Thursday, October 22, 2015



Dem nails ‘partisan’ Benghazi panel: Congress didn’t try to humiliate Reagan after ’83 Beirut bombing
During Thursday’s Benghazi committee hearing, Washington Rep. Adam Smith (D) accused the commission of being nothing more than a partisan attack against Hillary Clinton, a Democratic candidate for president.

The Benghazi Committee is outraged over the attack & will continue to be so until next election day when it will never be mentioned again.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The actual #Benghazi terrorists thank the #BenghaziCommittee for blaming the Benghazi attack on everyone but them.- John Fugelsang

Germany Has Their Haters Too
German officials said Thursday they had foiled an extremist plot to torch migrant shelters, adding to concerns over rising attacks on refugees in Europe as migrant arrivals hit new records.

In a sane world, this would be 8th committee investigating why no one was arrested for the financial crisis.- LOLGOP

72% Of Americans Are Sick Of This Benghazi Badgering
A CNN/ORC poll released on October 22nd finds that 72 percent of Americans believe the House Select Committee on Benghazi is mostly using the Benghazi investigation to achieve political gain. Only 23 percent of Americans think that the committee is conducting an objective investigation to find out what happened during the Benghazi attack.

Republican Shenanigans

Friendly reminder for everyone tweeting about how gross it was for Jeb Bush to say that the young actress who plays Supergirl is hot. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump Blames Corn For Drop In Polls
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday reposted a tweet from a follower blaming his fall in a new Iowa poll on genetically modified corn that “creates issues in the brain.”

Unable to rattle Hillary Clinton with tough questions, Benghazi committee tries poking her with a sharp stick. - Kona Lowell

Texas Kid Moving To Qatar
The decision by the family of a Texas teenager to move to Qatar is not surprising in light of lingering anti-Muslim sentiment that makes many U.S. followers of Islam feel as if they are "under siege," a spokesman for a national Muslim-American group said Wednesday.

Jesus Christ Officially Endorses Fellow Socialist Bernie Sanders For President. - The Good God Above Tweet

Rock The Voter News

I should do the Rapture but only for guns and idiots.- The Good God Above Tweet

Texas Raids Planned Parenthood
Texas officials raided several Planned Parenthood facilities on Thursday, the group said, in a move that comes days after the state’s Republicans leaders barred the women’s health group from receiving state Medicaid money.

BREAKING: Benghazi Select Committee gets Hillary Clinton to break down and admit under oath that she was the 2nd gunman in the grassy knoll.- Tea Party Cat

 Click here

Hoping 2018's and 2021's Benghazi hearings are better than this one.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

There should be a box on our federal tax returns that we can check if we actually want to pay for the Benghazi hearings.- Andy Borowitz

Sheesh. Shigellosis Outbreak In California
 Health officials in California are investigating an outbreak of shigellosis in California that sickened 93 people, and is now being linked to secondary infections of the highly contagious infection.
Most of the people hospitalized in the outbreak ate at the Mariscos San Juan Restaurant in San Juan, the Santa Clara Public Health Department said in a report.

Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, once put on a striptease show for charity. In Canada, a strip tease just means unzipping your outer layer of fleece.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

You're never too old to pull a good prank!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paul Ryan Demands Family Time In His New Job


Paul Ryan Demands Family Time In His New Job
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made many in his party happy Tuesday night when he told his colleagues that he had finally agreed to take the job no one wants and run for speaker of the House. But he said he will do so only if members agree to a list of conditions, most of which concern the functioning of the caucus. One demand, however, was deeply personal.
"I cannot and will not give up my family time," Ryan told reporters following the House GOP meeting.

Shorter Paul Ryan: I want great power with no responsibility. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

1st Carson blames gun control for the Holocaust, now Netanyahu blames the Grand Mufti. Maybe Hitler wasn't so bad after all. He did like dogs. - Sue Stein Tweet

Bush & His Poodle
A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the ‘deal in blood’ forged by Tony Blair and George Bush over the Iraq War.
The sensational leak shows that Blair had given an unqualified pledge to sign up to the conflict a year before the invasion started.
It flies in the face of the Prime Minister’s public claims at the time...

