Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Patriot Act Effect

Republicans are at war with each other over the Patriot Act
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is digging in hard behind his insistence that we must extend NSA bulk metadata surveillance for ever…and ever…and ever…and ever — or at least until 2020. But now McConnell is running into opposition from multiple quarters: From a left-right alliance in the Senate that is determined to end bulk surveillance, and now, from House Republicans, too.

Weird. We survived for 225 years without the PATRIOT Act.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

You know a Bush brother is losing it on Iraq when he starts talking about how scary same-sex marriage is.- LOLGOP

Jeb Blames Obama 
During a tough campaign week focused on the Iraq War, former Gov. Jeb Bush shifted blame for problems there to President Barack Obama, saying that Obama’s actions helped hand the country over to Islamic State.

Watching the Republicans defend the Iraq War is almost as good as watching them actually fight one.- Kona Lowell

Republican Shenanigans

Turns our the Mark of the Beast in Revelation was health insurance and bakin' gay weddin' cakes.  Who knew? - TeaPartyPain Tweet

Imagine: A Highly Educated Country
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders wants to take from the rich in order to make public college tuition-free for everyone else.

On Tuesday, the Vermont senator will hold a press conference in the nation's capital at which he will introduce a plan to use a so-called Robin Hood tax on stock transactions to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities. 

Unsuccessful presidential candidates should be forced to spend the next four years in a minimum wage job. As a society we need a deterrent like this.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

It's just a shame @POTUS joined Twitter too late to live-tweet the Romney-Holyfield fight. - The Daily Edge

The Zimmerman Saga Continues
The Florida man charged with shooting George Zimmerman had a “fixation” with his target and recently spent time in a mental institution, police said.

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Amtrak's Locomotive Engineers Want Second Engineer At Controls
The union for Amtrak's locomotive engineers on Tuesday urged the railroad to put a second engineer at the controls of trains on the busy Northeast Corridor, where a derailment killed eight people and injured more than 200 others.

I just want to make sure that you're in a straight marriage, which has a 50% shot of ending in infidelity and divorce, because I have morals.- LOLGOP

Big Government Haters Under Big Government's Thumb
Texas lawmakers have made it clear you don’t mess with Texas when it comes to extracting fossil fuels. Even if you’re a Texan.
On Monday, Texas governor Greg Abbott signed legislation that prohibits cities across Texas from banning hydraulic fracturing from their home turf. 

Business/Tech News

Jesus disdained wealth, said help the poor, chased capitalists from the Temple & was obviously funded by George Soros.- John Fugelsang

Spy War Update
The U.S government charged three Chinese professors and three other Chinese nationals with economic espionage and stealing trade secrets from two companies that develop technology often used in military technologies, the Department of Justice said on Tuesday.

We had rain this morning and thunderstorms last night. That doesn't happen much here in L.A. You could hear people screaming. We are so scared of rain here, you would think it had gluten in it.- Jimmy Kimmel



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Death Valley National Park- California. Photography by Ghenadie Shatov

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lindsey Graham: 'I am running because the world is falling apart

Lindsey Graham: 'I am running because the world is falling apart
Lindsey Graham says he is running for president.
While the Republican senator will make his official announcement June 1 in his hometown of Central, South Carolina, he made his intentions clear during an interview on “CBS This Morning” Monday.

Lindsey Graham's jokes are hard to discern from his actual beliefs , which are jokes.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

9 gang members dead in Waco shootout. But don't worry, none were wearing hoodies.- Kona Lowell

Lindsey Graham Would Drone Potential ISIS Recruits In USA
At the Lincoln Day Dinner dinner in Des Moines Saturday night, Senator and probable 2016 candidate Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he would have no problem droning potential ISIS recruits, and was so excited to do so he reckoned he might could skip the whole due process part.

The fear that America will invade and give people health insurance is very real in Texas.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?"- John Fugelsang

Racism Is Alive And Well In Bama!
A prominent attorney and former lawmaker in Alabama is receiving death threats after removing confederate flags from city property last week, 

Knowing what we know now, Jeb Bush says he also would've ignored intelligence that Osama Bin Laden was planning to attack the US.- Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump would never invade a country, unless it's to find a younger wife.- LOLGOP

Karl Rove Is Alive And Kicking
Fox News contributor Karl Rove awkwardly tried to evade his history of failing to disclose his financial and political interests in the 2014 Senate races he repeatedly discussed on Fox News Sunday, calling himself a pundit, "not a journalist."

