Friday, August 21, 2015

Trust Fund Babies


How Trump could change birthright citizenship
One of the proposals listed in Donald Trump's immigration policy outline includes ending birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, and presumably children of birth tourists who game the system in order to add a U.S. passport holder to their families.

Conservatives lost two wars and crashed the economy and now they're finally telling us who to blame: Babies.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

North Korea's Rattling It's Saber
The United States temporarily halted a military exercise with South Korea to coordinate with Seoul over shelling across the border with North Korea but the exercise has now resumed, a senior U.S. official said on Friday

I long for a more civil past when conservatives just referred to the babies of immigrants as "Donald Trump's future wives." - LOLGOP

A Dangerous Bag Of Hot Air
Danny's winds strengthened to 115 mph, making it a Category 3 hurricane as it spins toward the Caribbean, the National Hurricane Center said Friday.

Republican Shenanigans

Hey let's all take a moment to thank white people for starting this whole anchor baby tradition.- John Fugelsang

One Of Donald Trump's Supporters
A Boston man allegedly told police that he beat and urinated on a homeless man early Wednesday because the man was Hispanic, citing real estate mogul Donald Trump's comments on undocumented immigrants as justification for the attack.

At Ohio State University, it was just announced a tiny human brain has been grown in a lab. Isn't that crazy? And it's already announced its support for Trump for president.- Conan O'Brien

I guess 12 months of humiliation for Jeb Bush is the closest thing we're going to get to justice for a Bush brother.- LOLGOP

Bring it on, Donald.

The Trumpet Is Going After The Pope Now! 
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump spoke to CNN’s Chris Cuomo about the upcoming visit of Pope Francis, telling Cuomo that he will have no choice but to “scare the Pope.”

Rock The Voter News

PBS' 'NewsHour' to launch new op-ed segment 'Jim Lehrer Bitch-Smacks Some Damn Fool.'- John Fugelsang

 Click here

Yes, Josh Duggar was a customer of adultery site Ashley Madison, but I’m sure he only cheated with other good Christians, not atheist whores. - Tea Party Cat

It has come out that implementing Donald Trump's immigration policy would cost taxpayers $166 billion. Today Trump said, “So what? You spend the money, you declare bankruptcy, and then you start a new country. Boom. Right? You move on.”-Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

Look, I'm against birthright citizenship. I think the only valid citizenship is a corporate charter.- Tea Party Cat

Amtrak Planning For Pope's Arrival
Amtrak is planning to increase its service in the Northeast during the Pope's scheduled visit to the U.S. in September.
The company said Friday that it's planning to run extra trains on Sept. 26-27 and add cars to make existing ones longer on Sept. 21-25 to handle the expected increase in passenger traffic due to the Pope's visit. 


Please be patient. I am so far behind on answering my email.


Teddy Roosevelt's diary entry the day that tragically both his wife and his mother died. Valentine's Day 1884.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Threatening skies. I hope it rains. There has only been a handful of rainy days since June, normally it rains every day.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

He's baaaaack...


George W. Bush raises money for Jeb
Former president George W. Bush jumped into the 2016 presidential race Thursday with a fundraising letter on behalf of brother Jeb.
“This is a consequential time in our nation’s history, and we need a strong leader,” the 43rd president said in the missive. “Jeb took on tough challenges as Florida’s Governor and delivered results. I know he will do the same as President.”

The rich guys who want to take your insurance, make you work longer & invade Iran will protect you from the scary folks who pick your fruit.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Montezuma's Revenge
Mexico’s government on Wednesday slammed U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s proposals to deport undocumented immigrants en masse and make Mexicans pay for a wall separating the two countries as absurd, racist and ignorant.

Conservatives lost 2 lost wars & crashed the economy but the real problem is people so desperate to be American they come here to do any job. - LOLGOP

After North Korea traded fire with South Korea, Donald Trump offers to solve crisis by building them a wall and making Mexico pay for it.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

YeeHaw, Guns & Booze! Floriduh Style
City officials in Daytona Beach, Florida, approved a measure to allow a combination gun range-bar and grille after determining the business would probably have more safety precautions than other shooting establishments in town.

