Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trump: I would shut down government over Planned Parenthood


Trump: I would shut down government over Planned Parenthood
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Monday he believes Republicans should shut down the government rather than fund Planned Parenthood, the health services group that is facing scrutiny after undercover videos of its officials emerged.

GOP base: We were promised a pony -- that would deport and defund everything. And if we don't get it, we're voting for Trump.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam


Taliban In Turmoil
 A top Taliban official announced his resignation on Tuesday amid a growing leadership struggle in the Afghan insurgent movement after the news of the death of leader Mullah Mohammad Omar last week.

According to the poll, there is widespread fear that, if the GOP debate were to be viewed in foreign countries, the cost to the United States’ prestige around the world would be incalculable. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

That video of Ted Cruz cooking and eating bacon from the barrel of a machine gun makes me comfortable giving him access to the red button.- Warren Holstein

Subject: Planned Parenthood

Conservatives like to pretend they think rationally not emotionally
but the reality is all that “rational” thinking pretty much flies out the
window on anything related to abortion.
The controversy over Planned Parenthood is a prime example of this.
They’re incapable of separating their feelings about abortion from the facts
of what Planned Parenthood has been accused of.
The simple dispassionate fact of the matter is, if Planned Parenthood
is guilty of selling black market baby parts, then by the same logic, every
hospital and organization that handles organ donation is also guilty of
selling black market body parts and even whole bodies.

When someone donates an organ for transplant or medical research,
that organ doesn’t just magically appear at the final destination.
Someone has to deal with the gory details of getting it from point A to point B.
It can’t be just anyone and it can’t be by just any means.
These things have costs associated with them and we all know how much
conservatives hate the idea of “free stuff”, so someone has to pay those costs.

If conservatives think a price list for the handling of organ donation doesn’t exist then they’re being deliberately naïve.

The reality is, assuming they’re actually capable of thinking rationally and not emotionally,
is what was “uncovered” at Planned Parenthood is no different than the costs of handling any
other organ donation program.

Conservatives are just incapable of seeing that because they can’t see the facts through their
emotions over abortion.


Thanks for writing, Greg. Yeah, you're right, there is no middle ground with anti-abortionists, same with gun nuts, immigration, War on Christmas...etc....
The GOP mantra should be...God, Guns, Barefoot & Pregnant. 

Huckabee wants to use troops to stop women from having abortions. Your lips say freedom, but your ideas say fascism.- Tina Dupuy

Former Bush Official: Hack The Hackers
The U.S. government should deputize private companies to strike back against cyberattackers as a way to discourage widespread threats against the nation’s businesses, a former government official says.

Our analysis reveals that Obama's new "climate plan" calls for the burning of Bibles as a low-carbon energy source. - GOP Science Committee tweet

Rock The Voter News

There is such a thing as being too late on climate change, says Obama. RELATED: SC lowers Confederate Flag 150 years after end of Civil War.- The Daily Edge

California Burning
A wildfire that has devoured drought-parched terrain in northern California with remarkable speed raged on for a sixth day on Monday as evacuations expanded and firefighters began to gain some ground against the flames

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3-D Printed Pills On The Market
In a world first, the US Food and Drug Administration has given the go-ahead for a 3D-printed pill to be produced.
The FDA has previously approved medical devices - including prosthetics - that have been 3D printed.

Business/Tech News

Puerto Rico defaults on debt. Donald Trump proposes to solve debt crisis by "deporting all Puerto Ricans back to Mexico."- Tea Party Cat

Get The Frack Outta Here
Oklahoma regulators are imposing new restrictions on energy companies injecting wastewater underground, in the latest effort to stem a sharp increase in earthquakes.

The Egyptians stopped worshiping cats as Gods over 2000 years ago and nobody told the cats.- John Fugelsang ‏

Muhammad Ali helps talk a suicidal man off the ninth floor of a high-rise structure in Los Angeles, 1981.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A sea slug, Glaucus Atlanticus.


Monday, August 3, 2015

Koch warns conservatives must demand smaller government


Koch warns conservatives must demand smaller government
Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch warned America is "done for" if the conservative donors and politicians he gathered at a retreat over the weekend  don't rally others to their cause of demanding a smaller, less-intrusive government.

Conservatives don't really wanna get rid of Liberals.  Then who would fix their economies and end their wars? - Tea Pain Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

With the first debate just days away, GOP hopefuls are busy scrubbing their brains of math, science and geography.- Andy Borowitz

The Donald Would Quack Like A Duck If Waterboarded
Donald Trump opened the door to torturing terrorism suspects if he's elected president, telling ABC News Sunday that waterboarding "doesn't sound very severe" given the barbarism of ISIS.

