a joint press appearance, “Everyone here thinks you’re a jackass.”- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Another Crooked Choice By Trump
The Latinos for Trump co-founder — who gained Internet notoriety for his warning about “taco trucks on every corner” — has a past littered with shady business deals.

Hillary doesn't look Presidential, says serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther Donald Trump - Richard Hine

FBI Malware?
The ACLU filed a motion in Maryland court for information on why the FBI seemingly indiscriminately infected users of a free email service with malware. 


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Gretchen Carlson gets $20 million harassment settlement. Roger Ailes got $40 million settlement for leaving after he did it. - Risky Liberal Tweet

Rock The Voter News

"Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." —Hillary in Beijing, 21 years ago today

What??? Free French Fries, Not Freedom Fries?
The National Biodiesel Board tells ITK they’re celebrating the return of Congress on Wednesday by offering free fries.


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Trump bribed not one but two AGs investigating Trump U—in Florida and Texas. How many others? - SheWhoVotes Tweet

Biz/Tech News

We still have to dream of a world where women make as much money as the sick predators who harass them.- LOLGOP

Stand With Standing Rock
A federal judge will hold a hearing Tuesday on the Standing Rock Sioux tribe's request for a temporary work stoppage in North Dakota.
The tribe is looking to prevent the destruction of sacred and culturally significant sites in southern North Dakota, and its request came after Saturday's skirmish between pipeline workers and protesters.

When I eat  at the Chinese-German place, in an hour I'm hungry again..for power. - Woody Allen


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

São Miguel, Azores, Portugal.


Monday, September 5, 2016

What were they thinking?

Millennial Outreach Photo from Trump Children Gets Instant Twitter Mockery
This is apparently what counts for millennial outreach now...

#HowToConfuseAMillennial Explain how "patriot" once meant "loves America" & not "angry guy w/bald eagle fetish who hates lots of Americans."- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hopes for a positive G20 summit crumbled today as President Obama blurted to Russia’s Vladimir Putin at a joint press appearance, “Everyone here thinks you’re a jackass.” - Andy Borowitz

Women In Iran Are Treated Much Worse  Than Women In The USA
Iran's state TV says police have shut down more than 800 clothing stores across the country for selling "unconventional and inappropriate" attire — believed to mean Western-style outfits and women's clothing that doesn't meet strict Islamic requirements.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, “and then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.” - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

It's literally a bigger scandal that the Clintons saved AIDS patients than it is that Pence created an HIV outbreak.- LOLGOP

Gee, Will Trump Flip Flop On This?
Donald Trump said Monday that only a natural disaster could stop him from facing Hillary Clinton in all three presidential debates.

60 yrs ago we had Eisenhower, the last GOP POTUS to balance a budget w/a surplus.  How was that GOP different? - John Fugelsang

Donald Trump said if he’s elected, he will employ a "deportation task force." It’s not really necessary, because if he’s elected most people will probably leave voluntarily.- Conan O'Brien


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Trump campaign is apparently citing a @FiveThirtyEight poll showing him ahead in Ohio. There isn't one—we don't do our own horse race polls. - Nate Silver Tweet

Bernie Spanks Fox News
Bernie Sanders lashed out at Fox News at a rally Monday, describing the TV network as the last place that still debates the science of climate change.

Rock The Voter News

Tim Kaine's Appreciation Of Labor
Growing up, I spent my weekends and summers surrounded by drills, punches, lathes, and welding rigs.
My dad owned a union-organized ironworking shop in the Kansas City stockyards for 25 years. In a good year, Dad had 10 to 12 employees. In a tough year, maybe just five, plus my mother — his best saleswoman — my two brothers, and me.

Actually, this year the GOP is forcing millions of Americans to support HRC who otherwise wouldn't. Well done.- John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

Buy Marijuana Stocks!
More people in the United States are using marijuana than ever before, a new study finds, as the perception of smoking pot is changing among Americans. More than 13 percent of adults of 500,000 surveyed in 2014 said they had used cannabis in the previous year, up from close to 10 percent in 2002, the study published Wednesday in The Lancet Psychiatry stated.

So the US is an uninhabitable hell-hole that millions are swarming over the border to get into? OK, that makes sense.- Andy Borowitz


I gladly labored for you on Labor Day! :)

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aerial view of Longleat Maze in England. They'd never find me because I'd be so lost!
