Monday, April 18, 2016

Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front

Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front
For more than five years, Donald Trump’s new top campaign aide, Paul Manafort, lobbied for a Washington-based group that Justice Department prosecutors have charged operated as a front for Pakistan’s intelligence service, according to court and lobbying records reviewed by Yahoo News.

That awkward moment when GOP elites spend years limiting minority voting, and then their own voters choose two unacceptable candidates.- Tea Party Cat

Problem: 33,000 gun deaths a year
GOP: No action needed

Problem: 0 cases of transgender crimes
GOP: Transgender Bathroom Hysteria. - The Daily Edge

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Get those small hands away from me!

Trump Scares Me, Too
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton blasted GOP rival Donald Trump in a new interview, saying she is afraid of what the billionaire would do if he won the White House...
"It’s not only offensive to people and kind of makes you cringe; it’s dangerous. I mean, he's setting people against each other. He's inciting violence," 

Obama's made $436,000, paid $81,000 in taxes and gave $64,000 to charity. I didn't know Muslims tithed 15%. - Kona Lowell

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Republican Implosion
The Republican Territorial Committee of the Virgin Islands has been in turmoil for quite a while, but never was how badly they’re being “terrorized” more clear than two days ago, when a meeting of the RTC ended in screaming and shoving. The cops were called to the gun range on St. Croix where the meeting took place. ... Chairman John Canegata was using a large ammunition cartridge as a gavel.

Ted Cruz and his wife appeared in a town hall on CNN recently and his wife said that after they got back from their honeymoon, Ted bought 100 cans of Campbell's chunky soup. But to be fair, I feel like anyone who has watched this election is probably stocking up on canned goods.- Jimmy Fallon

Today is Tax Day. That one day out of the year even Democrats turn into Republicans. - Jimmy Fallon

How The NRA Protects Florida's Wetlands
In the culmination of a more than 15-years-long battle, a Florida water quality agency sued a Tampa Bay-area gun club last year for failing to prevent spent ammunition from ending up in nearby wetlands.
But after the National Rifle Association’s top-flight lobbyists brought in a powerful GOP lawmaker involved in setting the agency's budget, the regulatory body abruptly dropped the suit on Feb. 19...


Mea Culpa

Today's edition was short. I am in the process of finding new executive headquarters for AHNC. Please bear with me and wish me luck!


In a recent interview, Kourtney Kardashian says that she eats avocado pudding for breakfast. You know the Kardashians are out of touch when they don't even know the word for guacamole.- Jimmy Fallon

Time To Deflate Photo
Just Because She Can: Dancer-actress Gwen Verdon in a hammock wearing a ballgown on a NYC rooftop in 1953.


Friday, April 15, 2016

The Brooklyn Debate

The most memorable lines from the Democratic debate in Brooklyn
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders squared off in a bruising Brooklyn debate Thursday night, less than a week out from New York's critical -- and increasingly contentious -- primary.

Last night was the big Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. They discussed important issues such as national security, the economy, and whose supporters are the most annoying on Facebook.- Jimmy Fallon

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared on a call-in show for Russian television and he actually took questions. The most common question Putin got was, "Will I ever see my family again?"- Conan O'Brien

Soldiers rest in a shrapnel ridden tent after a German artillery strike on the Anzio. 1944

Medical Marijuana For Vets
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amendment Thursday that would allow Veterans Affairs (V.A.) doctors to recommend, in states where it is legal, medical marijuana as a treatment option,  the Military Times reported. It would essentially allow V.A. doctors to operate under the same rules as civilian physicians in medical marijuana states.

Trump is complaining that the Republican establishment is trying to keep him out, which is weird, because I thought keeping people out was something he strongly favored.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Bill Nye challenges Sarah Palin to one-on-one debate on science,  economics, foreign policy, "or any topic she wants to suggest"- The Daily Edge

We really have veered into apocalyptic territory if we live in a world where Paul Ryan is considered the voice of reason.- Andy Borowitz

I can't wear my cowboy hat in jail.

Dumb Ass Cliven Bundy
Cliven Bundy’s cattle have decimated the public lands they share with an endangered tortoise, and now both the cows and the turtles may be starving.