My favorite Bible story was that time Jesus deported all the Samaritans, blessed the rich, and then lectured the poor for being lazy.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Rick Perry Trying To Out Trump Trump
Former Gov. Rick Perry‘s (R-TX) appearance on Fox News Sunday was dominated by Trump talk, as the Republican candidate has become known as the fiercest critic of the celebrity billionaire and his over-the-top rhetoric...“I will not be quiet,” Perry said on multiple occasions, “I will not back down,”...

The federally funded services Planned Parenthood offers prevent abortions, unlike Republicans.- LOLGOP

GOP Still Messing With Voting Rights, For A Good Reason, It Works!
When George W. Bush became the first person to lose the popular vote and still take the White House since 1888 — with huge assists from Jeb Bush, John Roberts, Ted Cruz, and the Supreme Court — it proved to conservatives that it was too easy to vote in America.

Rock The Voter News

Remember Darren Wilson? He Answers His Door Incognito.
A New Yorker profile of the police officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, Missouri revealed that he is living in virtual anonymity and is deeply incurious about the larger events around the killing and the unrest that it spawned.

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Is Chris Christie In The Mafia Or Politics?
A Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie said over the weekend that the national teachers union deserved a “punch in the face” because it had become the most destructive force in America’s education system.

WSJ poll confirms that the more racist, sexist, policy-free & hypocritical Trump gets, the more primary voters like him.  Any questions?- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Beijing to host 2022 Winter Olympics, which is possible since pollution will blot out the sun by then and plunge them into permanent winter.- Tea Party Cat

Obama Irritates Climate Deniers
The Obama administration unveiled a major climate change plan on Sunday aimed at a large reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the nation's coal-burning power plants. On Monday, President Barack Obama will begin selling it to the public at a White House event.

Puerto Rico Needs Tourism
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Most tables are empty at Walter Martin's coffee shop in San Juan's colonial district. His brow is furrowed with concern and glistens with sweat in the sweltering Caribbean morning.

The Internet manages to show how far Homo Sapiens have come while simultaneously showing how far they haven't. - John Fugelsang


A Big Thanks To Carl For The New Logo Design! I added a few of my touches. I hope ya'll like it!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Hidden Town of Monemvasia, Greece. Photo by the municipality of Monemvasia. Visit Greece and help them out of their debt!


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Huckabee Floats Plan To Deploy U.S. Troops To Stop Women From Getting Abortions


Huckabee Floats Plan To Deploy U.S. Troops To Stop Women From Getting Abortions
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said at a campaign stop on Thursday that he would consider sending federal troops or the Federal Bureau of Investigation to stop abortions.

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood announces they’ll provide erectile dysfunction pills and do prostate exams. House GOP votes to triple funding.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Scott Walker warned Iran that if he becomes president he may bomb them on Inauguration Day. And that’s if he’s in a good mood.- Will Durst

"A well unregulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Police at Stone Mountain Park in Georgia greeted hundreds of Confederate flag supporters — as well as armed militia members — at the popular park on Saturday, with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporting that traffic was backed up for miles this morning.

Actual quote from Jeb Bush about the debate: "I'll be showing up with my big boy pants on."
Anyone who uses the phrase "big boy pants" should be automatically disqualified for the Presidency.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

FROM 2014

While Donald Trump leads the Republican field by a wide margin right now, he seems to be unelectable. The same poll shows him losing to Hillary Clinton by 12 points. Losing to Joe Biden by 12 points. Losing by 8 points to Bernie Sanders. He's 5 points behind Bill Cosby.- Jimmy Kimmel

Ann Coulter Wants To Head Homeland Security
ICYMI: Ann Coulter is a huge fan of Donald Trump and his surge in the Republican primary polls. So much so that she appears to be angling for a position in his inevitable cabinet.

"Donald Trump's children released a statement this week calling their father a 'true visionary and a great mentor.' And Trump released a statement calling his kids 'suck-ups' and 'not the best.'" –Seth Meyers

You want a state that controls our bodies, where women are forced to have rapists' babies, where miscarriages are crimes. That's not America. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

You hear less about Hillary Clinton, she's not giving a lot of interviews because I think she's looking at everyone else who's running for president, and she's thinking, “If I keep my mouth shut, I think I've got this thing.”- Seth Myers

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GOP is a party with all Jokers and no Batman.- Tina Dupuy

Business/Tech News

Throughout much of The Bible God tends to solve his problems by smiting people. That's how we know He's a man.- John Fugelsang

The Results Of The Big Business Of Trophy Hunting
Cecil the lion's brother Jericho has been shot dead in Zimbabwe by illegal hunters, a local conservation group said Saturday.
"It is with huge disgust and sadness that we have just been informed that Jericho, Cecil's brother has been killed at 4pm today," Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, said in a statement. "We are absolutely heartbroken

Hillary also said today that her greatest strength is her passionate commitment to helping people. For instance, there was that time in 2008 when she helped a young black man from Chicago become president.- Seth Myers



Odd News

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Europe sparkling at night. Photo/NASA
