Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Republican Infighting Continues :)


Megyn Kelly Ridicules GOP Debate Letter: Want A Foot Massage Too?
Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Monday night mocked the letter drafted by Republican presidential campaigns listing a series of rules and questions for networks hosting future debates.

The Republican candidates don't want debates; they want free campaign infomercials in prime time.- Tina Dupuy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

UK Split On Syrian Airstrikes
The British government insisted Tuesday that it is still considering airstrikes against Islamic State group targets in Syria, even though an influential group of lawmakers said the military action would be "incoherent" and ineffective without a plan to end the country's civil war.

Weird. There are actual people who thought, "Working for a Bush brother will turn out well."- LOLGOP

House Speaker Paul Ryan said that if Americans want more paid leave "they should do what I did and run for Congress." - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

A new poll shows that Republican voters trust Trump on the economy and nuclear weapons, presumably based on his history of bankruptcies and shouting at people.- Andy Borowitz

Ryan Puts Hastert Back In The Closet
One of Paul Ryan's first acts since being elected Speaker last week: removing the portrait of disgraced former Speaker Dennis Hastert that hung for years in the ornate hallway just off the House floor.

Paul Ryan says not to expect #immigrationreform while he's Speaker as that would require someone willing to work more than 3 days a week. - The Daily Edge

Ben Carson Thinks Americans Are As Stupid As He Is!
When retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, the current GOP 2016 front-runner, campaigns, he routinely pitches "common sense solutions from We the People." But it seems the candidate who celebrates a cheerful and straightforward populism has a fair bit of disdain for many of his fellow citizens, for at a videotaped event last year, while discussing the American people, he declared, "Many of them are stupid."

Trump bankrupting the GOP would almost be too perfect of an ending.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Obama Wants to Debate All 15 GOP Candidates and Their Moms. - LOLGOP

Millennial Women Like Sanders, Not Hillary
Laura Shadle likes Hillary Clinton. But the 23-year-old Penn State senior is more inspired by Bernie Sanders.
Shadle, who is volunteering for the Sanders campaign in Pennsylvania, says it’s more “progressive” to go with the candidate that speaks to her, not the candidate who could make history by becoming the nation’s first woman president.

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Carly Fiorina said that after the previous debate, people told her that she needed to smile more. They were like, "Just pretend you're laying off a bunch of people."- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

The top 25 hedge fund managers make more than all kindergarten teachers in the US—combined. We need to fix that.- Hillary Clinton

Milwaukee, A Sex Hub? Milwaukee?
Milwaukee has become “the Harvard of pimp school” and Wisconsin is a hub of human trafficking, an expert has said in the wake of an FBI sting last month in which nine adolescents were rescued from commercial sexual exploitation, meaning Milwaukee tied with Las Vegas for the third highest number of young people rescued during the FBI raids across the country.

There are reports that a movie is in the works based on the game Monopoly. They say the movie will be just like the game because it's four hours long and it ends with your family fighting.- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Goodbye Fall.


Monday, November 2, 2015

US Speaker Paul Ryan won't work with Obama on immigration


US Speaker Paul Ryan won't work with Obama on immigration
 Fresh off his election as speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Paul Ryan refused to cooperate with President Barack Obama on immigration, ruling out any reform before 2017.

Immigration: Paul Ryan thinks it's "ridiculous" to talk to the president who has deported more people than any president.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If only we could get Republicans to take mass shootings as seriously as they take "mean" questions at debates.- LOLGOP

War On Obama Continues...
Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) refusal to work with President Obama on immigration is “preposterous,” the White House said Monday.

Press secretary Josh Earnest called Ryan’s claim that he cannot trust the president on the issue “ironic,” given he helped write bipartisan immigration reform legislation in 2013 only to stand with House GOP leaders in Congress who refused to take up a bill.

New GOP Debate Format Calls for Each Candidate to Question Self. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

George W. Bush: "If I broke it, I'm sure Jeb Can Fix It!" - The Daily Edge

Anonymous Releases KKK Members Names
Four of the five mayors accused of being associated with the Ku Klux Klan by the group “Anonymous” have taken to social media to immediately deny the charges.

The media is so liberal that it once even fact checked a Hillary Clinton email story, a few days after it was published.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

When Jeb drops out of the race I hope he does it with a "Mission Accomplished" banner. - Andy Borowitz

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You could listen to all the candidate ideas in the GOP debates, or you could just look at the current economy of Kansas. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

When the entire GOP wants to destroy SS and Medicare to give the rich more $, how can you call any of them "moderate" or "a good guy"?- Kona Lowell

Single Payer Is What's Needed
A top Senate Republican is predicting that ObamaCare could “collapse” this year. 
Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.), the No. 4 Senate Republican and a leading critic of the healthcare law, made the prediction one day after ObamaCare’s new sign-up period began.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I wonder what happened to the guy who took this picture of the guy taking the picture?


Friday, October 30, 2015

A Lobbyist is the chief of staff for our New Speaker of the House!


Paul Ryan names top aides
Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan said Friday he would turn to close aides to advise him in the Speaker's Office...Ryan previously announced that David Hoppe, a Washington lobbyist who served as chief of staff to former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), would be Ryan's chief of staff in the Speaker's office.

"On Monday, former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson endorsed Donald Trump. Tyson joins Trump's biggest group of supporters: 'People Who Have Been Hit in the Head a Lot.'" –Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama Flip Flops: Boots On The Ground In Syria
The White House will announce Friday that a small number of U.S. special operations forces will be sent into Syria, a major shift in the strategy to combat ISIS.

Dear President Obama,
Sending troops to the Middle East is pretty much the opposite of why we voted for you.
Everyone who voted for you
- Andy Borowitz

Conservatives believe the media is biased. They also believe that thermometers are biased.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The guys who want to deport 11 million human beings can't handle bad questions from mean debate man.- LOLGOP

Man, GOP Voters Seem Bushed
Out 70,000 phone calls, only four people in Iowa volunteered to help doomed Jeb Bush campaign
Bush’s top lieutenants assured donors earlier this week that the former Florida governor still had a campaign worth funding, and they handed out an optimistic, 45-page PowerPoint presentation to select reporters afterward.

I am super excited about the brand new Republican front-runner, retired neurosurgeon and current tired person Ben Carson.- Stephen Colbert

Jeb Bush was born in third place and still polls in fourth most of the time.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

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Megyn Kelly spent 2 minutes calling Trump a misogynist but you're not allowed to point out that Rubio wants to cut Romney's taxes to zero? - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

"Carson's strongest support comes from evangelical Christians, a group that Donald Trump has had real trouble with, evidently. People who read the Bible just don't want to follow someone who looks that much like a golden calf." –Stephen Colbert

Lay Offs Right Before The Holidays :(
Energy giant Chevron plans to shed 6,000 to 7,000 jobs and slash its capital investment plan after low energy prices dealt a sharp blow to the company's sales and profit in the third quarter.

"You've got to know when you hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."
— credo of the Origami Guild
- Jeff Tiedrich



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I woke up this morning to this beautiful sunrise and had to share the photo with you. I love the mist in the mornings. I really do live high in the clouds.

Best wishes for a peaceful Halloween!.