Friday, August 19, 2016

Latest Republican Conspiracy: Hillary's brain is damaged

Dr. Drew Leads the Hillary Clinton Health Truthers
Dr. Drew Pinsky, he of celebrity rehabs and adult radio, is joining the chorus of those who say Hillary Clinton is unwell and unfit to be president.

According to the latest Republican rumors, Clinton is in failing physical and mental health and "barely had the strength to cover up Benghazi."- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Ryan Lochte and Donald Trump prove that blaming things on foreigners only gets you so far. - Andy Borowitz

U.S. Forced Iran's Hand In Prisoner Release
New details of the $400 million U.S. payment to Iran earlier this year depict a tightly scripted exchange specifically timed to the release of several American prisoners held in Iran.

Republican Shenanigans

The Trump campaign stubbornly refuses to replace the one person who keeps f--king up.- Andy Borowitz

GOP Racists Forget To Use "Code Talk"
North Carolina's Republican Party has had an interesting response to a recent appeals court ruling that said a number of voting restrictions passed by the state's GOP legislature were enacted with the intent to discriminate against minorities, specifically African Americans. In their scramble after the ruling, party operatives and local Republican officials have perhaps inadvertently provided more evidence that the restrictions were passed with the intent to discriminate.

New on Netflix this fall: "Orange is the New White...Supremacist." -Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

Happy Birthday Bill Clinton. Ken Starr Gave You A Karma Birthday Gift Today.
Kenneth Starr said on Friday he is leaving his law professor post at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, months after being removed as president at the large Christian university for not taking sufficient action against sexual assaults.

Imagine having to explain to your children in the future that you voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Biz/Tech News

Go ahead & mock Paul Manafort but show me on your resume where you worked for Putin & Trump at the same time.   Didn't think so.- John Fugelsang

Gas prices? Down. Employment? Up. Inflation? Down. Stock market? Up.
THANKS, OBAMA! - Stephen King


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Odd News

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Cappadocia, Turkey. Still inhabitable ancient dwellings from the Bronze Age are carved into the mountain side.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump Inspires Sculpture!

 Naked Trump statue leaves New York in giggles
A naked statue of Donald Trump, complete with bulging belly and elaborate yellow hair, caused laughter and merriment in New York Thursday until it was demolished by park wardens.

Only way Trump saves his reputation? On 11/8 he says, "It was my plan to expose all of the utter dreck on the right"- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump says he wears his criticisms "like a badge of honor."
Which is good, as we know he doesn't have any other medals at home. - John Fugelsang

Putin Boldly Heading To Ukraine. Thanks Trump!
Russia is bolstering its military presence on its western border, sending tens of thousands of soldiers to newly built installations within easy striking distance of Ukraine.

You just happen to vehemently hate the first black and first woman president. Total coincidence. Nothing you should look at in yourself. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump hires Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon.  For folks not familiar, Breitbart is Fox News for white supremacists.- Tea Pain

DOJ Says No To Private Prisons
Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates announced Thursday that the Justice Department plans to end the use of private prisons after they have been found to be less safe and effective in operating correctional facilities than those the government runs.

Justice Department seems to have realized that a society that keeps building for-profit prisons is a society that keeps needing more crime.- John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

The Gazillionith Investigation Of Hillary Is Coming Soon!
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are planning to press officials from the FBI in a hearing scheduled for next month on allegations that Hillary Clinton committed perjury.

ALERT: National Hurricane Center upgrades Hurricane Donald to Category 5, warns conservatives to seek higher ground. - Tea Party Cat


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The sexual tension between Trump and Hannity has never been sharper. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

The politicians who tell you 'Obama is coming for your guns' are the politicians who are coming for your Social Security. - John Fugelsang

Mr. Brexit lost his balls.

Koch's Barring Trump?
The powerful donor network helmed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch is canceling more than half a million dollars in Florida advertising designed to help Marco Rubio in his Senate race, according to Koch network spokesman James Davis.

Coming soon to Netflix: MR. BREXIT, a new show about a vigilante candidate, funded by Russian hackers. - The Daily Edge


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First flight or flying the coop?


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

From Russia With Love

Manafort helped Ukraine party secretly pay US lobbyists: report
Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort helped a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine secretly funnel more than $2 million to two lobbying organizations in Washington

Gee, I guess Trump forgot to vet his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. But don't worry his extreme vetting of immigrants will be awesome!

Paul Manafort isn't sure whether to thank Donald Trump for his first class one-way ticket to Moscow or not.- Warren Holstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

With Obama on vacation and Hillary campaigning, Trump wants to know: "Who is running ISIS?" - Andy Borowitz

SUBJECT: Peace Thoughts


  Looking back at some popular songs when I was a teenager, Peace Train by Cats Stevens in 1971 was among them, during the US involvement in Vietnam, where according to Wikipedia, the U.S. casualties were 58,315 dead and 303,644 wounded.

Cat Stevens in 1971.

Cat Stevens' comment about that song:

"'Peace Train' is a song I wrote, the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions.  There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again.  As a member of humanity and as a Muslim, this is my contribution to the call for a peaceful solution."

 Following the September 11, 2001 tragedy, he stated:

"The Qur'an equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of the whole of humanity."

  It's sad that many U.S. residents blame the majority of peaceful genuine members of a religion (or any group of people) for the evil deeds of false prophets.

  Thanks for doing AHNC, as a means of promoting a more peaceful world.

- Sol

Thank you Sol.

I was 21 when Peace Train was released. We as a country needed that song.

The Prophets for Profit are the scourge of all religions it seems. Fear and hate are the timeless tools of the tyrant.

I have great hope that the US voters will reject Trump Think AND most Republicans in Congress. Then and only then can the US heal itself.

The next president will have her hands full.

Republicans to Pull Money from Trump Ads and Spend it on Alcohol. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump says not against Hillary, just the media. Then nabs the top execs from Fox and Breitbart. This is not a campaign. This is a merger. - Tina Dupuy

Here Are Some Taxes Trump Didn't Have To Pay!
Just over a year after becoming governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie and his administration accepted a deal worth 17 cents on the dollar to settle Donald Trump’s casino tax debts in the state...

With Ailes and Breitbart, Trump is now the doomed King Kong, desperately swatting at both GOP and Democrat biplanes. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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It's Not That Trump Won't Change His Tone -- He Can't.
Despite weeks of calls from Republican leaders for a pivot from his freewheeling primary campaign, Donald Trump says he doesn’t want to moderate his tone for the general election.

Rock The Voter News

Trump Won't Use U.S. Intelligence. Maybe His Buddy Putin Can Help.
Donald Trump said Wednesday he was wary of relying on the U.S. intelligence community because he does not trust them and believes they've made "bad decisions."

Sarah Palin lost the battle, the plot and her train of thought. But she now has her own political party.- LOLGOP


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Biz/Tech News

Remember, if Aetna drops you b/c they couldn't merge with Humana, blame anyone but Aetna. - John Fugelsang

Florida Governor Loves Zika Because His Wife Will Make A Killing
Florida Gov. Rick Scott has an undisclosed financial interest in a Zika mosquito control company in which his wife, Florida First Lady Ann Scott, owns a multi-million dollar stake through a private investment firm she co-owns.

Just once. Just once. I want to see a TV commercial for a Truck where the announcer has a high pitch voice. - Neil deGrasse Tyson


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Approaching O'Hare, the Chicago skyline shadow reflects off Lake Michigan, under the clouds. By Mark Hersch