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Business owners have the right to choose whether to serve a gay couple, but women don’t have the right to choose what’s in their uterus. - Tea Party Cat

The Only Upside Of Global Warming Is That Deodorant Manufacturing Will Increase 
The combination of global warming and shifting population means that by mid-century, there will be a huge increase in the number of Americans sweating through days that are extremely hot, a new study says.

Bill Clinton has been paid millions to speak. I'm guessing George Bush has been paid millions not to. - Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

Amtrak Can Only Be Sued For $200 Million
For the first time, Amtrak could face a $200 million payout to train crash victims — the limit set by Congress. But that may be too low to cover the costs of the eight lives lost and more than 200 people injured in last week's derailment in Philadelphia.

Knowing what they know now, would other networks have followed suit so quickly when George Bush's cousin at Fox News claimed he won Florida?- The Daily Edge



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Circus Tree: Six individual sycamore trees were shaped, bent, and braided to form this masterpiece.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Jeb Bush: Asking 'Hypothetical' Questions About Iraq 'Does a Disservice' To Dead American Soldiers

Jeb Bush: Asking 'Hypothetical' Questions About Iraq 'Does a Disservice' To Dead American Soldiers
The likely Republican presidential candidate explained his position on the Iraq war at a town hall meeting in Nevada.

Jeb Bush had a bad week the same way Lehman Brothers had a bad 2008.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Jeb Bush says invading Iraq was a mistake based on “faulty intelligence”, which is a fancy way of calling George W. Bush dumb.- Tea Party Cat

Meanwhile, Back To The Israeli/Palestinian Peace Plan
 U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday he continues to believe a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians was "absolutely vital" for achieving Middle East peace.

The GOP plan is always the same: Let people die and blame Obama. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Knowing what we know now, Jeb Bush says he wouldn’t invade Iraq, but he’d still throw Florida to W, which is pretty much invading Iraq.- Tea Party Cat

The Shutdown Is Coming. The Shutdown Is Coming.
Gov. Rick Scott is asking agency heads to list only their critical needs as the Legislature prepares to hold a special session over the state budget.
Scott sent the letter to agency heads Thursday and told them to prepare in case the budget impasse results in state government shutting down July 1.

Republicans are afraid of what they don't understand.
And black guys.- Republican Jesus

Racism: Florida Style
An International Drive pub owner was arrested last weekend after holding a young black couple at gunpoint and making racist comments while threatening to shoot them, Orlando police records show.

Rock The Voter News

"A new report reveals that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie spent over $82,000 on food at NFL games. Christie said, 'Hey, both of those games went into overtime.'" –Conan O'Brien

"The White House is testing out new spikes that would make it difficult to jump the fence. So if you're wondering what kind of cutting-edge technology the Secret Service is using to protect the president, it's spikes. I think someone saw an episode of 'Game of Thrones.'" –Seth Meyers

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More Science For The GOP To Ignore
The last intact section of one of Antarctica's mammoth ice shelves is weakening fast and will likely disintegrate completely in the next few years, contributing further to rising sea levels, according to a NASA study released on Thursday.

"The White House encouraged Tom Brady to be more of a role model. They would've said more, but there was a drunken Secret Service agent streaking across the Rose Garden." –Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

"Senate Democrats blocked President Obama's trade bill yesterday because they're worried it could hurt jobs. It's not an issue for Republicans, since they've all found work as presidential candidates." –Jimmy Fallon

House Passes Defense Bill. Well, Of Course They Did. 
The House on Friday passed a sweeping annual defense policy bill that became a flashpoint this year in a larger dispute between the White House and congressional Republicans over federal spending.

I've created a toilet paper roll dispenser that's mounted 6 ft high on the bathroom wall for people who live with kittens. - John Fugelsang


Yes, yes there are people out there!. Ramesh and Stephen are out there!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A 19-year-old Theodore Roosevelt during his freshman year at Harvard, 1877.
