Raising the retirement age, implementing means-testing and encouraging more retirement plans for workers are among the solutions that Jeb Bush is proposing Tuesday to help stabilize and preserve Social Security and Medicare for seniors.
Jeb Bush wears his hoodie for his buddy Zuckerberg.
Get ready for a brand new "raw" Jeb. He was so frustrated, he decided to take control and rip the tassels off his loafers.- John Fugelsang
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Another Doctors Without Borders Hospital Hit By Airstrikes
- Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
- U.S. warship sails close to Chinese artificial island in South China Sea
- Angry China says shadowed U.S. warship near man-made islands in disputed sea
If China sent a warship to the Gulf Of Mexico, I think we'd probably be a little pissed off. - Politics and Hip Hop
Trump Is Finally Right!
For the first time perhaps ever, Donald Trump was right about something. There exists irrefutable evidence that George W. Bush and his national security team was repeatedly warned about the impending September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and failed to do a damn thing in the face of those warnings. “Warnings,” plural, is appropriate grammar here since it wasn’t just the single President’s Daily Brief (PDB) dated August 6, 2001 that should’ve raised serious concerns at the White House
Re: Budget deal: Why does the Pentagon need an additional $40B? Why aren't deficit hawks asking how we're going to pay for that?- Politics and Hip Hop Tweet
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump's Feud With Hispanic Media Continues To Grow
- Republicans jockey for tax-writing gavel
- Jeb Bush’s incorrect claim about a silly Obama health-care promise
- Adviser to Ron and Rand Paul found not guilty in bribery case
- The New York Times Debunks Conservative Media's "Vigilant Citizen" Concealed Carry Myth
- Laura Ingraham Bemoans Multilingualism In U.S. Schools For Making "You Think You're In A Foreign Country"
- From "Hate Group" To "Nazis": Fox News Ramps Up Their War On Black Lives Matter
Lobotomized brain surgeon is GOP frontrunner.- Lizz Winstead
Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.
The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year...
Low Energy Ben Carson Edges Out High Energy Trump
Ben Carson has edged out fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in a new national poll, taking the top spot from the real estate mogul for the first time in months.
"I don't get why my poll numbers are dropping" said Donald Trump who has managed to upset every minority and empathetic white man in America. - OhNoSheTwitnt
Rock The Voter News
- New poll shows Clinton routing Sanders by 41 points in Iowa
- Bernie Sanders on TODAY: 'Glad' Hillary Clinton is moving my way on issues
Trey Gowdy as a running mate? Who's helped her more? - LOLGOP
Hobby Lobby Smugglers?
The Christian family behind the arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby has been under federal investigation for years on suspicion of trying to import potentially illicit cultural artifacts from Iraq
Business/Tech News
- U.S. Plans to Sell Down Strategic Oil Reserve to Raise Cash
- Video: Mark Zuckerberg Gives 20-Minute Speech in Chinese
- The gruesome killing of a show horse and Florida’s horse meat black market
House Prices Are Up
The S&P Dow Jones Indices reported on Tuesday that U.S. home prices rose 5.1 percent from a year ago, matching analyst expectations.
The Mafia have just gone digital. They've started a division called Pay Up Pal. - JokeBlogger.com
Odd News
- Trick or Trump: The Donald, Pizza Rat among top Halloween costumes
- Russian police find half a ton of caviar in speeding hearse
- Massachusetts' Wellesley College gets anonymous $50 million donation
- Microbe Masterpieces: Scientists Create Cool Art from Bacteria
- 'Happy hour' comet leaves trail of booze and sugar
Time To Deflate Photo
Zermatt, Switzerland.