Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guess who showed up at the Democratic Debate?


Your Guide to Everything (Absolutely Everything) That Happened in Last Night’s Democratic Debate
The 2016 Democratic presidential candidates held their first debate last night in Las Vegas, a lively affair in which the candidates largely came across as civil and well-informed. Hillary Clinton seems to have won the night by demonstrating the kind of confidence and competence that made the idea of Joe Biden entering the race seem unnecessary, but she had her weak moments as well.

What a great debate. The grown ups were on the stage.  I loved hearing all the positions everyone took to help clarify their beliefs and my decision on who I would vote for president.

Then an hour after I awoke this morning the power went off. So, today will be a short but hopefully sweet issue!

Mike Huckabee, America's Drunk Racist Uncle, just in time for Thanksgiving. - Jeff Tiedrich

Huckabee Voluntarily Loses Asian Vote
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee sparked backlash on social media during the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night for a tweet alluding to dog meat..."I trust @BernieSanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador! #DemDebate," Huckabee said in his tweet, which was shared more than 6,000 times.

Castration Anxiety is basically the governing philosophy of the Republican Party. - LOLGOP

Feeling The Bern
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) raised $1.3 million in four hours after the first Democratic presidential debate started on Tuesday night, according to his campaign.
His campaign blasted out an email seeking donations from his line defending Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of State.

Kudos to the guy who embalmed Lincoln Chaffee. - Jeff Tiedrich

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OK, this is not a joke, but hear me out. Having watched all three debates so far, I think Fox is doing a better job than CNN. The CNN moderators were rude to both Republican and Democratic candidates. A question like "Will you say anything to get elected?" Is embarrassing only to the person asking it. - Andy Borowitz



Time To Deflate Photo

What a great shot of a Vietnamese fisherman. I hope he caught something.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Newt Gingrich Throws Hair In Speaker Of The House Ring


Newt Gingrich On Possibly Becoming Speaker Again: 'I Am Very Prepared'
Newt Gingrich, who ruled over the House as speaker in the 1990s, is open to the possibility of returning to his former post. In a Tuesday radio interview on Fox News Radio, Gingrich and his wife Callista said that both of them support his return to the speakership if they “are called to duty in any way.”

DEBATE PREVIEW: During Hillary's opening statement, watch Joe Biden leap onstage and announce he's running.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

North Korea this weekend held a military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of their communist party. People who attended the parade called it “amazing” and “mandatory.”- Seth Myers

You Want Equality, Ladies? Here's Your Equality!
Women will eventually have to register for the draft if "true and pure equality" is to be realized in the U.S. military, Army Secretary John McHugh said Monday.

Dr. Ben Carson made news last week by saying that the holocaust could have been averted if European Jews had had guns. Though I’m pretty sure what he meant to say was, “I don’t want to be president.”- Seth Myers

Well, Well, Well, Bush Torture Inventors Being Sued
The American Civil Liberties Union sued two psychologists who devised the CIA's Bush-era interrogation program on Tuesday, saying they encouraged the agency "to adopt torture as official policy" and made millions of dollars in the process.

Republican Shenanigans

SOURCES: Paul Ryan seeking assurances he won't lose his Koch Industries employee benefits if he accepts Speaker role . - The Daily Edge

A Bit Of Historical Perspective
The current Republican uprising in the House of Representatives isn't entirely unprecedented -- but to find similar scenarios, you have to go back about 100 years.

Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a bill last week that requires stores here in New York City to keep their doors closed when their air conditioning is on. So apparently Bill de Blasio is not only our Mayor, he's also our dad. "I'm not paying to cool off the whole world! SHUT THAT DOOR! Not in use? Turn off the juice!"- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

I'm Popping My Popcorn!
The shadow boxing that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have played at for months -- they've barely mentioned each other on the campaign trail -- will give way to more direct jabs Tuesday night.