Republican Shenanigans

I can't wait to see former Senator Ted Cruz begin his commercials for reverse mortgages. - John Fugelsang

Harry Reid Wants GOP To Foot Benghazi Bill
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took shots at the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Wednesday, a day before former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's appearance before the panel. ...Senate Democrats have sent a letter to the Republican National Committee (RNC) asking that it reimburse the American taxpayers for any money spent on the Benghazi committee. 

Donald Trump is now saying that his immigration policies would have prevented 9/11. Trump is also claiming his hair would have kept the Titanic afloat.- Conan O'Brien

NSA “civil liberties officer” says agency is getting more transparent; true, but only because it used to not acknowledge its own existence. -  Dan Froomkin

Rock The Voter News

So Marty McFly got to Biden in time then, right? :) - LOLGOP

Back To The Future

Shooter On The Run
Police in New Mexico are trying to identify the person responsible for a road rage incident that claimed the life of a 4-year-old girl Tuesday.

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People who claim there's a voter fraud problem actually have a democracy problem. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Volkswagen may be forced to buy back all the cars that failed to properly pass their emissions tests. Volkswagen officials say that’s fine — because they plan to resell them as rock concert smoke machines.- Conan O'Brien

Donald Trump’s Blustery 1990 Campaign Against a Wall Street Analyst
Barron’s recounts an incident in which the presidential candidate attacked an unknown securities analyst who didn’t think the Taj Mahal was a good bet for his clients.

Every fish you catch and release goes home with an alien abduction story.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Just one more selfie, honey!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Benghazi panel outs CIA source, then tries to cover its tracks


Benghazi panel outs CIA source, then tries to cover its tracks
The Republican-led House Select Committee on Benghazi hastily deleted the name of a high-level Libyan defector from one of its public releases on Monday, shortly after Yahoo News reported the panel had inadvertently revealed the defector’s name in an effort to embarrass Hillary Clinton.

I want to see Trey Gowdy's emails.

Just rename it the House Committee on Baseless Speculation. #BenghaziCommittee - Lane Brooks


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

1 yr ago 3 cases of Ebola warranted an Ebola Czar; I'm sure we'll get that gun czar, domestic violence czar & poverty czar any day now. - John Fugelsang

War On Black Churches Continues
The St. Louis Regional Bomb Unit and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are investigating what they describe as a series of six arsons at predominately black churches in north city and county.

We shouldn't dredge up 9/11 and place blame, say the guys who are on their 78th and a 1/2 Benghazi investigation.- LOLGOP

Time to build that northern border wall to deal with the crush of conservative Canadians escaping. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

The Republican Party is going to find out that the only way to get rid of Donald Trump is to be a woman who turns 40.- LOLGOP

Trump/Carson 2016?
Donald Trump and Ben Carson now stand alone at the top of the Republican field, as Carly Fiorina's brief foray into the top tier of candidates seeking the GOP nomination for president appears to have ended, a new CNN/ORC poll finds.

Jeb!: Florida Doesn't Like You!
 For the first time, former Florida governor Jeb Bush has fallen into single digits in a home-state Republican primary poll that shows Donald Trump still in front, trailed by Ben Carson and Sen. Marco Rubio.
Jeb Bush’s 9-percent, fourth-place showing in the University of North Florida poll is his worst showing in any survey of likely Florida Republican voters.

Rock The Voter News

Joe Biden Has a Very Important Announcement He’ll Get to at Some Point in the Next Year. - LOLGOP

 Click here

Jeb Bush: Dubya without the charm. - Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

America is a Christian Nation and that's why we vote to help the poor and let private charities bail out Wall Street.- John Fugelsang

Why Would This General Be Promoted? He Failed In A Monumental Way.
The Army general in charge of the Pentagon’s failed $500 million program to train and equip Syrian rebels is leaving his job in the next few weeks, but is likely to be promoted and assigned a senior counterterrorism position here, American officials said on Monday.

Next up on Fox News: Did Obama force the NFL to drop Roman numerals in favor of Arabic numerals for Super Bowl 50 as part of Sharia Law?- Tea Party Cat



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Bazaruto island, Mozambique. I love white sand and aqua water.
