Friday, August 26, 2016

Trump Flip Flops and their effects

Donald Trump Spoils Ann Coulter's 'In Trump We Trust' Book Launch
Ann Coulter was trying to celebrate her new book, “In Trump We Trust,” the same night Donald Trump softened his immigration policies —-...

Okay, we found the easiest job on Earth: Working in a white nationalist think tank. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama plans to take nuclear codes with him when he leaves office. - Andy Borowitz

Canadian Crossbow Murderer?
Toronto police are investigating a suspicious package linked to the deaths of three people by crossbow on Thursday. The assailant used bolts, a shorter and thicker version of an arrow, police spokesman Officer David Hopkinson said.

Trump's Medical Report Says He Has Mind of Person 65 Years Younger. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

A new report has found that Donald Trump may have used some of his campaign funds to buy thousands of copies of his own book. Oh my God, that’s what he’s gonna use to build the wall!- Seth Myers

Political Spin: The Good, The Bad And The Lame
Eric Trump said one of the reasons his father decided to run for president was because the White House renamed its Christmas tree to "holiday tree."
However, the tree that's placed on the White House lawn every holiday season is still called the National Christmas Tree.

I heard it was an All Holidays Matter tree. - LOLGOP


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The mastermind behind the complex plot to whitewash Benghazi is too feeble and brain-damaged to be President, the GOP charged. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

A new poll released today shows Hillary Clinton is 9 points ahead of Donald Trump in New Mexico. And 100 points ahead in Old Mexico. - Seth Myers


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Mylan Is Literally Sticking It To Its Customers
Pharmaceutical heavyweight Mylan, the latest poster child for drug-industry greed, finally stuck up for itself Thursday. It argued that “the system,” not avarice, was to blame for the company jacking up the price of EpiPens...

Biz/Tech News

To avoid bein' deported, immigrants have learned the safest place to hide is in Donald Trump's tax returns. - Tea Pain

Family Feud?
A U.S. senator whose daughter is the CEO of Mylan Pharmaceuticals has weighed in on the onslaught of criticism over the company’s pricing of its popular EpiPen, even as Mylan today promised to expand a discount program for the anti-allergy medication.

After lying to Rio police, Ryan Lochte has been summoned to Rio to testify. In accordance with the Brazilian Constitution, he has the right to a fair and Speedo trial. - Conan O'Brien


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A baby Platypus. Because.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

New edition on Friday

Thank you so much for visiting.

I am emerging from the flu fog.

See you tomorrow and thank you for your patience.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I woke up with a fever and a sore throat

Ugh. Not again.

I have no idea what is making me feel as though I am in a daze, maybe the fever or my blonde hair. 
I will Google my symptoms.

Ay yi yi. Well, once I recover I will be back online. I did one meme, at least.

Yep, I feel like that tortoise!