The gods are smiling on political junkies from Chicago: Cubs game should be over by the time Democrats start yelling at each other in Vegas. - Matt Laslo

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Ocean Food Chain Collapse?
The world's oceans are teeming with life, but rising carbon dioxide emissions could cause a collapse in the marine food chain from the top down, researchers in Australia said Monday.

The grass is always greener on the other side. ConAgra owns it and it's fertilized with your children's future health and well-being.- Warren Holstein

Business/Tech News

Makes sense for Playboy to stop running photos of nude women. After all, CNN stop reporting news ages ago.- Jeff Tiedrich

Chinese Helping Rid U.S. Of Hackers?
The recent arrests of several Chinese hackers by the Beijing government may not be the first such apprehensions, records suggest....U.S. authorities were successful in convincing Beijing to take similar action at least once before.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The unbroken seal on Tutankhamen's tomb, 1922.


Monday, October 12, 2015

The tide turns against the Benghazi committee


The tide turns against the Benghazi committee
Could this be the time when Benghazi finally turned from a liability to an asset for Hillary Clinton? If so, it’ll be because the issue has now become less about what the select committee Republicans set up to investigate the matter has found, and more about the committee itself.

How dare you call the 8th Benghazi committee, which has gone on longer than the Watergate hearing just to stretch into 2016, partisan? - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Dear Ignoramuses,
Please stop saying Jews weren't armed during the Holocaust. Read about the Warsaw Uprising. -Jeff Tiedrich

What A Difference A Country Makes
More than 200 volunteers gathered in Parque España, San José, before setting out to help the city’s homeless.

President Obama says he would win a third term if he weren't so busy using Jade Helm 15 to take away all the guns. -  LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Ben Carson says it's not hyperbole to say gun control could lead to a "holocaust" in USA. What does he call 30K gun deaths/year we have now?- Donald J. Drumpf Tweet

Why Didn't I Think Of This? Dick Cheney For Speaker Of The House!
A freshman Republican senator told Politico he wanted to see former Vice President Dick Cheney to be the next speaker of the House.

Jeb Bush refuses to support healthcare bill for 9/11 1st responders because why do they need special treatment if his brother kept us safe? - The Daily Edge

If I were on an operating table and saw Ben Carson coming at me with a scalpel, I would definitely fight back.- Andy Borowitz

Praise The Lord And Pass The Salmonella
A Texas church is warning members not to talk about a salmonella outbreak linked to a community meal served there last week.

50% of the money for this election is coming from just 158 families. All of whom expect lots of free stuff if Republicans win. - The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

California to automatically register all drivers to vote, although in Texas that still only happens if you buy a gun. - The Daily Edge

Good For Bernie!
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), the Democratic National Committee vice chair who said she was disinvited to the first Democratic debate, might wind up attending the Tuesday night event as a guest of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

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California to automatically register all drivers to vote, although in Texas that still only happens if you buy a gun. - The Daily Edge

Aerosmith Threatens To Sue Trump
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has once again come under fire for using a famous piece of music at his campaign rallies without permission from the owners. Iconic rock star Steven Tyler, frontman of Aerosmith, has issued a cease-and-desist letter to Trump’s camp, demanding that they stop playing their track “Dream On” at Trump’s campaign rallies.

Business/Tech News

So I get it, GOP. The Jews could have prevented the Holocaust but George W. Bush was powerless to prevent the financial crisis. - LOLGOP

Meat Free Burgers
It is no secret that animal farming is terrible for the environment. However, it is also common knowledge that veggie burgers kind of suck compared to "the real thing". Sorry veggies, you know it's true. But fear not, a Californian start-up is hoping to create synthesized, meat-free cheeseburgers by 2016.

We have to save the newspaper industry because you can't house train a puppy on a blog.-



Odd News

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The Rock Restaurant at Mchamvi Pingwe. East coast of Zanzibar, Tanzania. I wonder if the menu includes fish?