In Donald Trump's defense, he thinks an anchor baby is just a very small anchor, and those are of no use on his huge yachts, total waste.- Rex Hupke Tweet

July Hottest Month Ever Recorded
The latest report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has determined that globally, July was the hottest month since record keeping began in 1880.

A new CNN poll shows that Donald Trump is within six points of Hillary Clinton. It’s the closest Trump has ever gotten to a woman over 40.- Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

After Marco Rubio hit a child in the face with a football at the Iowa State Fair, Dick Cheney told the kid he must apologize to Rubio.- Tea Party Cat

 Click here

Bruce Caitlyn Jenner May Face Serious Charges
Los Angeles police will present evidence to prosecutors that could lead to a misdemeanor manslaughter charge against Caitlyn Jenner, sources told the Daily News on Thursday.

Business/Tech News

Walmart is the ONLY Place where Drug Dealers, Prostitutes, & Bible Beaters can coexist in peace.- JokeBlogger

I Had No Idea This Website Existed Until It Was Hacked
No one can say for certain if the Ashley Madison database floating around on the dark underbelly of the web is legit. But if it is, a fascinating portrait of humanity is being revealed.

The surprisingly popular website for married people looking for affairs was hacked last month.

A v-neck so deep it writes poetry.- JokeBlogger


Finally AHNC is posted. What a day. I ran hither and yon today from Tamarindo and beyond. It is all good, just time consuming but I never want to disappoint you! Better late than never.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Wow. All the tables are empty. Let's have a party!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Power Of Make-up


CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump now competitive in general election
Since announcing his campaign in late June, Donald Trump has quickly leapt to the top of the Republican field, leading recent polls nationally, in Iowa and in New Hampshire. And now, for the first time in CNN/ORC polling, his gains among the Republican Party have boosted him enough to be competitive in the general election.

GOP: Life begins at deportation. LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The GOP Apparently Now Believes That Some Fetuses  Have The Right To Be Born And Then Is Deported Immediately. - Andy Borowitz

Refugees In Germany
The number of asylum-seekers and refugees to Germany will quadruple to a record 800,000 this year compared with last, more than twice as many as the 300,000 new arrivals forecast in January, the government said on Wednesday.

Republican Shenanigans

The Rich Republicans Are Intent On Destroying Everyone Else
Something strange is happening in the Republican primary — something strange, that is, besides the Trump phenomenon. For some reason, just about all the leading candidates other than The Donald have taken a deeply unpopular position, a known political loser, on a major domestic policy issue. And it’s interesting to ask why.
The issue in question is the future of Social Security

Donald Trump’s new policy paper would not give automatic citizenship to children born in America if they have foreign parents. Said Trump, “It’s nothing personal, Sasha and Malia.”- Seth Myers

Can The GOP Get Any Dumber? Why Of Course!
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) on Wednesday said that he would like to get rid of teachers' lounges to reduce how much teachers worry about losing their jobs.

Donald Trump was photographed at the Iowa State Fair eating a pork chop on a stick. That's what I love about America. You can fly on a private jet and eat at five-star restaurants. But if you want to be president, when they hand you a pork chop on a stick in Iowa, you have to eat it.- Jimmy Kimmel

Rock The Voter News

In a country where Megyn Kelly can be a "journalist", it's entirely possible that Donald Trump could be President.- Barracks O'Bama

Natural Selection Theory In Action
A man who was part of an armed "patriot" group guarding a gun store in Oktaha, Oklahoma that recently declared itself "Muslim free" accidentally shot himself at the store on Tuesday, according to local reports.

 Click here

Business/Tech News

Monica Lewinsky? Really?
Peak Advisor Alliance founder Ron Carson has announced an unexpected name as keynote speaker at this year's Excell fall conference: Monica Lewinsky.
The choice, which came after Mr. Carson heard Ms. Lewinsky speak about cyberbullying and shame in a TED talk in March, has received mixed responses. 

NYC still hasn't tried Stop n' Frisk at Wall Street, and that's where all the real crime is. And most of the coke, too.- John Fugelsang


My 1st day in AHNC's New Executive Office Suite went fine. I am almost unpacked! Soon, I will post some pictures! Oh, and I killed a huge scorpion in my kitchen sink with bug spray, then I picked it up with tongs and took it outside and chopped it up with scissors. A Tica taught me to do that!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Perfect timing.