"Trans people might be child molesters" - GOP pols, the week we learned the longest-serving GOP Speaker was a child molester.- John Fugelsang

Can Ted Cruz Get Any Creepier? Why, Of Course!
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) defended a statewide ban on sex toy sales in the Lone Star State, a new report says.
Cruz argued in a 2007 court brief that individuals have no legal right to such products in public or private...

Rock The Voter News

Yesterday Trump met with one of his arch nemeses, Megyn Kelly. They talked for an hour. In the end they agreed to put aside their differences and get back to what's important, which is getting white people very angry.- Jimmy Kimmel

That awkward moment when great businessman, leader, and future President Donald Trump’s own daughter can’t figure out how to vote for him. - Tea Party Cat

Biz/Tech News

During their family town hall event on CNN last night, Ted Cruz's wife revealed that their daughters want Taylor Swift to be their first guest to visit the White House. Aw, that's so cute. They think he has a chance.- Seth Myers

Norwegian Air Gets Tentative Nod on U.S. Flights Over Protests
Captain Tim Canoll, president of the Air Line Pilots Association in Washington, in a statement Friday. “DOT is proposing to allow a foreign airline to compete directly with U.S. airlines on long-haul international routes with unfair economic advantages.”

LA has the best Chinese food made by Mexicans but NYC has the finest Greek diners run by Dominicans. - John Fugelsang



Thursday, April 14, 2016

Oy vey: John Kasich Jesus-splains to New York Jews how Passover is linked to Christ’s blood

Oy vey: John Kasich Jesus-splains to New York Jews how Passover is linked to Christ’s blood
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich this week suggested to a group of Jewish voters in New York that the blood of Jesus Christ was somehow linked to the Old Testament Passover story.

Jesus never called the poor 'lazy,' fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes or asked a leper for a copay.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The director of the CIA says that no matter who the next president is, the agency will not use waterboarding ever again. Instead, he's come up with a new way to torture people: turn off the Wi-Fi when they visit their parents’ house.- Jimmy Fallon

Putin Praises Obama
In rare words of praise for President Obama, Putin described him as a "strong man" for recognizing his administration had made mistakes in Libya. Obama recently told “Fox News Sunday” that "failing to plan for the day after" the fall of Libya's then-dictator Muammar Gaddafi was the "worst mistake of his presidency.”

This campaign is starting to feel more and more like a long, national nervous breakdown.- Christopher Hayes, MSNBC

Republican Shenanigans

It’s always a high point in a presidential campaign when your top staffer narrowly avoids criminal charges for assaulting a woman.- LOLGOP

There Really Is A Right Wing Conspiracy
The lawyer who represented Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis after she refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses told CBS News that his group was also behind anti-LGBT legislation in 20 states.

Somewhat amazed that "Longest Serving Republican Speaker Of The House In History Turns Out To Be A Child Molester" isn't a bigger story.- Christopher Hayes, MSNBC

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Researchers in California found that 74 percent of mothers confessed that they like one child better than another. Then one mother said, “Don’t use my name, 'cuz I don't want Jeb to find out.”- Jimmy Fallon

Obama Sadly Admits Time Running Out to Confiscate Nation's Guns. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Are Gun Makers Shaking In Their Boots?
A lawsuit can go forward against the maker of the rifle used in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, a judge ruled Thursday.
Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis said that a 2005 federal law protecting gun-makers from lawsuits does not prevent lawyers for the victims' families from arguing that the semi-automatic rifle is a military weapon and should not have been sold to civilians.

The #DemocraticWhores hashtag shows what happens when allies decide to despise each other until Trump can be elected.- John Fugelsang

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Well, Of Course The Oil Industry Knew!
The oil industry’s knowledge of dangerous climate change stretches back to the 1960s, with unearthed documents showing that it was warned of “serious worldwide environmental changes” more than 45 years ago.

House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a formal statement ruling himself out as a potential replacement candidate if there is a contested Republican convention. And you know things are bad in the Republican Party when people who aren’t even running are dropping out of the race.- Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

Microsoft Sues U.S.
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) has sued the U.S. government for the right to tell its customers when a federal agency is looking at their emails, the latest in a series of clashes over privacy between the technology industry and Washington.

I wonder if Fine Young Cannibals have become coarse middle aged vegans. - John Fugelsang
