Friday, December 18, 2015

The Bromance Continues...


Trump On Putin’s Alleged Killing Of His Critics: ‘At Least He’s A Leader’
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump heaped praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin during a call-in interview to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday, confounding the show's co-hosts when he brushed off their concerns about Putin's alleged killing of his critics.

Scarborough highlighted the wrong targets. Trump is the kind of billionaire Putin would arrest and then confiscate his property.
Putin would have Trump for breakfast and still need to stop at IHOP. - Comment by DJD on Talking Points Memo

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The War on Christmas is so long, pointless and unwinnable that we have to assume George W. Bush started it.- LOLGOP

Monkey See, Monkey Do
A rash of email and phone threats of violence hit schools on Thursday from New Jersey to Washington, D.C., and from Florida to California, but most were deemed to be hoaxes and schools opened. 

Love the smell of Jeb Bush burning his donors money. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump basically wants to be the president of Russia.- LOLGOP

Government Shutdown Avoided
Congress gave final approval Friday to one of the most ambitious legislative packages in years -- a $1.1-trillion funding bill with nearly $650 billion in tax breaks and dozens of other policy initiatives.
The measure now goes to President Obama, who is expected to sign it into law.

Trump. The candidate who unites white supremacists with people who didn't know they were white supremacists.- LOLGOP

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Rubio: All Talk No Walk
Sen. Marco Rubio missed Friday’s Senate vote approving a massive $1.8 trillion end-of-the-year spending bill and tax package — a day after he suggested that he could try to slow the legislation down. 

A president named ‘Hussein’ and legal weed have driven conservatives insane. - Michael Moore

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Still Running Despite Losing Putin Endorsement. - cafedotcom tweet

WaPo Columnist Attacked Online By Trumpies
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote: “Let’s not mince words, Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.”
I cited a long list of incidents in which he targeted women, Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, Asians and the disabled. Here’s what I heard back from Trump’s defenders:

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Remember when you thought that another Bush brother was the worst the GOP could do?- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Toyota Recalls 1993 Camry Due To Fact That Owners Really Should Have Bought Something New By Now. - The Onion

Google Not Pleased With California
Google is sparring with California over its proposal to require a licensed driver be behind the wheel of self-driving cars.
“This maintains the same old status quo and falls short on allowing this technology to reach its full potential, while excluding those who need to get around but cannot drive,” said Google’s Chris Urmson, who directs the autonomous car program, in a post on Medium.

This coffee is so strong it could be my password. - Steve Mieczkowski


Happy Holidays.
Eat Drink and Be Mary.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Putin calls Trump an 'outstanding, talented' man


Putin calls Trump an 'outstanding, talented' man
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday described US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump as a talented and outstanding man, welcoming his stance on Russia.

So Putin likes Trump. What would Joe McCarthy think?

Putin calls Trump "an outstanding, talented man," adding, "I can't wait to go topless horseback riding with him."- The Daily Edge

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"And then Hillary Clinton sold baby parts to ISIS terror cells in Benghazi."
— Carly Fiorina
- Jeff Tiedrich

USA & Cuba Kiss And Make Up
The United States and Cuba have agreed to restore scheduled commercial airline service between the two countries for the first time in more than five decades, exactly a year after they started the process of normalizing relations.

Republican Shenanigans

Ted Cruz speaks to us like a lawyer who doesn't think you know how to use Google. - LOLGOP

Because guns kill people: Disney and Universal theme parks ban all guns, even toys, and install metal detectors.- The Daily Edge

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War On Men's Private Parts?
A South Carolina lawmaker is putting forward a new bill to bring heightened attention to the obstacles women face if they choose to get an abortion.
The bill, pre-filed by state Rep. Mia McLeod (D-Columbia), would require men to wait 24 hours between when they receive a prescription for an erectile dysfunction drug and when they could obtain it. Women in South Carolina must wait 24 hours before receiving an abortion. The bill would also require men to get a signed affidavit from a partner confirming he has erectile dysfunction, see a sex therapist...

