Friday, October 30, 2015

A Lobbyist is the chief of staff for our New Speaker of the House!


Paul Ryan names top aides
Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan said Friday he would turn to close aides to advise him in the Speaker's Office...Ryan previously announced that David Hoppe, a Washington lobbyist who served as chief of staff to former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), would be Ryan's chief of staff in the Speaker's office.

"On Monday, former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson endorsed Donald Trump. Tyson joins Trump's biggest group of supporters: 'People Who Have Been Hit in the Head a Lot.'" –Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama Flip Flops: Boots On The Ground In Syria
The White House will announce Friday that a small number of U.S. special operations forces will be sent into Syria, a major shift in the strategy to combat ISIS.

Dear President Obama,
Sending troops to the Middle East is pretty much the opposite of why we voted for you.
Everyone who voted for you
- Andy Borowitz

Conservatives believe the media is biased. They also believe that thermometers are biased.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The guys who want to deport 11 million human beings can't handle bad questions from mean debate man.- LOLGOP

Man, GOP Voters Seem Bushed
Out 70,000 phone calls, only four people in Iowa volunteered to help doomed Jeb Bush campaign
Bush’s top lieutenants assured donors earlier this week that the former Florida governor still had a campaign worth funding, and they handed out an optimistic, 45-page PowerPoint presentation to select reporters afterward.

I am super excited about the brand new Republican front-runner, retired neurosurgeon and current tired person Ben Carson.- Stephen Colbert

Jeb Bush was born in third place and still polls in fourth most of the time.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

 Click here

Megyn Kelly spent 2 minutes calling Trump a misogynist but you're not allowed to point out that Rubio wants to cut Romney's taxes to zero? - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

"Carson's strongest support comes from evangelical Christians, a group that Donald Trump has had real trouble with, evidently. People who read the Bible just don't want to follow someone who looks that much like a golden calf." –Stephen Colbert

Lay Offs Right Before The Holidays :(
Energy giant Chevron plans to shed 6,000 to 7,000 jobs and slash its capital investment plan after low energy prices dealt a sharp blow to the company's sales and profit in the third quarter.

"You've got to know when you hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."
— credo of the Origami Guild
- Jeff Tiedrich



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I woke up this morning to this beautiful sunrise and had to share the photo with you. I love the mist in the mornings. I really do live high in the clouds.

Best wishes for a peaceful Halloween!.

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