Thursday, August 25, 2016

New edition on Friday

Thank you so much for visiting.

I am emerging from the flu fog.

See you tomorrow and thank you for your patience.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I woke up with a fever and a sore throat

Ugh. Not again.

I have no idea what is making me feel as though I am in a daze, maybe the fever or my blonde hair. 
I will Google my symptoms.

Ay yi yi. Well, once I recover I will be back online. I did one meme, at least.

Yep, I feel like that tortoise!


Monday, August 22, 2016

He's going to get us all killed

‘He’s going to get us all killed’: Former Trump voters explain why they’re jumping ship
On  Sunday, GOP pollster Frank Luntz played video of a recent focus group of Trump supporters who have now decided they can’t support their one-time candidate.

Voters are facing a tough choice between someone with sleazy email practices and someone who is a threat to every living thing on the planet.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Which Trump version of Hillary do you prefer: the addled, elderly vegetable, or the founder of the worlds largest terrorist organization? - Tea Pain

Michele Bachmann is advising Donald Trump on foreign policy. I wonder, is it the Rapture or Apocalypse foreign policy?
Tea Party firebrand Michele Bachmann says she is advising Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on foreign policy. 

Asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747. - Ken Burns, historian, on Donald Trump

Republican Shenanigans

The best part of Joe Scarborough and Donald Trump fighting is that no matter who lands a punch, you can cheer. - Warren Holstein

Trump's Campaign Manager Confused That Hillary Let Trump Slide
Donald Trump's new campaign manager says Hillary Clinton will wish she had finished off the Republican presidential nominee sooner.

If a twelve-year old boy were running Trump's Twitter account, everything would make sense. - LOLGOP


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Liar, Liar, Speedos On Fire
The story is familiar. College students and recent graduates, often armed with mom and dad's credit card for "emergencies," travel abroad, drinking to excess, participating in illegal or embarrassing behavior, and flying back home to share their stories on social media.
Ryan Lochte’s behavior in Rio de Janeiro further emphasizes a rowdiness of Americans abroad which instills a particular reputation around the world.

Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake, unless it's to hand him back his phone so he can tweet.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Gore: The Original Green Guy
If there’s one thing Al Gore knows a lot about, it’s losing elections with third-party spoilers in the race. Perhaps, that’s why the former vice president turned Earth warrior is encouraging other pro-environmental voters to support the Democratic ticket.

Not only will Trump have a Deportation Force, it will be the third most popular show on Trump TV. - LOLGOP


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Biz/Tech News

Ain't politics funny? Trump supporters love capitalism, but hate it when Hillary gets money from capitalists. - Tea Pain

State Of Trump's Golf Course
Doral wants Donald Trump to pay up.
Doral City Council members will discuss a proposed resolution Tuesday urging county appraisers to reassess Trump’s lavish golf resort — the Trump National Doral, located off Northwest 87th Avenue and 41st Street — after a council member complained that the property has been undervalued for years.


I hope you had a good time today!
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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Santuario Madonna della Corona in Verona, Italy. I wouldn't know whether to rappel up to the church or use the steps.