Jeb is America's fourth favorite Bush — after George, the other George, and of course, the baked beans.- Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

For Christmas, first lady Michelle Obama said both her daughters asked for money. Or, as Fox News reported it, "Obama Gives More Handouts to the Unemployed."- Conan O'Brien

Dennis Hastert Had A Stroke
Disgraced former House speaker Dennis Hastert is recovering from a stroke and has spent six weeks hospitalized ahead of his sentencing in a federal bribery case.

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I like to think that guys running Jeb's campaign are pranking both Jeb & people who'd still back a Bush brother because they'd be my heroes.- LOLGOP

Business News

Scientists are saying that an asteroid over a mile wide is going to pass by Earth on Christmas Eve, but they say it PROBABLY won't hit the Earth. Then the scientists were like, “Anyway, happy holidays, everyone!”- Conan O'Brien

Bush has sent an email to his supporters promising that as an early Christmas present, if you give him $25, you won't receive any more email requests for cash the rest of the year. It's a political strategy borrowed from the mob.- Stephen Colbert

Wow. The Most Hated Man On The Internet Was Arrested
Martin Shkreli, the price-gouging pharmaceutical company executive, was arrested early Thursday morning on securities fraud charges.

Wait, Martin Shkreli is in jail?   Are the criminals ok? - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Screech owls live in forests throughout the U.S. They are masters of camouflage, easily hiding in the nooks and crannies of trees. Photo by Ed Steenstra, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The GOP Debate


The Internet, scare tactics and big fat juicy lies: Here are the top 10 bullsh*t moments of the GOP debate
Another week, another republican debate. It was CNN’s turn again to throw some people up on stage and see what happened. On the whole, CNN did a much better job than others have at holding candidates accountable for attempting to interrupt, going over their allotted time and behaving inappropriately. T

Someone should count up how many war crimes Republicans proposed last night.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Next time someone tells you ISIS wants to 'conquer America' just try to imagine those guys even conquering Detroit.- John Fugelsang

*uckabee Wants Syrian Refugees In Rich Liberal Neighborhoods
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that if Democrats want to welcome Syrian refugees into the country, that those refugees should first have to settle in wealthy liberal strongholds, including where Hillary and Bill Clinton have a home

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Gun violence kills more people in the US every day than terror has since 9/11. But it's more important to be afraid of the people we bomb.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Fiorina Unveils Plan to Turn Dalmatian Puppies into Magnificent Coat. - Andy Borowitz

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Trump Will Not Seek Independent Run
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recommitted to his promise that he would not mount an independent bid in the November 2016 election if he does not secure his party's nomination next year.

I love when Jeb Bush calls Trump "not serious" as if GOP voters are about to grab their pearls and exclaim, "WHY I HAD NO IDEA!"- LOLGOP

Bernie Wins Twitter During GOP Debate
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) again enjoyed some of the highest engagement on Twitter during the fifth Republican presidential debate on Tuesday night. Sanders saw the largest growth in followers on the social media...

Rock The Voter News

The decision about abortion must remain a decision for a woman and her doctor to make, not the government.- Bernie Sanders

Racism Towards White Immigrants
CHAFFORD HUNDRED, England (Reuters) - Ella Vine no longer speaks her native Polish at bus stops and train stations in Britain because there have been times she has been told to "shut up", or worse, by fellow passengers.

Remember when Al Gore sighed at a debate and it was the most inappropriate thing ever?- The Rude Pundit

Donald Trump: “Obama is such a loser! I could’ve negotiated such a great deal in Paris on climate. I’d get the Earth to pay to cool itself.”- Tea Party Cat

Business News

1984: If Libs say trickledown will ruin middle-class in 30 years, call 'em Commies. 
2014: If middle-class ruined, blame Libs. - John Fugelsang

Israel Builds Desalination Plant In California
Israel's IDE Technologies, which opened this week a billion-dollar desalination plant in California, is helping to plan 10 new facilities throughout the United States.

They're predicting the film, STAR WARS could gross more than $2 billion. The United States just promised $800 million as part of the Paris agreement to fight climate change, which means we're spending more than twice as much to see "Star Wars" as we are to save the actual world.- Jimmy Kimmel
